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using Microsoft.ML.OnnxRuntime.Tensors;
using SixLabors.ImageSharp;
using SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats;
using SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing;
using ZeroLevel.NN.Models;
namespace ZeroLevel.NN
public static class ImagePreprocessor
private static Func<byte, int, float> PixelToTensorMethod(ImagePreprocessorOptions options)
if (options.Normalize)
if (options.Correction)
if (options.CorrectionFunc == null)
return new Func<byte, int, float>((b, i) => ((options.NormalizationMultiplier * (float)b) - options.Mean[i]) / options.Std[i]);
return new Func<byte, int, float>((b, i) => options.CorrectionFunc.Invoke(i, options.NormalizationMultiplier * (float)b));
return new Func<byte, int, float>((b, i) => options.NormalizationMultiplier * (float)b);
else if (options.Correction)
if (options.CorrectionFunc == null)
return new Func<byte, int, float>((b, i) => (((float)b) - options.Mean[i]) / options.Std[i]);
return new Func<byte, int, float>((b, i) => options.CorrectionFunc.Invoke(i, (float)b));
return new Func<byte, int, float>((b, _) => (float)b);
private static int CalculateFragmentsCount(Image image, ImagePreprocessorOptions options)
int count = 0;
var xs = options.Crop.Overlap ? (int)(options.Crop.Width * options.Crop.OverlapKoefWidth) : options.Crop.Width;
var ys = options.Crop.Overlap ? (int)(options.Crop.Height * options.Crop.OverlapKoefHeight) : options.Crop.Height;
for (var x = 0; x < image.Width - xs; x += xs)
for (var y = 0; y < image.Height - ys; y += ys)
return count;
private static void FillTensor(Tensor<float> tensor, Image image, int index, ImagePreprocessorOptions options, Func<byte, int, float> pixToTensor)
var append = options.ChannelType == PredictorChannelType.ChannelFirst
? new Action<Tensor<float>, float, int, int, int, int>((t, v, ind, c, i, j) => { t[ind, c, i, j] = v; })
: new Action<Tensor<float>, float, int, int, int, int>((t, v, ind, c, i, j) => { t[ind, i, j, c] = v; });
((Image<Rgb24>)image).ProcessPixelRows(pixels =>
if (options.InvertXY)
for (int y = 0; y < pixels.Height; y++)
Span<Rgb24> pixelSpan = pixels.GetRowSpan(y);
for (int x = 0; x < pixels.Width; x++)
if (options.BGR)
append(tensor, pixToTensor(pixelSpan[x].B, 0), index, 0, y, x);
append(tensor, pixToTensor(pixelSpan[x].G, 1), index, 1, y, x);
append(tensor, pixToTensor(pixelSpan[x].R, 2), index, 2, y, x);
append(tensor, pixToTensor(pixelSpan[x].R, 0), index, 0, y, x);
append(tensor, pixToTensor(pixelSpan[x].G, 1), index, 1, y, x);
append(tensor, pixToTensor(pixelSpan[x].B, 2), index, 2, y, x);
for (int y = 0; y < pixels.Height; y++)
Span<Rgb24> pixelSpan = pixels.GetRowSpan(y);
for (int x = 0; x < pixels.Width; x++)
if (options.BGR)
append(tensor, pixToTensor(pixelSpan[x].B, 0), index, 0, x, y);
append(tensor, pixToTensor(pixelSpan[x].G, 1), index, 1, x, y);
append(tensor, pixToTensor(pixelSpan[x].R, 2), index, 2, x, y);
append(tensor, pixToTensor(pixelSpan[x].R, 0), index, 0, x, y);
append(tensor, pixToTensor(pixelSpan[x].G, 1), index, 1, x, y);
append(tensor, pixToTensor(pixelSpan[x].B, 2), index, 2, x, y);
private static Tensor<float> InitInputTensor(ImagePreprocessorOptions options, int batchSize = 1)
switch (options.ChannelType)
case PredictorChannelType.ChannelFirst:
return options.InvertXY
? new DenseTensor<float>(new[] { batchSize, options.Channels, options.InputHeight, options.InputWidth })
: new DenseTensor<float>(new[] { batchSize, options.Channels, options.InputWidth, options.InputHeight });
return options.InvertXY
? new DenseTensor<float>(new[] { batchSize, options.InputHeight, options.InputWidth, options.Channels })
: new DenseTensor<float>(new[] { batchSize, options.InputWidth, options.InputHeight, options.Channels });
