You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

707 lines
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using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Diagnostics;
using ZeroLevel;
using ZeroLevel.Collections;
using ZeroLevel.Services.FileSystem;
using ZeroLevel.Services.HashFunctions;
using ZeroLevel.Services.Memory;
2 years ago
using ZeroLevel.Services.PartitionStorage;
using ZeroLevel.Services.Serialization;
namespace PartitionFileStorageTest
public class StoreMetadata
public DateTime Date { get; set; }
internal class Program
// const int PAIRS_COUNT = 200_000_000;
const long PAIRS_COUNT = 10_000_000;
private class Metadata
public DateTime Date { get; set; }
const ulong num_base = 79770000000;
private static ulong Generate(Random r)
return num_base + (uint)r.Next(999999);
private static async Task FastTest(StoreOptions<ulong, ulong, byte[], Metadata> options)
var r = new Random(Environment.TickCount);
var store = new Store<ulong, ulong, byte[], Metadata>(options, new StoreSerializers<ulong, ulong, byte[]>(
async (w, n) => await w.WriteULongAsync(n),
async (w, n) => await w.WriteULongAsync(n),
2 years ago
async (w, n) => await w.WriteBytesAsync(n),
async (r) => { try { return new DeserializeResult<ulong>(true, await r.ReadULongAsync()); } catch { return new DeserializeResult<ulong>(false, 0); } },
async (r) => { try { return new DeserializeResult<ulong>(true, await r.ReadULongAsync()); } catch { return new DeserializeResult<ulong>(false, 0); } },
async (r) => { try { return new DeserializeResult<byte[]>(true, await r.ReadBytesAsync()); } catch { return new DeserializeResult<byte[]>(false, new byte[0]); } }));
var c1 = (ulong)(86438 * 128);
var c2 = (ulong)(83438 * 128);
var c3 = (ulong)(831238 * 128);
using (var storePart = store.CreateBuilder(new Metadata { Date = new DateTime(2022, 11, 08) }))
Console.WriteLine("Small test start");
await storePart.Store(c1, Generate(r));
await storePart.Store(c1, Generate(r));
await storePart.Store(c1, Generate(r));
await storePart.Store(c2, Generate(r));
await storePart.Store(c2, Generate(r));
await storePart.Store(c2, Generate(r));
await storePart.Store(c2, Generate(r));
await storePart.Store(c2, Generate(r));
await storePart.Store(c3, Generate(r));
await storePart.Store(c3, Generate(r));
await storePart.Store(c3, Generate(r));
await storePart.Compress();
using (var readPart = store.CreateAccessor(new Metadata { Date = new DateTime(2022, 11, 08) }))
await foreach (var kv in readPart.Iterate())
Console.WriteLine($"{kv.Key}: {kv.Value.Length}");
await readPart.RemoveKey(c1);
Console.WriteLine("Data after remove:");
await foreach (var kv in readPart.Iterate())
Console.WriteLine($"{kv.Key}: {kv.Value.Length}");
private static async Task FullStoreTest(StoreOptions<ulong, ulong, byte[], Metadata> options,
List<(ulong, ulong)> pairs)
var meta = new Metadata { Date = new DateTime(2022, 11, 08) };
var r = new Random(Environment.TickCount);
var store = new Store<ulong, ulong, byte[], Metadata>(options, new StoreSerializers<ulong, ulong, byte[]>(
async (w, n) => await w.WriteULongAsync(n),
async (w, n) => await w.WriteULongAsync(n),
2 years ago
async (w, n) => await w.WriteBytesAsync(n),
async (r) => { try { return new DeserializeResult<ulong>(true, await r.ReadULongAsync()); } catch { return new DeserializeResult<ulong>(false, 0); } },
async (r) => { try { return new DeserializeResult<ulong>(true, await r.ReadULongAsync()); } catch { return new DeserializeResult<ulong>(false, 0); } },
async (r) => { try { return new DeserializeResult<byte[]>(true, await r.ReadBytesAsync()); } catch { return new DeserializeResult<byte[]>(false, new byte[0]); } }));
var storePart = store.CreateBuilder(meta);
2 years ago
var sw = new Stopwatch();
var testKeys1 = new List<ulong>();
var testKeys2 = new List<ulong>();
var testData = new Dictionary<ulong, HashSet<ulong>>();
var insertCount = (int)(0.7 * pairs.Count);
for (int i = 0; i < insertCount; i++)
var key = pairs[i].Item1;
var val = pairs[i].Item2;
