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2 years ago
using Microsoft.ML.OnnxRuntime.Tensors;
using System.Diagnostics;
using ZeroLevel.NN.Models;
namespace ZeroLevel.NN.Architectures.YoloV5
public sealed class TensorPoolItem
public int StartX;
public int StartY;
public int Width;
public int Height;
public int TensorIndex;
public Tensor<float> Tensor;
public TensorPoolItem(Tensor<float> tensor, int tensorIndex, int startX, int startY, int width, int height)
Tensor = tensor;
TensorIndex = tensorIndex;
StartX = startX;
StartY = startY;
Width = width;
Height = height;
public void Set(int x, int y, float valueR, float valueG, float valueB)
var tx = x - StartX;
if (tx < 0 || tx >= Width) return;
var ty = y - StartY;
this.Tensor[TensorIndex, 0, tx, ty] = valueR;
this.Tensor[TensorIndex, 1, tx, ty] = valueG;
this.Tensor[TensorIndex, 2, tx, ty] = valueB;
public sealed class TensorPool
public Tensor<float>[] Tensors;
private const int MAX_BATCH_SIZE = 16;
public readonly int CropHeight;
public readonly int CropWidth;
public readonly int Width;
public readonly int Height;
private readonly SortedDictionary<int, TensorPoolItem[]> _pool = new SortedDictionary<int, TensorPoolItem[]>();
private readonly Dictionary<int, List<TensorPoolItem>> _batchPool = new Dictionary<int, List<TensorPoolItem>>();
public TensorPool(int fullWidth, int fullHeight, int cropWidth, int cropHeight, bool overlap, float overlapProportion)
Width = fullWidth;
Height = fullHeight;
CropHeight = cropHeight;
var x_points = SplitRange(fullWidth, cropWidth, overlap ? overlapProportion : 0).ToArray();
var y_points = SplitRange(fullHeight, cropHeight, overlap ? overlapProportion : 0).ToArray();
var total = x_points.Length * y_points.Length;
int offset = total % MAX_BATCH_SIZE;
int count_tensor_batches = total / MAX_BATCH_SIZE + (offset == 0 ? 0 : 1);
Tensors = new Tensor<float>[count_tensor_batches];
for (int batch_index = 0; batch_index < count_tensor_batches; batch_index++)
if (batch_index < count_tensor_batches - 1)
Tensors[batch_index] = new DenseTensor<float>(new[] { MAX_BATCH_SIZE, 3, cropWidth, cropHeight });
Tensors[batch_index] = new DenseTensor<float>(new[] { offset == 0 ? MAX_BATCH_SIZE : offset, 3, cropWidth, cropHeight });
var batchIndex = 0;
var tensorIndex = 0;
_batchPool[batchIndex] = new List<TensorPoolItem>(MAX_BATCH_SIZE);
foreach (var y in y_points)
var columnPool = new TensorPoolItem[x_points.Length];
int column = 0;
foreach (var x in x_points)
columnPool[column] = new TensorPoolItem(Tensors[batchIndex], tensorIndex, x, y, cropWidth, cropHeight);
if (tensorIndex >= MAX_BATCH_SIZE)
tensorIndex = 0;
_batchPool[batchIndex] = new List<TensorPoolItem>(MAX_BATCH_SIZE);
_pool[y] = columnPool;
VirtualPool = new List<TensorPoolItem>(x_points.Length * 2);
public TensorPoolItem GetTensor(int batchIndex, int tensorIndex)
foreach (var item in _batchPool[batchIndex])
if (item.TensorIndex == tensorIndex) return item;
throw new InvalidProgramException();
public IEnumerable<int> SplitRange(int size, int cropSize, float overlapProportion)
var stride = (int)(cropSize * (1f - overlapProportion));
var counter = 0;
while (true)
var pt = stride * counter;
if ((pt + cropSize) > size)
if (cropSize == size || pt == size)
yield return size - cropSize;
yield return pt;
private readonly List<TensorPoolItem> VirtualPool;
public List<TensorPoolItem> GetSubpoolForY(int y)
foreach (var pair in _pool)
if (y >= pair.Key && y < (pair.Key + CropHeight))
return VirtualPool;
public class Yolov8Detector
private int INPUT_WIDTH = 1280;
private int INPUT_HEIGHT = 1280;
public Yolov8Detector(string modelPath, int inputWidth = 1280, int inputHeight = 1280, bool gpu = false)
: base(modelPath, gpu)
INPUT_HEIGHT = inputHeight;
INPUT_WIDTH = inputWidth;
public List<YoloPrediction> Predict(Image image, float threshold)
var sw = new Stopwatch();
var input = ImageToTensors(image);
return Predict(input, threshold);
public List<YoloPrediction> Predict(TensorPool inputs, float threshold)
var result = new List<YoloPrediction>();
var relative_koef_x = 1.0f / (float)inputs.Width;
var relative_koef_y = 1.0f / (float)inputs.Height;
int batchIndex = 0;
foreach (var input in inputs.Tensors)
Extract(new Dictionary<string, Tensor<float>> { { "images", input } }, d =>
Tensor<float> output;
if (d.ContainsKey("output0"))
output = d["output0"];
output = d.First().Value;
if (output != null && output != null)
for (int tensorIndex = 0; tensorIndex < output.Dimensions[0]; tensorIndex++)
var tensor = inputs.GetTensor(batchIndex, tensorIndex);
for (int box = 0; box < output.Dimensions[2]; box++)
var conf = output[tensorIndex, 4, box]; // уверенность в наличии любого объекта
if (conf > threshold)
// Перевод относительно входа модели в относительные координаты
var cx = output[tensorIndex, 1, box];
var cy = output[tensorIndex, 0, box];
var w = output[tensorIndex, 3, box];
var h = output[tensorIndex, 2, box];
// Перевод в координаты отнисительно текущего смещения
cx += tensor.StartX;
cy += tensor.StartY;
result.Add(new YoloPrediction
Cx = cx * relative_koef_x,
Cy = cy * relative_koef_y,
W = w * relative_koef_x,
H = h * relative_koef_y,
Class = 0,
Label = "0",
Score = conf
return result;
private TensorPool ImageToTensors(Image image)
var pool = new TensorPool(image.Width, image.Height, INPUT_WIDTH, INPUT_HEIGHT, true, 0);
var koef = 1.0f / 255.0f;
((Image<Rgb24>)image).ProcessPixelRows(pixels =>
for (int y = 0; y < pixels.Height; y++)
var subpool = pool.GetSubpoolForY(y);
Span<Rgb24> pixelSpan = pixels.GetRowSpan(y);
for (int x = 0; x < pixels.Width; x++)
float r = koef * (float)pixelSpan[x].R;
float g = koef * (float)pixelSpan[x].G;
float b = koef * (float)pixelSpan[x].B;
for (int i = 0; i < subpool.Count; i++)
subpool[i].Set(x, y, r, g, b);
return pool;

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