syntax = "proto3"; package qdrant; import "google/protobuf/empty.proto"; service Raft { // Send Raft message to another peer rpc Send (RaftMessage) returns (google.protobuf.Empty); // Send to bootstrap peer // Returns uri by id if bootstrap knows this peer rpc WhoIs (PeerId) returns (Uri); // Send to bootstrap peer // Adds peer to the network // Returns all peers rpc AddPeerToKnown (AddPeerToKnownMessage) returns (AllPeers); // DEPRECATED // Its functionality is now included in `AddPeerToKnown` // // Send to bootstrap peer // Proposes to add this peer as participant of consensus rpc AddPeerAsParticipant (PeerId) returns (google.protobuf.Empty); } message RaftMessage { bytes message = 1; } message AllPeers { repeated Peer all_peers = 1; uint64 first_peer_id = 2; } message Peer { string uri = 1; uint64 id = 2; } message AddPeerToKnownMessage { optional string uri = 1; optional uint32 port = 2; uint64 id = 3; } message PeerId { uint64 id = 1; } message Uri { string uri = 1; }