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using Microsoft.ML.OnnxRuntime.Tensors;
using SixLabors.ImageSharp;
using ZeroLevel.NN.Models;
namespace ZeroLevel.NN
public sealed class DBFace
: SSDNN , IFaceDetector
private const int STRIDE = 4;
private const int INPUT_WIDTH = 1216;
private const int INPUT_HEIGHT = 960;
private const float THESHOLD = 0.4f;
private const float IOU_THESHOLD = 0.6f;
private static float[] MEAN = new[] { 0.408f, 0.447f, 0.47f };
private static float[] STD = new[] { 0.289f, 0.274f, 0.278f };
public DBFace(string model_path)
private static float exp(float v)
var gate = 1.0f;
var _base = Math.Exp(gate);
if (Math.Abs(v) < gate)
return (float)(v * _base);
if (v > 0)
return (float)Math.Exp(v);
return (float)-Math.Exp(-v);
private static FacePoint Landmark(float cx, float cy,
float x, float y,
float scale_w, float scale_h)
var p = new FacePoint();
p.X = (exp(x * 4) + cx) * STRIDE * scale_w;
p.Y = (exp(y * 4) + cy) * STRIDE * scale_h;
return p;
private List<Face> Parse(Tensor<float> hm,
Tensor<float> boxes, Tensor<float> landmarks,
int width, int height)
float x, y, r, b;
float scale_w = width / (float)(INPUT_WIDTH);
float scale_h = height / (float)(INPUT_HEIGHT);
List<Face> bbox_list = new List<Face>();
for (int cx = 0; cx < hm.Dimensions[3]; cx++)
for (int cy = 0; cy < hm.Dimensions[2]; cy++)
float score = hm[0, 0, cy, cx];
if (score >= THESHOLD)
x = boxes[0, 0, cy, cx];
y = boxes[0, 1, cy, cx];
r = boxes[0, 2, cy, cx];
b = boxes[0, 3, cy, cx];
x = (cx - x) * STRIDE;
y = (cy - y) * STRIDE;
r = (cx + r) * STRIDE;
b = (cy + b) * STRIDE;
var bbox = new Face();
bbox.X1 = (int)(x * scale_w);
bbox.Y1 = (int)(y * scale_h);
bbox.X2 = (int)(r * scale_w);
bbox.Y2 = (int)(b * scale_h);
bbox.Score = score;
bbox.Landmarks.LeftEye = Landmark(cx, cy, landmarks[0, 0, cy, cx], landmarks[0, 5, cy, cx], scale_w, scale_h);
bbox.Landmarks.RightEye = Landmark(cx, cy, landmarks[0, 1, cy, cx], landmarks[0, 6, cy, cx], scale_w, scale_h);
bbox.Landmarks.Nose = Landmark(cx, cy, landmarks[0, 2, cy, cx], landmarks[0, 7, cy, cx], scale_w, scale_h);
bbox.Landmarks.LeftMouth = Landmark(cx, cy, landmarks[0, 3, cy, cx], landmarks[0, 8, cy, cx], scale_w, scale_h);
bbox.Landmarks.RightMouth = Landmark(cx, cy, landmarks[0, 4, cy, cx], landmarks[0, 9, cy, cx], scale_w, scale_h);
return bbox_list;
public IList<Face> Predict(Image image)
var input = MakeInput(image,
new ImagePreprocessorOptions(INPUT_WIDTH, INPUT_HEIGHT, PredictorChannelType.ChannelFirst)
.ApplyCorrection(MEAN, STD)
List<Face> result = null;
Extract(new Dictionary<string, Tensor<float>> { { "input", input } }, output =>
var hm = output["hm"];
var boxes = output["boxes"];
var landmark = output["landmarks"];
result = Parse(hm, boxes, landmark, image.Width, image.Height);
var cleaned_result = Face.Nms(result, IOU_THESHOLD, false);
return cleaned_result;

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