using System; using System.Collections.Concurrent; using System.IO; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace ZeroLevel.Services.FileSystem { internal abstract class StoreTask { protected const int DEFAULT_STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE = 16384; public void Store() { try { StoreImpl(); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.SystemError(ex, "Fault store to archive"); } } protected static void Transfer(Stream input, Stream output) { if (input.CanRead == false) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Input stream can not be read."); } if (output.CanWrite == false) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Output stream can not be write."); } var readed = 0; var buffer = new byte[DEFAULT_STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE]; while ((readed = input.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) != 0) { output.Write(buffer, 0, readed); } output.Flush(); } protected static Stream GenerateStreamFromString(string s) { MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(); StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(stream); writer.Write(s); writer.Flush(); stream.Position = 0; return stream; } protected abstract void StoreImpl(); } internal sealed class StoreText : StoreTask { private readonly string _text; private readonly string _path; public StoreText(string text, string path) { _text = text; _path = path; } protected override void StoreImpl() { using (var input_stream = GenerateStreamFromString(_text)) { using (var out_stream = File.Create(_path)) { Transfer(input_stream, out_stream); } } } } internal sealed class StoreData : StoreTask { private readonly byte[] _data; private readonly string _path; public StoreData(byte[] data, string path) { _data = data; _path = path; } protected override void StoreImpl() { using (var input_stream = new MemoryStream(_data)) { using (var out_stream = File.Create(_path, DEFAULT_STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE, FileOptions.Asynchronous)) { Transfer(input_stream, out_stream); } } } } internal sealed class StoreStream : StoreTask { private readonly Stream _stream; private readonly string _path; public StoreStream(Stream stream, string path) { _stream = stream; _path = path; } protected override void StoreImpl() { using (_stream) { using (var out_stream = File.Create(_path, DEFAULT_STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE, FileOptions.Asynchronous)) { Transfer(_stream, out_stream); } } } } internal sealed class StoreFile : StoreTask { private readonly string _input_path; private readonly string _path; public StoreFile(string input_file_path, string path) { _input_path = input_file_path; _path = path; } protected override void StoreImpl() { using (var input_stream = File.Open(_input_path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read)) { using (var out_stream = File.Create(_path, DEFAULT_STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE, FileOptions.Asynchronous)) { Transfer(input_stream, out_stream); } } } } /// /// File archive /// public sealed class FileArchive : IDisposable { private static int _counter; private static string NextCounter { get { return Interlocked.Increment(ref _counter).ToString("X8"); } } private readonly string _base_path; private const string DIRECTORY_NAME_TEMPLATE = "yyyyMMdd"; private const string FILE_NAME_TEMPLATE = "HH_mm_ss_{0}{1}"; private readonly string _extension; private readonly bool _override = false; private readonly ConcurrentQueue _tasks = new ConcurrentQueue(); private volatile bool _disposed = false; private volatile bool _stopped = false; private string _currentArchivePath; private bool _split_by_date = false; private Thread _backThread; public FileArchive(string base_path, string ext, bool split_by_date, bool override_if_exists) { _base_path = PreparePath(base_path); _extension = ext; _override = override_if_exists; _split_by_date = split_by_date; RenewArchivePath(); if (_split_by_date) { Sheduller.RemindEveryNonlinearPeriod( () => (DateTime.Now.AddDays(1).Date - DateTime.Now).Add(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100)), RenewArchivePath); } _backThread = new Thread(Consume); _backThread.IsBackground = true; _backThread.Start(); } private void RenewArchivePath() { if (_split_by_date) { var directory_name = DateTime.Now.ToString(DIRECTORY_NAME_TEMPLATE); var directory_path = Path.Combine(_base_path, directory_name); PrepareFolder(directory_path); _currentArchivePath = directory_path; } else { var directory_path = _base_path; PrepareFolder(directory_path); _currentArchivePath = directory_path; } } private void Consume() { do { StoreTask result; while (_tasks.TryDequeue(out result)) { result.Store(); } Thread.Sleep(100); } while (_disposed == false); } /// /// Save text to archive /// /// Text /// Archive file name (HH_mm_ss_fff_counter.