if (testData.ContainsKey(key) == false) testData[key] = new HashSet<ulong>();
await storePart.Store(key, val);
if (key % 717 == 0)
if (key % 117 == 0)
2 years ago
Log.Info($"Fill journal: {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms. Records writed: {storePart.TotalRecords}");
2 years ago
await storePart.Compress();
2 years ago
Log.Info($"Compress: {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms");
await storePart.RebuildIndex();
Log.Info($"Rebuild indexes: {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms");
Log.Info("Start merge test");
var merger = store.CreateMergeAccessor(meta, data => Compressor.DecodeBytesContent(data));
for (int i = insertCount; i < pairs.Count; i++)
var key = pairs[i].Item1;
var val = pairs[i].Item2;
if (testData.ContainsKey(key) == false) testData[key] = new HashSet<ulong>();
2 years ago
await merger.Store(key, val);
Log.Info($"Merge journal filled: {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms. New records merged: {merger.TotalRecords}");
2 years ago
await merger.Compress(); // auto reindex
Log.Info($"Compress after merge: {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms");
Log.Info("Test #1 reading");
var readPart = store.CreateAccessor(meta);
ulong totalData = 0;
ulong totalKeys = 0;
foreach (var key in testKeys1)
var result = readPart.Find(key).Result;
totalData += (ulong)(result.Value?.Length ?? 0);
Log.Info($"\t\tFound: {totalKeys} keys. {totalData} bytes");
totalData = 0;
totalKeys = 0;
Log.Info("Test #1 remove by keys");
for (int i = 0; i < testKeys1.Count; i++)
await readPart.RemoveKey(testKeys1[i], false);
await readPart.RebuildIndex();
Log.Info($"Rebuild indexes after remove: {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms");
Log.Info("Test #1 reading after remove");
foreach (var key in testKeys1)
var result = readPart.Find(key);
totalData += (ulong)(result.Result.Value?.Length ?? 0);
Log.Info($"\t\tFound: {totalKeys} keys. {totalData} bytes");
totalData = 0;
totalKeys = 0;
Log.Info("Test #2 reading");
foreach (var key in testKeys2)
var result = readPart.Find(key);
totalData += (ulong)(result.Result.Value?.Length ?? 0);
Log.Info($"\t\tFound: {totalKeys} keys. {totalData} bytes");
totalData = 0;
totalKeys = 0;
Log.Info("Test #2 remove keys batch");
await readPart.RemoveKeys(testKeys2);
Log.Info("Test #2 reading after remove");
foreach (var key in testKeys2)
var result = readPart.Find(key);
totalData += (ulong)(result.Result.Value?.Length ?? 0);
Log.Info($"\t\tFound: {totalKeys} keys. {totalData} bytes");
totalData = 0;
totalKeys = 0;
Log.Info("Iterator test");
await foreach (var kv in readPart.Iterate())
totalData += (ulong)(kv.Value?.Length ?? 0);
Log.Info($"\t\tFound: {totalKeys} keys. {totalData} bytes");
totalData = 0;
totalKeys = 0;
Log.Info("Test stored data");
foreach (var test in testData)
if (test.Value.Count > 0 && testKeys1.Contains(test.Key) == false && testKeys2.Contains(test.Key) == false)
var result = Compressor.DecodeBytesContent(readPart.Find(test.Key).Result.Value).ToHashSet();
if (test.Value.Count != result.Count)
2 years ago
Log.Info($"Key '{test.Key}' not found!");
foreach (var t in test.Value)
if (result.Contains(t) == false)
Log.Info($"Value '{t}' from test data missed in base");
2 years ago
private static IEnumerable<(ulong, ulong)> MassGenerator(long count)
var r = new Random(Environment.TickCount);
for (long i = 0; i < count; i++)
yield return (Generate(r), Generate(r));
private static async Task FullStoreMultithreadTest(StoreOptions<ulong, ulong, byte[], Metadata> options)
var meta = new Metadata { Date = new DateTime(2022, 11, 08) };
var r = new Random(Environment.TickCount);
var store = new Store<ulong, ulong, byte[], Metadata>(options, new StoreSerializers<ulong, ulong, byte[]>(
async (w, n) => await w.WriteULongAsync(n),
async (w, n) => await w.WriteULongAsync(n),
2 years ago
async (w, n) => await w.WriteBytesAsync(n),
async (r) => { try { return new DeserializeResult<ulong>(true, await r.ReadULongAsync()); } catch { return new DeserializeResult<ulong>(false, 0); } },
