/* * Port of Snowball stemmers on C# * Original stemmers can be found on http://snowball.tartarus.org * Licence still BSD: http://snowball.tartarus.org/license.php * * Most of stemmers are ported from Java by Iveonik Systems ltd. (www.iveonik.com) */ using ZeroLevel.Services.Semantic; namespace Iveonik.Stemmers { public class CzechStemmer : StemmerOperations, ILexer { public string Lex(string input) { setCurrent(input.ToLowerInvariant()); // stemming... //removes case endings from nouns and adjectives removeCase(); //removes possesive endings from names -ov- and -in- removePossessives(); //removes comparative endings removeComparative(); //removes diminutive endings removeDiminutive(); //removes augmentatives endings removeAugmentative(); //removes derivational sufixes from nouns removeDerivational(); //result = sb.toString(); return getCurrent(); //sb.ToString(); } } }