public static PredictionInput[] ToTensors(this Image image, ImagePreprocessorOptions options)
PredictionInput[] result = null;
var pixToTensor = PixelToTensorMethod(options);
options.Channels = image.PixelType.BitsPerPixel >> 3;
if (options.Crop.Enabled)
var fragments = CalculateFragmentsCount(image, options);
int count = CalculateFragmentsCount(image, options) + (options.Crop.SaveOriginal ? 1 : 0);
int offset = count % options.MaxBatchSize;
int count_tensors = count / options.MaxBatchSize + (offset == 0 ? 0 : 1);
var tensors = new PredictionInput[count_tensors];
for (int i = 0; i < count_tensors; i++)
if (i < count_tensors - 1)
tensors[i] = new PredictionInput
Tensor = InitInputTensor(options, options.MaxBatchSize),
Offsets = new OffsetBox[options.MaxBatchSize],
Count = options.MaxBatchSize
tensors[i] = new PredictionInput
Tensor = InitInputTensor(options, offset == 0 ? options.MaxBatchSize : offset),
Offsets = new OffsetBox[offset == 0 ? options.MaxBatchSize : offset],
Count = offset == 0 ? options.MaxBatchSize : offset
int tensor_index = 0;
int tensor_part_index = 0;
var xs = options.Crop.Overlap ? (int)(options.Crop.Width * options.Crop.OverlapKoefWidth) : options.Crop.Width;
var ys = options.Crop.Overlap ? (int)(options.Crop.Height * options.Crop.OverlapKoefHeight) : options.Crop.Height;
if (options.Crop.SaveOriginal)
using (var copy = image.Clone(img => img.Resize(options.InputWidth, options.InputHeight, KnownResamplers.Bicubic)))
FillTensor(tensors[tensor_index].Tensor, copy, tensor_part_index, options, pixToTensor);
tensors[tensor_index].Offsets[tensor_part_index] = new OffsetBox(0, 0, image.Width, image.Height);
for (var x = 0; x < image.Width - xs; x += xs)
var startx = x;
var dx = (x + options.Crop.Width) - image.Width;
if (dx > 0)
startx -= dx;
for (var y = 0; y < image.Height - ys; y += ys)
if (tensor_part_index > 0 && tensor_part_index % options.MaxBatchSize == 0)
tensor_part_index = 0;
var starty = y;
var dy = (y + options.Crop.Height) - image.Height;
if (dy > 0)
starty -= dy;
using (var copy = image
.Clone(img => img
.Crop(new Rectangle(startx, starty, options.Crop.Width, options.Crop.Height))
.Resize(options.InputWidth, options.InputHeight, KnownResamplers.Bicubic)))
FillTensor(tensors[tensor_index].Tensor, copy, tensor_part_index, options, pixToTensor);
tensors[tensor_index].Offsets[tensor_part_index] = new OffsetBox(startx, starty, options.Crop.Width, options.Crop.Height);
return tensors;
// if resize only
result = new PredictionInput[1];
using (var copy = image.Clone(img => img.Resize(options.InputWidth, options.InputHeight, KnownResamplers.Bicubic)))
Tensor<float> tensor = InitInputTensor(options);
FillTensor(tensor, copy, 0, options, pixToTensor);
result[0] = new PredictionInput { Count = 1, Offsets = null, Tensor = tensor };
return result;
public static Image Crop(Image source, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2)
int left = 0;
int right = 0;
int top = 0;
int bottom = 0;
int width = (int)(x2 - x1);
int height = (int)(y2 - y1);
if (x1 < 0) { left = (int)-x1; x1 = 0; }
if (x2 > source.Width) { right = (int)(x2 - source.Width); x2 = source.Width - 1; }
if (y1 < 0) { top = (int)-y1; y1 = 0; }
if (y2 > source.Height) { bottom = (int)(y2 - source.Height); y2 = source.Height - 1; }
if (left + right + top + bottom > 0)
var backgroundImage = new Image<Rgb24>(SixLabors.ImageSharp.Configuration.Default, width, height, new Rgb24(0, 0, 0));
using (var crop = source.Clone(img => img.Crop(new Rectangle((int)x1, (int)y1, (int)(x2 - x1), (int)(y2 - y1)))))
backgroundImage.Mutate(bg => bg.DrawImage(crop, new Point(left, top), 1f));
return backgroundImage;
return source.Clone(img => img.Crop(new Rectangle((int)x1, (int)y1, (int)(x2 - x1), (int)(y2 - y1))));

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