{ext} by default) /// public void StoreText(string text, string subfolder_name = null, string file_name = null) { Apply(new StoreText(text, CreateArchiveFilePath(subfolder_name, file_name))); } /// /// Saving the specified file to the archive /// /// File path /// Archive file name (original file name by default) /// public void Store(string file_path, string subfolder_name = null, string file_name = null) { Apply(new StoreFile(file_path, CreateArchiveFilePath(subfolder_name, file_name))); } public void Store(string file_path, bool immediate, string subfolder_name = null, string file_name = null) { if (immediate) { new StoreFile(file_path, CreateArchiveFilePath(subfolder_name, file_name)).Store(); } else { Apply(new StoreFile(file_path, CreateArchiveFilePath(subfolder_name, file_name))); } } /// /// Saving data from stream to archive /// /// Data stream for reading /// Archive file name (HH_mm_ss_fff_counter.{ext} by default) /// public void Store(Stream stream, string subfolder_name = null, string file_name = null) { Apply(new StoreStream(stream, CreateArchiveFilePath(subfolder_name, file_name))); } /// /// Saving data in binary form in the archive /// /// Data /// Archive file name (HH_mm_ss_fff_counter.{ext} by default) /// public void StoreData(byte[] data, string subfolder_name = null, string file_name = null) { Apply(new StoreData(data, CreateArchiveFilePath(subfolder_name, file_name))); } private void Apply(StoreTask task) { if (_stopped == false) { _tasks.Enqueue(task); } } #region Helpers private string CreateArchiveFilePath(string subfolder_name, string filename) { string archive_file_path; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(subfolder_name)) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filename)) { do { archive_file_path = Path.Combine(_currentArchivePath, string.Format(DateTime.Now.ToString(FILE_NAME_TEMPLATE), NextCounter, _extension)); } while (_override == false && File.Exists(archive_file_path)); } else { archive_file_path = Path.Combine(_currentArchivePath, filename); } } else { var base_path = Path.Combine(_currentArchivePath, subfolder_name); PrepareFolder(base_path); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filename)) { do { archive_file_path = Path.Combine(base_path, string.Format(DateTime.Now.ToString(FILE_NAME_TEMPLATE), NextCounter, _extension)); } while (_override == false && File.Exists(archive_file_path)); } else { archive_file_path = Path.Combine(base_path, filename); } } return archive_file_path; } private static string PreparePath(string path) { if (path.IndexOf(':') == -1) { path = Path.Combine(Configuration.BaseDirectory, path); } return FSUtils.PathCorrection(path); } #endregion Helpers private static void PrepareFolder(string path) { if (Directory.Exists(path) == false) { Directory.CreateDirectory(path); } } public void Dispose() { _stopped = true; while (_tasks.Count > 0) { Thread.Sleep(50); } _disposed = true; } } public sealed class FileBuffer : IDisposable { private readonly string _base_path; private readonly BlockingCollection _tasks = new BlockingCollection(); private volatile bool _disposed = false; private volatile bool _stopped = false; private string _currentArchivePath; private Thread _storeThread; public FileBuffer(string base_path) { _base_path = PreparePath(base_path); var directory_path = _base_path; PrepareFolder(directory_path); _currentArchivePath = directory_path; _storeThread = new Thread(Consume); _storeThread.IsBackground = true; _storeThread.Start(); } private void Consume() { StoreTask result; while (_disposed == false) { result = _tasks.Take(); try { result.Store(); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.SystemError(ex, "[FileBuffer] Fault store file"); } } } /// /// Save text to archive /// /// Text /// Archive file name (HH_mm_ss_fff_counter.{ext} by default) /// public void StoreText(string text, string name = null) { Apply(new StoreText(text, CreateArchiveFilePath(name))); } /// /// Saving the specified file to the archive /// /// File path /// Archive file name (original file name by default) /// public void Store(string file_path, string name = null) { Apply(new StoreFile(file_path, CreateArchiveFilePath(name))); } /// /// Sync saving the specified file to the archive /// /// File path /// Archive file name (original file name by default) /// public void Store(string file_path, bool immediate, string name = null) { if (immediate) { new StoreFile(file_path, CreateArchiveFilePath(name)).Store(); } else { Apply(new StoreFile(file_path, CreateArchiveFilePath(name))); } } /// /// Saving data from stream to archive /// /// Data stream for reading /// Archive file name (HH_mm_ss_fff_counter.{ext} by default) /// public void Store(Stream stream, string name = null) { Apply(new StoreStream(stream, CreateArchiveFilePath(name))); } /// /// Saving data in binary form in the archive /// /// Data /// Archive file name (HH_mm_ss_fff_counter.{ext} by default) /// public void StoreData(byte[] data, string name = null) { Apply(new StoreData(data, CreateArchiveFilePath(name))); } private void Apply(StoreTask task) { if (_stopped == false) { _tasks.Add(task); } } #region Helpers private string CreateArchiveFilePath(string original_name) { return Path.Combine(_currentArchivePath, FSUtils.FileNameCorrection(original_name)); } private static void PrepareFolder(string path) { if (Directory.Exists(path) == false) { Directory.CreateDirectory(path); } } private static string PreparePath(string path) { if (path.IndexOf(':') == -1) { path = Path.Combine(Configuration.BaseDirectory, path); } return FSUtils.PathCorrection(path); } #endregion Helpers public void Dispose() { _stopped = true; _tasks.CompleteAdding(); while (_tasks.Count > 0) { Thread.Sleep(50); } _disposed = true; } } }