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using Microsoft.ML.OnnxRuntime.Tensors;
using SixLabors.ImageSharp;
using ZeroLevel.NN.Models;
namespace ZeroLevel.NN
public class Resnet27
: SSDNN, IEncoder
private const int INPUT_WIDTH = 128;
private const int INPUT_HEIGHT = 128;
public Resnet27(string modelPath)
: base(modelPath)
public int InputW => INPUT_WIDTH;
public int InputH => INPUT_HEIGHT;
public float[] Predict(Image image)
var input = MakeInput(image,
new ImagePreprocessorOptions(INPUT_WIDTH, INPUT_HEIGHT, PredictorChannelType.ChannelFirst)
.ApplyCorrection((c, px) => (px - 127.5f) / 128f)
return Predict(input);
public float[] Predict(Tensor<float> input)
float[] embedding = null;
Extract(new Dictionary<string, Tensor<float>> { { "input.1", input } }, d =>
embedding = d.First().Value.ToArray();
return embedding;

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