syntax = "proto3"; import "Protos/points.proto"; package qdrant; import "google/protobuf/struct.proto"; service PointsInternal { rpc Upsert (UpsertPointsInternal) returns (PointsOperationResponse) {} rpc Sync (SyncPointsInternal) returns (PointsOperationResponse) {} rpc Delete (DeletePointsInternal) returns (PointsOperationResponse) {} rpc UpdateVectors (UpdateVectorsInternal) returns (PointsOperationResponse) {} rpc DeleteVectors (DeleteVectorsInternal) returns (PointsOperationResponse) {} rpc SetPayload (SetPayloadPointsInternal) returns (PointsOperationResponse) {} rpc OverwritePayload (SetPayloadPointsInternal) returns (PointsOperationResponse) {} rpc DeletePayload (DeletePayloadPointsInternal) returns (PointsOperationResponse) {} rpc ClearPayload (ClearPayloadPointsInternal) returns (PointsOperationResponse) {} rpc CreateFieldIndex (CreateFieldIndexCollectionInternal) returns (PointsOperationResponse) {} rpc DeleteFieldIndex (DeleteFieldIndexCollectionInternal) returns (PointsOperationResponse) {} rpc Search (SearchPointsInternal) returns (SearchResponse) {} rpc SearchBatch (SearchBatchPointsInternal) returns (SearchBatchResponse) {} rpc Scroll (ScrollPointsInternal) returns (ScrollResponse) {} rpc Count (CountPointsInternal) returns (CountResponse) {} rpc Recommend (RecommendPointsInternal) returns (RecommendResponse) {} rpc Get (GetPointsInternal) returns (GetResponse) {} } message SyncPoints { string collection_name = 1; // name of the collection optional bool wait = 2; // Wait until the changes have been applied? repeated PointStruct points = 3; optional PointId from_id = 4; // Start of the sync range optional PointId to_id = 5; // End of the sync range optional WriteOrdering ordering = 6; } message SyncPointsInternal { SyncPoints sync_points = 1; optional uint32 shard_id = 2; } message UpsertPointsInternal { UpsertPoints upsert_points = 1; optional uint32 shard_id = 2; } message DeletePointsInternal { DeletePoints delete_points = 1; optional uint32 shard_id = 2; } message UpdateVectorsInternal { UpdatePointVectors update_vectors = 1; optional uint32 shard_id = 2; } message DeleteVectorsInternal { DeletePointVectors delete_vectors = 1; optional uint32 shard_id = 2; } message SetPayloadPointsInternal { SetPayloadPoints set_payload_points = 1; optional uint32 shard_id = 2; } message DeletePayloadPointsInternal { DeletePayloadPoints delete_payload_points = 1; optional uint32 shard_id = 2; } message ClearPayloadPointsInternal { ClearPayloadPoints clear_payload_points = 1; optional uint32 shard_id = 2; } message CreateFieldIndexCollectionInternal { CreateFieldIndexCollection create_field_index_collection = 1; optional uint32 shard_id = 2; } message DeleteFieldIndexCollectionInternal { DeleteFieldIndexCollection delete_field_index_collection = 1; optional uint32 shard_id = 2; } message SearchPointsInternal { SearchPoints search_points = 1; optional uint32 shard_id = 2; } message SearchBatchPointsInternal { string collection_name = 1; repeated SearchPoints search_points = 2; optional uint32 shard_id = 3; } message ScrollPointsInternal { ScrollPoints scroll_points = 1; optional uint32 shard_id = 2; } message RecommendPointsInternal { RecommendPoints recommend_points = 1; optional uint32 shard_id = 2; } message GetPointsInternal { GetPoints get_points = 1; optional uint32 shard_id = 2; } message CountPointsInternal { CountPoints count_points = 1; optional uint32 shard_id = 2; }