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3 years ago
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace ZeroLevel.HNSW
public class SmallWorld<TItem>
private readonly NSWOptions<TItem> _options;
private readonly VectorSet<TItem> _vectors;
private readonly Layer<TItem>[] _layers;
private Layer<TItem> EnterPointsLayer => _layers[_layers.Length - 1];
private Layer<TItem> LastLayer => _layers[0];
public SmallWorld(NSWOptions<TItem> options)
_options = options;
_vectors = new VectorSet<TItem>();
_layers = new Layer<TItem>[_options.LayersCount];
for (int i = 0; i < _options.LayersCount; i++)
_layers[i] = new Layer<TItem>(_options, _vectors);
public IEnumerable<(int, TItem[])> Search(TItem vector, int k, HashSet<int> activeNodes = null)
return Enumerable.Empty<(int, TItem[])>();
public int[] AddItems(IEnumerable<TItem> vectors)
var insert = vectors.ToArray();
var ids = new int[insert.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < insert.Length; i++)
var item = insert[i];
ids[i] = Insert(item);
return ids;
public int Insert(TItem item)
var id = _vectors.Append(item);
return id;
/// <summary>
/// Algorithm 1
/// </summary>
/// <param name="q">new element</param>
public void INSERT(int q)
// W ← ∅ // list for the currently found nearest elements
IDictionary<int, float> W;
// ep ← get enter point for hnsw
var ep = EnterPointsLayer.GetEntryPointFor(q);
// L ← level of ep // top layer for hnsw
var L = _layers.Length - 1;
// l ← ⌊-ln(unif(0..1))∙mL⌋ // new elements level
int l = DefaultRandomGenerator.Instance.Next(0, _options.LayersCount - 1);
// for lc ← L … l+1
for (int lc = L; lc > l; lc--)
// W ← SEARCH-LAYER(q, ep, ef = 1, lc)
W = _layers[lc].SEARCH_LAYER(q, ep, 1);
// ep ← get the nearest element from W to q
ep = W.OrderBy(p => p.Value).First().Key;
//for lc ← min(L, l) … 0
for (int lc = Math.Min(L, l); lc >= 0; lc--)
// W ← SEARCH - LAYER(q, ep, efConstruction, lc)
W = _layers[lc].SEARCH_LAYER(q, ep, _options.EFConstruction);
// neighbors ← SELECT-NEIGHBORS(q, W, M, lc) // alg. 3 or alg. 4
var neighbors = _layers[lc].SELECT_NEIGHBORS_SIMPLE(q, W);
// add bidirectionall connectionts from neighbors to q at layer lc
// for each e ∈ neighbors // shrink connections if needed
foreach (var e in neighbors)
// eConn ← neighbourhood(e) at layer lc
_layers[lc].AddBidirectionallConnectionts(q, e.Key, e.Value);
// ep ← W
ep = W.OrderBy(p => p.Value).First().Key;
// if l > L
// set enter point for hnsw to q
/// <summary>
/// Algorithm 5
/// </summary>
/// <param name="q">query element</param>
/// <param name="K">number of nearest neighbors to return</param>
/// <returns>: K nearest elements to q</returns>
public IList<int> K_NN_SEARCH(int q, int K)
// W ← ∅ // set for the current nearest elements
IDictionary<int, float> W;
// ep ← get enter point for hnsw
var ep = EnterPointsLayer.GetEntryPointFor(q);
// L ← level of ep // top layer for hnsw
var L = _options.LayersCount - 1;
// for lc ← L … 1
for (var lc = L; lc > 0; lc--)
// W ← SEARCH-LAYER(q, ep, ef = 1, lc)
W = _layers[lc].SEARCH_LAYER(q, ep, 1);
// ep ← get nearest element from W to q
ep = W.OrderBy(p => p.Value).First().Key;
// W ← SEARCH-LAYER(q, ep, ef, lc =0)
W = LastLayer.SEARCH_LAYER(q, ep, _options.EF);
// return K nearest elements from W to q
return W.OrderBy(p => p.Value).Take(K).Select(p => p.Key).ToList();

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