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3 years ago
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using ZeroLevel.Services.Serialization;
3 years ago
namespace ZeroLevel.HNSW
internal sealed class CompactBiDirectionalLinksSet
: IBinarySerializable, IDisposable
3 years ago
private readonly ReaderWriterLockSlim _rwLock = new ReaderWriterLockSlim();
private const int HALF_LONG_BITS = 32;
private SortedList<long, float> _set = new SortedList<long, float>();
internal SortedList<long, float> Links => _set;
internal (int, int) this[int index]
3 years ago
var k = _set.Keys[index];
var id1 = (int)(k >> HALF_LONG_BITS);
var id2 = (int)(k - (((long)id1) << HALF_LONG_BITS));
return (id1, id2);
3 years ago
internal int Count => _set.Count;
3 years ago
internal IEnumerable<(int, int, float)> FindLinksForId(int id)
3 years ago
if (_set.Count == 1)
3 years ago
var k = _set.Keys[0];
var v = _set[k];
3 years ago
var id1 = (int)(k >> HALF_LONG_BITS);
var id2 = (int)(k - (((long)id1) << HALF_LONG_BITS));
if (id1 == id) yield return (id, id2, v);
else if (id2 == id) yield return (id1, id, v);
else if (_set.Count > 1)
foreach (var (k, v) in Search(_set, id))
var id1 = (int)(k >> HALF_LONG_BITS);
var id2 = (int)(k - (((long)id1) << HALF_LONG_BITS));
yield return (id1, id2, v);
3 years ago
internal IEnumerable<(int, int, float)> Items()
3 years ago
foreach (var pair in _set)
var id1 = (int)(pair.Key >> HALF_LONG_BITS);
var id2 = (int)(pair.Key - (((long)id1) << HALF_LONG_BITS));
yield return (id1, id2, pair.Value);
internal void RemoveIndex(int id1, int id2)
long k1 = (((long)(id1)) << HALF_LONG_BITS) + id2;
long k2 = (((long)(id2)) << HALF_LONG_BITS) + id1;
if (_set.ContainsKey(k1))
if (_set.ContainsKey(k2))
internal bool Add(int id1, int id2, float distance)
3 years ago
long k1 = (((long)(id1)) << HALF_LONG_BITS) + id2;
long k2 = (((long)(id2)) << HALF_LONG_BITS) + id1;
if (_set.ContainsKey(k1) == false)
_set.Add(k1, distance);
if (k1 != k2)
_set.Add(k2, distance);
return true;
return false;
function binary_search(A, n, T) is
L := 0
R := n 1
while L R do
m := floor((L + R) / 2)
if A[m] < T then
L := m + 1
else if A[m] > T then
R := m 1
return m
return unsuccessful
private static IEnumerable<(long, float)> Search(SortedList<long, float> set, int index)
3 years ago
long k = ((long)index) << HALF_LONG_BITS; // T
3 years ago
int left = 0;
int right = set.Count - 1;
int mid;
long test;
while (left <= right)
3 years ago
mid = (int)Math.Floor((right + left) / 2d);
test = (set.Keys[mid] >> HALF_LONG_BITS) << HALF_LONG_BITS; // A[m]
3 years ago
if (test < k)
3 years ago
left = mid + 1;
3 years ago
else if (test > k)
3 years ago
right = mid - 1;
3 years ago
return SearchByPosition(set, k, mid);
3 years ago
return Enumerable.Empty<(long, float)>();
private static IEnumerable<(long, float)> SearchByPosition(SortedList<long, float> set, long k, int position)
3 years ago
var start = position;
var end = position;
} while (position >= 0 && ((set.Keys[position] >> HALF_LONG_BITS) << HALF_LONG_BITS) == k);
start = position + 1;
position = end + 1;
while (position < set.Count && ((set.Keys[position] >> HALF_LONG_BITS) << HALF_LONG_BITS) == k)
end = position - 1;
for (int i = start; i <= end; i++)
yield return (set.Keys[i], set.Values[i]);
public Histogram CalculateHistogram(HistogramMode mode)
return new Histogram(mode, _set.Values);
internal float Distance(int id1, int id2)
long k = (((long)(id1)) << HALF_LONG_BITS) + id2;
if (_set.ContainsKey(k))
return _set[k];
return float.MaxValue;
3 years ago
public void Dispose()
_set = null;
public void Serialize(IBinaryWriter writer)
writer.WriteBoolean(true); // true - set with weights
foreach (var record in _set)
public void Deserialize(IBinaryReader reader)
if (reader.ReadBoolean() == false)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Incompatible data format. The set does not contain weights.");
_set = null;
var count = reader.ReadInt32();
_set = new SortedList<long, float>(count + 1);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
var key = reader.ReadLong();
var value = reader.ReadFloat();
_set.Add(key, value);
3 years ago

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