async (r) => { try { return new DeserializeResult<ulong>(true, await r.ReadULongAsync()); } catch { return new DeserializeResult<ulong>(false, 0); } },
async (r) => { try { return new DeserializeResult<byte[]>(true, await r.ReadBytesAsync()); } catch { return new DeserializeResult<byte[]>(false, new byte[0]); } }));
var sw = new Stopwatch();
var insertCount = (long)(0.7 * PAIRS_COUNT);
var testKeys1 = new ConcurrentBag<ulong>();
var testKeys2 = new ConcurrentBag<ulong>();
var parallelOptions = new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 24 };
var Keys = new ConcurrentHashSet<ulong>();
using (var storePart = store.CreateBuilder(meta))
Parallel.ForEach(MassGenerator((long)(0.7 * PAIRS_COUNT)), parallelOptions, pair =>
var key = pair.Item1;
var val = pair.Item2;
storePart.Store(key, val);
if (key % 717 == 0)
if (key % 117 == 0)
if (storePart.TotalRecords != insertCount)
Log.Error($"Count of stored record no equals expected. Recorded: {storePart.TotalRecords}. Expected: {insertCount}. Unique keys: {Keys.Count}");
Log.Info($"Fill journal: {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms");
await storePart.Compress();
Log.Info($"Compress: {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms");
await storePart.RebuildIndex();
Log.Info($"Rebuild indexes: {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms");
Log.Info("Start merge test");
using (var merger = store.CreateMergeAccessor(meta, data => Compressor.DecodeBytesContent(data)))
Parallel.ForEach(MassGenerator((long)(0.3 * PAIRS_COUNT)), parallelOptions, pair =>
var key = pair.Item1;
var val = pair.Item2;
merger.Store(key, val);
if (merger.TotalRecords != ((long)(0.3 * PAIRS_COUNT)))
Log.Error($"Count of stored record no equals expected. Recorded: {merger.TotalRecords}. Expected: {((long)(0.3 * PAIRS_COUNT))}");
Log.Info($"Merge journal filled: {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms. Total data count: {PAIRS_COUNT}. Unique keys: {Keys.Count}");
2 years ago
await merger.Compress(); // auto reindex
Log.Info($"Compress after merge: {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms");
ulong totalData = 0;
ulong totalKeys = 0;
var s = new HashSet<ulong>();
await foreach (var kv in store.Bypass(meta))
Log.Info($"Keys count: {s.Count}");
using (var readPart = store.CreateAccessor(meta))
Log.Info("Test #1 reading");
foreach (var key in testKeys1)
var result = readPart.Find(key);
totalData += (ulong)(result.Value?.Length ?? 0);
Log.Info($"\t\tFound: {totalKeys} keys. {totalData} bytes");
totalData = 0;
totalKeys = 0;
Log.Info("Test #1 remove by keys");
foreach (var key in testKeys1)
readPart.RemoveKey(key, false);
Log.Info($"Rebuild indexes after remove: {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms");
Log.Info("Test #1 reading after remove");
foreach (var key in testKeys1)
var result = readPart.Find(key);
totalData += (ulong)(result.Value?.Length ?? 0);
Log.Info($"\t\tFound: {totalKeys} keys. {totalData} bytes");
totalData = 0;
totalKeys = 0;
Log.Info("Test #2 reading");
foreach (var key in testKeys2)
var result = readPart.Find(key);
totalData += (ulong)(result.Result.Value?.Length ?? 0);
Log.Info($"\t\tFound: {totalKeys}/{Keys.Count} keys. {totalData} bytes");
totalData = 0;
totalKeys = 0;
Log.Info("Test #2 remove keys batch");
await readPart.RemoveKeys(testKeys2);
foreach (var k in testKeys2)
Log.Info("Test #2 reading after remove");
foreach (var key in testKeys2)
var result = readPart.Find(key);
totalData += (ulong)(result.Result.Value?.Length ?? 0);
Log.Info($"\t\tFound: {totalKeys} keys. {totalData} bytes");
totalData = 0;
totalKeys = 0;
Log.Info("Iterator test");
await foreach (var kv in readPart.Iterate())
totalData += (ulong)(kv.Value?.Length ?? 0);
Log.Info($"\t\tFound: {totalKeys}/{Keys.Count} keys. {totalData} bytes");
private static void FaultIndexTest(string filePath)
var serializer = new StoreSerializers<ulong, ulong, byte[]>(
async (w, n) => await w.WriteULongAsync(n),
async (w, n) => await w.WriteULongAsync(n),
2 years ago
async (w, n) => await w.WriteBytesAsync(n),
