using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace ZeroLevel.Services.Async
    public class AsyncLock
        private object _reentrancy = new object();
        private int _reentrances = 0;
        //We are using this SemaphoreSlim like a posix condition variable
        //we only want to wake waiters, one or more of whom will try to obtain a different lock to do their thing
        //so long as we can guarantee no wakes are missed, the number of awakees is not important
        //ideally, this would be "friend" for access only from InnerLock, but whatever.
        internal SemaphoreSlim _retry = new SemaphoreSlim(0, 1);
        //We do not have System.Threading.Thread.* on .NET Standard without additional dependencies
        //Work around is easy: create a new ThreadLocal<T> with a random value and this is our thread id :)
        private static readonly long UnlockedThreadId = 0; //"owning" thread id when unlocked
        internal long _owningId = UnlockedThreadId;
        private static int _globalThreadCounter;
        private static readonly ThreadLocal<int> _threadId = new ThreadLocal<int>(() => Interlocked.Increment(ref _globalThreadCounter));
        //We generate a unique id from the thread ID combined with the task ID, if any
        public static long ThreadId => (long)(((ulong)_threadId.Value) << 32) | ((uint)(Task.CurrentId ?? 0));

        struct InnerLock : IDisposable
            private readonly AsyncLock _parent;
            private bool _disposed;

            internal InnerLock(AsyncLock parent)
                _parent = parent;
                _disposed = false;

            internal async Task ObtainLockAsync()
                while (!TryEnter())
                    //we need to wait for someone to leave the lock before trying again
                    await _parent._retry.WaitAsync();

            internal async Task ObtainLockAsync(CancellationToken ct)
                while (!TryEnter())
                    //we need to wait for someone to leave the lock before trying again
                    await _parent._retry.WaitAsync(ct);

            internal void ObtainLock()
                while (!TryEnter())
                    //we need to wait for someone to leave the lock before trying again

            private bool TryEnter()
                lock (_parent._reentrancy)
                    Debug.Assert((_parent._owningId == UnlockedThreadId) == (_parent._reentrances == 0));
                    if (_parent._owningId != UnlockedThreadId && _parent._owningId != AsyncLock.ThreadId)
                        //another thread currently owns the lock
                        return false;
                    //we can go in
                    Interlocked.Increment(ref _parent._reentrances);
                    _parent._owningId = AsyncLock.ThreadId;
                    return true;

            public void Dispose()
                _disposed = true;
                lock (_parent._reentrancy)
                    Interlocked.Decrement(ref _parent._reentrances);
                    if (_parent._reentrances == 0)
                        //the owning thread is always the same so long as we are in a nested stack call
                        //we reset the owning id to null only when the lock is fully unlocked
                        _parent._owningId = UnlockedThreadId;
                        if (_parent._retry.CurrentCount == 0)

        public IDisposable Lock()
            var @lock = new InnerLock(this);
            return @lock;

        public async Task<IDisposable> LockAsync()
            var @lock = new InnerLock(this);
            await @lock.ObtainLockAsync();
            return @lock;

        public async Task<IDisposable> LockAsync(CancellationToken ct)
            var @lock = new InnerLock(this);
            await @lock.ObtainLockAsync(ct);
            return @lock;