You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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using System.Collections.Generic;
using ZeroLevel.Models;
using ZeroLevel.Network;
using ZeroLevel.Services.Applications;
namespace ZeroLevel.Discovery
public sealed class DiscoveryService
: BaseZeroService
private IExService _exInbox;
public DiscoveryService()
: base("Discovery")
protected override void StartAction()
var routeTable = new RouteTable();
var socketPort = Configuration.Default.First<int>("socketport");
_exInbox = ExchangeTransportFactory.GetServer(socketPort);
_exInbox.RegisterInbox<IEnumerable<ServiceEndpointsInfo>>("services", (_, __) => routeTable.Get());
_exInbox.RegisterInbox<ExServiceInfo, InvokeResult>("register", (info, _, client) => routeTable.Append(info, client));
Log.Info($"TCP server started {_exInbox.Endpoint.Address}:{socketPort}");
protected override void StopAction()

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