async (r) => { try { return new DeserializeResult<ulong>(true, await r.ReadULongAsync()); } catch { return new DeserializeResult<ulong>(false, 0); } },
async (r) => { try { return new DeserializeResult<ulong>(true, await r.ReadULongAsync()); } catch { return new DeserializeResult<ulong>(false, 0); } },
async (r) => { try { return new DeserializeResult<byte[]>(true, await r.ReadBytesAsync()); } catch { return new DeserializeResult<byte[]>(false, new byte[0]); } });
// 1 build index
var index = new Dictionary<ulong, long>();
using (var reader = new MemoryStreamReader(new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite, 4096 * 1024)))
var counter = 1;
while (reader.EOS == false)
var pos = reader.Position;
var kv = serializer.KeyDeserializer.Invoke(reader).Result;
var vv = serializer.ValueDeserializer.Invoke(reader).Result;
if (counter == 0)
index[kv.Value] = pos;
counter = 16;
// 2 Test index
var fileReader = new ParallelFileReader(filePath);
foreach (var pair in index)
var accessor = fileReader.GetAccessor(pair.Value);
using (var reader = new MemoryStreamReader(accessor))
var kv = serializer.KeyDeserializer.Invoke(reader).Result;
if (kv.Value != pair.Key)
Log.Warning("Broken index");
using (var reader = new MemoryStreamReader(new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite, 4096 * 1024)))
foreach (var pair in index)
reader.Stream.Seek(pair.Value, SeekOrigin.Begin);
var k = serializer.KeyDeserializer.Invoke(reader);
if (k != pair.Key)
Log.Warning("Broken index");
var v = serializer.ValueDeserializer.Invoke(reader);
2 years ago
private static void FaultUncompressedReadTest(string filePath)
var serializer = new StoreSerializers<ulong, ulong, byte[]>(
async (w, n) => await w.WriteULongAsync(n),
async (w, n) => await w.WriteULongAsync(n),
2 years ago
async (w, n) => await w.WriteBytesAsync(n),
async (r) => { try { return new DeserializeResult<ulong>(true, await r.ReadULongAsync()); } catch { return new DeserializeResult<ulong>(false, 0); } },
async (r) => { try { return new DeserializeResult<ulong>(true, await r.ReadULongAsync()); } catch { return new DeserializeResult<ulong>(false, 0); } },
async (r) => { try { return new DeserializeResult<byte[]>(true, await r.ReadBytesAsync()); } catch { return new DeserializeResult<byte[]>(false, new byte[0]); } });
2 years ago
// 1 build index
var dict = new Dictionary<ulong, HashSet<ulong>>();
using (var reader = new MemoryStreamReader(new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.None, 4096 * 1024)))
while (reader.EOS == false)
var key = serializer.KeyDeserializer.Invoke(reader).Result;
if (false == dict.ContainsKey(key.Value))
2 years ago
dict[key.Value] = new HashSet<ulong>();
2 years ago
if (reader.EOS)
var input = serializer.InputDeserializer.Invoke(reader).Result;
2 years ago
catch (Exception ex)
2 years ago
Log.Error(ex, "FaultUncompressedReadTest");
2 years ago
private static void FaultCompressionTest(string folder, StoreMetadata meta)
var options = new StoreOptions<string, ulong, byte[], StoreMetadata>
Index = new IndexOptions
Enabled = true,
StepType = IndexStepType.Step,
StepValue = 32,
EnableIndexInMemoryCachee = true
RootFolder = folder,
FilePartition = new StoreFilePartition<string, StoreMetadata>("Host hash", (key, _) => Math.Abs(StringHash.DotNetFullHash(key) % 367).ToString()),
MergeFunction = list =>
ulong s = 0;
return Compressor.GetEncodedBytes(list.OrderBy(c => c), ref s);
Partitions = new List<StoreCatalogPartition<StoreMetadata>>
new StoreCatalogPartition<StoreMetadata>("Date", m => m.Date.ToString("yyyyMMdd")),
KeyComparer = (left, right) => string.Compare(left, right, true),
ThreadSafeWriting = true
var store = new Store<string, ulong, byte[], StoreMetadata>(options, new StoreSerializers<string, ulong, byte[]>(
async (w, n) => await w.WriteStringAsync(n),
async (w, n) => await w.WriteULongAsync(n),
2 years ago
async (w, n) => await w.WriteBytesAsync(n),
async (r) => { try { return new DeserializeResult<string>(true, await r.ReadStringAsync()); } catch { return new DeserializeResult<string>(false, string.Empty); } },
