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using Microsoft.ML.OnnxRuntime.Tensors;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using ZeroLevel.ML.DNN.Models;
namespace ZeroLevel.ML.DNN.Detectors
public class FastestDetDetector
: SSDNN, IObjectDetector
private const float SIZE = 640;
public FastestDetDetector(string modelPath, int deviceId)
: base(modelPath, deviceId)
public float RNorm(float x) => ImageConverter.StandartNormalizator(x);
public float BNorm(float x) => ImageConverter.StandartNormalizator(x);
public float GNorm(float x) => ImageConverter.StandartNormalizator(x);
private static double sigmoid(double x)
return 1d / (1d + Math.Exp(-x));
private static double tanh(double x)
return 2d / (1d + Math.Exp(-2d * x)) - 1d;
public List<YoloPrediction> Predict(FastTensorPool inputs, float threshold)
var result = new List<YoloPrediction>();
var relative_koef_x = 1.0f / inputs.Width;
var relative_koef_y = 1.0f / inputs.Height;
Extract(new Dictionary<string, Tensor<float>> { { "images", inputs.Tensor } }, d =>
var output = d.First().Value;
var feature_map_height = output.Dimensions[2];
var feature_map_width = output.Dimensions[3];
for (int tensorIndex = 0; tensorIndex < inputs.TensorSize; tensorIndex++)
var tensor = inputs.GetTensor(tensorIndex);
for (int h = 0; h < feature_map_height; h++)
for (int w = 0; w < feature_map_width; w++)
var obj_score = output[tensorIndex, 0, h, w];
var cls_score = output[tensorIndex, 5, h, w];
var score = Math.Pow(obj_score, 0.6) * Math.Pow(cls_score, 0.4);
if (score > threshold)
var x_offset = tanh(output[tensorIndex, 1, h, w]);
var y_offset = tanh(output[tensorIndex, 2, h, w]);
var box_width = sigmoid(output[tensorIndex, 3, h, w]) * SIZE;
var box_height = sigmoid(output[tensorIndex, 4, h, w]) * SIZE;
var box_cx = ((w + x_offset) / feature_map_width) * SIZE + tensor.StartX;
var box_cy = ((h + y_offset) / feature_map_height) * SIZE + tensor.StartY;
result.Add(new YoloPrediction
Cx = (float)box_cx * relative_koef_x,
Cy = (float)box_cy * relative_koef_y,
W = (float)box_width * relative_koef_x,
H = (float)box_height * relative_koef_y,
Class = 0,
Score = (float)score
return result;

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