using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace MemoryPools.Collections.Specialized
	/// <summary>
	///     Use this class when you need to store 1 or 2 items in class fields and in very rare scenarios
	///     more then 2 items. In super-rare scenarios - to pass it as IList, ICollection or as IEnumerable.
	/// </summary>
	public struct LocalList<T> : IList<T>
		private static readonly EqualityComparer<T> ItemComparer = EqualityComparer<T>.Default;

		private (T, T) _items;
		private IList<T> _other;

		// Static lists to store real length (-1 field in struct)
		private static readonly IList<T> LengthIs1 = new List<T> {default};
		private static readonly IList<T> LengthIs2 = new List<T> {default, default};

		private const int DefaultListCapacity = 8;
		public const int LocalStoreCapacity = 2;
		public IEnumerator<T> GetEnumerator()
			// empty
			if (_other == null) yield break;
			if (_other.Count <= LocalStoreCapacity)
				yield return _items.Item1;
				if (ReferenceEquals(_other, LengthIs2)) yield return _items.Item2;
				yield break;

			using(var enumerator = _other.GetEnumerator())
				while (enumerator.MoveNext()) yield return enumerator.Current;

		public void Add(T item)
			// empty
			if (_other == null)
				_items.Item1 = item;
				_other = LengthIs1;
			// count=1
			else if (ReferenceEquals(_other, LengthIs1))
				_items.Item2 = item;
				_other = LengthIs2;
			// count=2
				if (ReferenceEquals(_other, LengthIs2))
					_other = new List<T>(DefaultListCapacity);
					_items.Item1 = default;

					_items.Item2 = default;


		public void Clear()
			_other = null;
			_items.Item1 = default;
			_items.Item2 = default;

		public bool Contains(T item)
			return IndexOf(item) >= 0;

		public void CopyTo(T[] array, int arrayIndex)
			if (_other == null) return;

			if (_other.Count > LocalStoreCapacity)
				_other.CopyTo(array, arrayIndex);
				if (_other.Count > 0) array[arrayIndex++] = _items.Item1;
				if (_other.Count > 1) array[arrayIndex] = _items.Item2;

		/// <summary>
		/// Removes first occurrence of given item 
		/// </summary>
		public bool Remove(T item)
			if (_other == null) return false;

			if (_other.Count > LocalStoreCapacity)
				var done = _other.Remove(item);
				if (done && _other.Count == 2)
					_items.Item1 = _other[0];
					_items.Item2 = _other[1];
					_other = LengthIs2;

				return done;

			if (ReferenceEquals(_other, LengthIs1) && ItemComparer.Equals(_items.Item1, item))
				_items.Item1 = default;
				_other = null;
				return true;

			if (ReferenceEquals(_other, LengthIs2))
				var done = false;
				if (ItemComparer.Equals(_items.Item2, item))
					_items.Item2 = default;
					_other = LengthIs1;
					return true;

				if (ItemComparer.Equals(_items.Item1, item))
					_items.Item1 = _items.Item2;
					_other = LengthIs1;
					return true;

			return false;

		public int Count => _other?.Count ?? 0;

		public bool IsReadOnly => false;

		public int IndexOf(T item)
			if (_other == null)
				return -1;

			if (_other.Count > LocalStoreCapacity) return _other.IndexOf(item);

			if (_other.Count > 0 && ItemComparer.Equals(_items.Item1, item)) return 0;
			if (_other.Count > 1 && ItemComparer.Equals(_items.Item2, item)) return 1;

			return -1;

		public void Insert(int index, T item)
			// 2nd of 1, 3rd of 2, 4th of 3..
			if (index == Count)

			// Asked non-first when empty
			if (_other == null) throw new IndexOutOfRangeException();

			// If list already created
			if (_other.Count > LocalStoreCapacity) _other.Insert(index, item);

			if (index == 0)
				if (ReferenceEquals(_other, LengthIs1))
					_items = (item, _items.Item1);
					_other = LengthIs2;
					(_items.Item1, _items.Item2, item) = (item, _items.Item1, _items.Item2);


			// (item0, item1), list(nothing) ->> (def, def), list(item0, item ,item1)
			if (index == 1)
				(_items.Item2, item) = (item, _items.Item2);

		public void RemoveAt(int index)
			if (_other == null || _other.Count <= index || index < 0)
				throw new IndexOutOfRangeException();

			if (_other.Count < LocalStoreCapacity)
				if (index == 0)
					_items.Item1 = _items.Item2;
					_other = ReferenceEquals(_other, LengthIs1) ? null : LengthIs1;
					_items.Item2 = default;
					_other = LengthIs1;
				if (_other.Count == 2)
					_items.Item1 = _other[0];
					_items.Item2 = _other[1];
					_other = LengthIs2;

		public T this[int index]
				if (_other == null || index >= Count || index < 0)
					throw new IndexOutOfRangeException();

				if (_other?.Count > LocalStoreCapacity) return _other[index];
				if (_other.Count > 0 && index == 0) return _items.Item1;
				if (_other.Count > 1 && index == 1) return _items.Item2;

				throw new InvalidOperationException("Uncovered branch");
				if (_other == null || index >= Count || index < 0)
					throw new IndexOutOfRangeException();

				if (_other.Count > LocalStoreCapacity) _other[index] = value;
				if (_other.Count > 0 && index == 0) _items.Item1 = value;
				if (_other.Count > 1 && index == 1) _items.Item2 = value;

				throw new InvalidOperationException("Uncovered branch");

		public override int GetHashCode()
			return (_items.GetHashCode() * 37) & _other.GetHashCode();

		public override bool Equals(object obj)
			return obj is LocalList<T> other && Equals(other);

		public bool Equals(LocalList<T> other)
			return _items.Equals(other._items) && Equals(_other, other._other);

		IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
			return GetEnumerator();