async (r) => { try { return new DeserializeResult<ulong>(true, await r.ReadULongAsync()); } catch { return new DeserializeResult<ulong>(false, 0); } },
async (r) => { try { return new DeserializeResult<byte[]>(true, await r.ReadBytesAsync()); } catch { return new DeserializeResult<byte[]>(false, new byte[0]); } }));
var builder = store.CreateBuilder(meta);
static async Task Main(string[] args)
2 years ago
//FaultCompressionTest(@"F:\Desktop\DATKA\DNS", new StoreMetadata { Date = new DateTime(2023, 01, 20) });
var root = @"H:\temp";
var options = new StoreOptions<ulong, ulong, byte[], Metadata>
Index = new IndexOptions
Enabled = true,
StepType = IndexStepType.Step,
StepValue = 32,
2 years ago
EnableIndexInMemoryCachee = true
RootFolder = root,
FilePartition = new StoreFilePartition<ulong, Metadata>("Last three digits", (ctn, date) => (ctn % 128).ToString()),
MergeFunction = list =>
ulong s = 0;
return Compressor.GetEncodedBytes(list.OrderBy(c => c), ref s);
Partitions = new List<StoreCatalogPartition<Metadata>>
new StoreCatalogPartition<Metadata>("Date", m => m.Date.ToString("yyyyMMdd"))
KeyComparer = (left, right) => left == right ? 0 : (left < right) ? -1 : 1,
ThreadSafeWriting = false
var optionsMultiThread = new StoreOptions<ulong, ulong, byte[], Metadata>
Index = new IndexOptions
Enabled = true,
StepType = IndexStepType.Step,
StepValue = 32,
EnableIndexInMemoryCachee = true
RootFolder = root,
FilePartition = new StoreFilePartition<ulong, Metadata>("Last three digits", (ctn, date) => (ctn % 128).ToString()),
MergeFunction = list =>
ulong s = 0;
return Compressor.GetEncodedBytes(list.OrderBy(c => c), ref s);
Partitions = new List<StoreCatalogPartition<Metadata>>
new StoreCatalogPartition<Metadata>("Date", m => m.Date.ToString("yyyyMMdd"))
KeyComparer = (left, right) => left == right ? 0 : (left < right) ? -1 : 1,
ThreadSafeWriting = true,
MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 16
var pairs = new List<(ulong, ulong)>(PAIRS_COUNT);
var r = new Random(Environment.TickCount);
Log.Info("Start create dataset");
for (int i = 0; i < PAIRS_COUNT; i++)
pairs.Add((Generate(r), Generate(r)));
Log.Info("Start test");
2 years ago
await FastTest(options);
await FullStoreMultithreadTest(optionsMultiThread);
FullStoreTest(options, pairs);*/
2 years ago
static void TestParallelFileReading()
var path = @"C:\Users\Ogoun\Downloads\Lego_super_hero.iso";
var threads = new List<Thread>();
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
var k = i;
var reader = GetReadStream(path);
var t = new Thread(() => PartReader(reader, 1000000 + k * 1000));
t.IsBackground = true;
foreach (var t in threads)
static void TestParallelFileReadingMMF()
var filereader = new ParallelFileReader(@"C:\Users\Ogoun\Downloads\Lego_super_hero.iso");
var threads = new List<Thread>();
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
var k = i;
var t = new Thread(() => PartReaderMMF(filereader.GetAccessor(1000000 + k * 1000)));
t.IsBackground = true;
foreach (var t in threads)
static MemoryStreamReader GetReadStream(string filePath)
var stream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite, 4096 * 1024);
return new MemoryStreamReader(stream);
static void PartReader(MemoryStreamReader reader, long offset)
var count = 0;
using (reader)
for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++)
if (reader.ReadByte() == 127) count++;
Console.WriteLine($"Thread: {Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId}: {count}");
static void PartReaderMMF(IViewAccessor accessor)
var count = 0;
var lastPosition = accessor.Position;
using (var reader = new MemoryStreamReader(accessor))
for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++)
if (reader.ReadByte() == 127) count++;
if (lastPosition > reader.Position)
// Test for correct absolute position
lastPosition = reader.Position;
Console.WriteLine($"Thread: {Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId}: {count}");

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