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extern alias CoreDrawing;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace ZeroLevel.ML.Services
internal sealed class ImageScanner
: IDisposable
private readonly CoreDrawing.System.Drawing.Bitmap _image;
private readonly CoreDrawing.System.Drawing.Imaging.BitmapData _bitmapData;
private readonly int _stride;
private readonly int _bytesPerPixel;
private readonly int _cropSizeX;
private readonly int _cropSizeY;
private readonly int _total;
private readonly int[] _x_points;
private readonly int[] _y_points;
public int CropSizeX => _cropSizeX;
public int CropSizeY => _cropSizeY;
public int TotalRegions => _total;
public ImageScanner(CoreDrawing.System.Drawing.Bitmap image, int cropSize)
_image = image;
_bitmapData = _image.LockBits(new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, image.Width, image.Height),
_stride = Math.Abs(_bitmapData.Stride);
_bytesPerPixel = _stride / image.Width;
_cropSizeX = cropSize > 0 ? cropSize : _image.Width;
_cropSizeY = cropSize > 0 ? cropSize : _image.Height;
_x_points = SplitRange(_image.Width, _cropSizeX, 0).ToArray();
_y_points = SplitRange(_image.Height, _cropSizeY, 0).ToArray();
_total = _x_points.Length * _y_points.Length;
public IEnumerable<ImageRegionReader> ScanByRegions()
var tensorIndex = 0;
foreach (var x in _x_points)
foreach (var y in _y_points)
var region = new RegionInfo { Index = tensorIndex, X = x, Y = y, CropSizeX = _cropSizeX, CropSizeY = _cropSizeY, Stride = _stride, BytesPerPixel = _bytesPerPixel };
yield return new ImageRegionReader(_bitmapData, region);
private IEnumerable<int> SplitRange(int size, int cropSize, float overlapProportion)
var stride = (int)(cropSize * (1f - overlapProportion));
var counter = 0;
while (true)
var pt = stride * counter;
if (pt + cropSize > size)
if (cropSize == size || pt == size)
yield return size - cropSize;
yield return pt;
public void Dispose()

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