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using System;
using ZeroLevel.ML.LocationMath;
namespace ZeroLevel.ML.Models
public sealed class GeoPoint
/// <summary>
/// latitude in degrees
/// </summary>
public double Latitude { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// longitude in degrees
/// </summary>
public double Longitude { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// altitude in meters
/// </summary>
public double Altditude { get; private set; }
public GeoPoint(double lat, double lon)
Latitude = GeoMath.wrap90(lat);
Longitude = GeoMath.wrap180(lon);
Altditude = 0;
public GeoPoint(double lat, double lon, double alt)
Latitude = GeoMath.wrap90(lat);
Longitude = GeoMath.wrap180(lon);
Altditude = alt;
public double RadLatitude => GeoMath.toRadians(Latitude);
public double RadLongitude => GeoMath.toRadians(Longitude);
public GeoPoint CalculateDestinationPoint(double distance, double heading)
distance /= EarthRadiusMath.CalculateEarthRadius(Longitude);
heading = GeoMath.toRadians(heading);
double fromLat = RadLatitude;
double fromLng = RadLongitude;
double cosDistance = Math.Cos(distance);
double sinDistance = Math.Sin(distance);
double sinFromLat = Math.Sin(fromLat);
double cosFromLat = Math.Cos(fromLat);
double sinLat = cosDistance * sinFromLat + sinDistance * cosFromLat * Math.Cos(heading);
double dLng = Math.Atan2(sinDistance * cosFromLat * Math.Sin(heading), cosDistance - sinFromLat * sinLat);
return new GeoPoint(GeoMath.toDegree(Math.Asin(sinLat)), GeoMath.toDegree(fromLng + dLng));
public double DistanceToPoint(GeoPoint target)
var earthRadius = EarthRadiusMath.CalculateEarthRadius(target.Longitude);
var dLat = GeoMath.toRadians(target.Latitude - Latitude);
var dLon = GeoMath.toRadians(target.Longitude - Longitude);
var a = Math.Sin(dLat / 2) * Math.Sin(dLat / 2) + Math.Cos(RadLatitude) * Math.Cos(target.RadLatitude) * Math.Sin(dLon / 2) * Math.Sin(dLon / 2);
var c = 2 * Math.Asin(Math.Min(1, Math.Sqrt(a)));
var d = earthRadius * c;
return d;
public GeoPoint ShortDistanceMidpointTo(GeoPoint point)
var lat = 0.5 * (Latitude + point.Latitude);
var lon = 0.5 * (Longitude + point.Longitude);
var alt = 0.5 * (Altditude + point.Altditude);
return new GeoPoint(lat, lon, alt);
public GeoPoint MidpointTo(GeoPoint point)
var φ1 = RadLatitude;
var λ1 = RadLongitude;
var φ2 = point.RadLatitude;
var Δλ = GeoMath.toRadians(GeoMath.DiffLongitude(point.Longitude, Longitude));
var A = new Point3D(x: Math.Cos(φ1), y: 0, z: Math.Sin(φ1));
var B = new Point3D(x: Math.Cos(φ2) * Math.Cos(Δλ), y: Math.Cos(φ2) * Math.Sin(Δλ), z: Math.Sin(φ2));
var C = new Point3D(x: A.x + B.x, y: A.y + B.y, z: A.z + B.z);
var φm = Math.Atan2(C.z, Math.Sqrt(C.x * C.x + C.y * C.y));
var λm = λ1 + Math.Atan2(C.y, C.x);
var alt = 0.5 * (Altditude + point.Altditude);
return new GeoPoint(GeoMath.toDegree(φm), GeoMath.toDegree(λm), alt);
public double GetBearing(GeoPoint p2)
var latitude1 = RadLatitude;
var latitude2 = p2.RadLatitude;
var longitudeDifference = GeoMath.toRadians(p2.Longitude - Longitude);
var y = Math.Sin(longitudeDifference) * Math.Cos(latitude2);
var x = Math.Cos(latitude1) * Math.Sin(latitude2) - Math.Sin(latitude1) * Math.Cos(latitude2) * Math.Cos(longitudeDifference);
return (GeoMath.toDegree(Math.Atan2(y, x)) + 360) % 360;
public double crossTrackDistanceTo(GeoPoint pathStart, GeoPoint pathEnd)
var R = EarthRadiusMath.CalculateEarthRadius(this);
var δ13 = pathStart.DistanceToPoint(this) / R;
var θ13 = GeoMath.toRadians(pathStart.GetBearing(this));
var θ12 = GeoMath.toRadians(pathStart.GetBearing(pathEnd));
var δxt = Math.Asin(Math.Sin(δ13) * Math.Sin(θ13 - θ12));
return δxt * R;

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