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extern alias CoreDrawing;
using System;
using ZeroLevel.ML.DNN.Models;
namespace ZeroLevel.ML.Services
internal sealed class ImageRegionReader
private readonly CoreDrawing.System.Drawing.Imaging.BitmapData _bitmapData;
private readonly RegionInfo _regionInfo;
public int TensorIndex => _regionInfo.Index;
public int X => _regionInfo.X;
public int Y => _regionInfo.Y;
public ImageRegionReader(CoreDrawing.System.Drawing.Imaging.BitmapData bitmapData, RegionInfo regionInfo)
_bitmapData = bitmapData;
_regionInfo = regionInfo;
/// <summary>
/// dx, dy, r, g, b
/// </summary>
/// <param name="handler"></param>
public void Read(Action<int, int, int, int, int> handler)
throw new NotImplementedException();
var cropSizeX = _regionInfo.CropSizeX;
var cropSizeY = _regionInfo.CropSizeY;
var right = _regionInfo.X + _regionInfo.CropSizeX;
if (right > _bitmapData.Width)
cropSizeX = _bitmapData.Width - _regionInfo.X;
var bottom = _regionInfo.Y + _regionInfo.CropSizeY;
if (bottom > _bitmapData.Height)
cropSizeY = _bitmapData.Height - _regionInfo.Y;
byte* scan0 = (byte*)_bitmapData.Scan0.ToPointer();
for (var dy = 0; dy < cropSizeY; dy++)
byte* row = scan0 + (_regionInfo.Y + dy + 0) * _regionInfo.Stride;
for (var dx = 0; dx < cropSizeX; dx++)
int bIndex = (dx + _regionInfo.X) * _regionInfo.BytesPerPixel;
int gIndex = bIndex + 1;
int rIndex = bIndex + 2;
int b = row[rIndex];
int g = row[gIndex];
int r = row[bIndex];
handler.Invoke(dx, dy, r, g, b);
public void FillTensor(TensorPoolItem tensor)
var cropSizeX = _regionInfo.CropSizeX;
var cropSizeY = _regionInfo.CropSizeY;
var right = _regionInfo.X + _regionInfo.CropSizeX;
if (right > _bitmapData.Width)
cropSizeX = _bitmapData.Width - _regionInfo.X;
var bottom = _regionInfo.Y + _regionInfo.CropSizeY;
if (bottom > _bitmapData.Height)
cropSizeY = _bitmapData.Height - _regionInfo.Y;
byte* scan0 = (byte*)_bitmapData.Scan0.ToPointer();
var x_l = ((int)Math.Ceiling((double)(cropSizeX / 8))) * 8;
var y_l = ((int)Math.Ceiling((double)(cropSizeY / 8))) * 8;
int idx;
for (var dy = 0; dy < cropSizeY; dy++)
byte* row = scan0 + (_regionInfo.Y + dy + 0) * _regionInfo.Stride;
for (var dx = 0; dx < x_l; dx += 8)
idx = (0 + dx + _regionInfo.X) * _regionInfo.BytesPerPixel;
tensor.Tensor[tensor.TensorIndex, 0, dx + 0, dy] = row[idx + 0];
tensor.Tensor[tensor.TensorIndex, 1, dx + 0, dy] = row[idx + 1];
tensor.Tensor[tensor.TensorIndex, 2, dx + 0, dy] = row[idx + 2];
idx = (1 + dx + _regionInfo.X) * _regionInfo.BytesPerPixel;
tensor.Tensor[tensor.TensorIndex, 0, dx + 1, dy] = row[idx + 0];
tensor.Tensor[tensor.TensorIndex, 1, dx + 1, dy] = row[idx + 1];
tensor.Tensor[tensor.TensorIndex, 2, dx + 1, dy] = row[idx + 2];
idx = (2 + dx + _regionInfo.X) * _regionInfo.BytesPerPixel;
tensor.Tensor[tensor.TensorIndex, 0, dx + 2, dy] = row[idx + 0];
tensor.Tensor[tensor.TensorIndex, 1, dx + 2, dy] = row[idx + 1];
tensor.Tensor[tensor.TensorIndex, 2, dx + 2, dy] = row[idx + 2];
idx = (3 + dx + _regionInfo.X) * _regionInfo.BytesPerPixel;
tensor.Tensor[tensor.TensorIndex, 0, dx + 3, dy] = row[idx + 0];
tensor.Tensor[tensor.TensorIndex, 1, dx + 3, dy] = row[idx + 1];
tensor.Tensor[tensor.TensorIndex, 2, dx + 3, dy] = row[idx + 2];
idx = (4 + dx + _regionInfo.X) * _regionInfo.BytesPerPixel;
tensor.Tensor[tensor.TensorIndex, 0, dx + 4, dy] = row[idx + 0];
tensor.Tensor[tensor.TensorIndex, 1, dx + 4, dy] = row[idx + 1];
tensor.Tensor[tensor.TensorIndex, 2, dx + 4, dy] = row[idx + 2];
idx = (5 + dx + _regionInfo.X) * _regionInfo.BytesPerPixel;
tensor.Tensor[tensor.TensorIndex, 0, dx + 5, dy] = row[idx + 0];
tensor.Tensor[tensor.TensorIndex, 1, dx + 5, dy] = row[idx + 1];
tensor.Tensor[tensor.TensorIndex, 2, dx + 5, dy] = row[idx + 2];
idx = (6 + dx + _regionInfo.X) * _regionInfo.BytesPerPixel;
tensor.Tensor[tensor.TensorIndex, 0, dx + 6, dy] = row[idx + 0];
tensor.Tensor[tensor.TensorIndex, 1, dx + 6, dy] = row[idx + 1];
tensor.Tensor[tensor.TensorIndex, 2, dx + 6, dy] = row[idx + 2];
idx = (7 + dx + _regionInfo.X) * _regionInfo.BytesPerPixel;
tensor.Tensor[tensor.TensorIndex, 0, dx + 7, dy] = row[idx + 0];
tensor.Tensor[tensor.TensorIndex, 1, dx + 7, dy] = row[idx + 1];
tensor.Tensor[tensor.TensorIndex, 2, dx + 7, dy] = row[idx + 2];
if (x_l < cropSizeX)
for(var dx = x_l; dx <= cropSizeX; dx++)
idx = (dx + _regionInfo.X) * _regionInfo.BytesPerPixel;
tensor.Tensor[tensor.TensorIndex, 0, dx, dy] = row[idx + 0];
tensor.Tensor[tensor.TensorIndex, 1, dx, dy] = row[idx + 1];
tensor.Tensor[tensor.TensorIndex, 2, dx, dy] = row[idx + 2];

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