using System; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace ZeroLevel.Network { public sealed class FrameParser { #region private models private enum ParserState { WaitNew, WaitSize, WaitIdentity, Proceeding } private class _Accum { public int Identity; public int Size; public byte[] Payload; public FrameType Type; public bool SizeFilled; public bool IdentityFilled; public bool PayloadFilled; public bool Corrupted; public void Reset(byte magic) { Identity = 0; Size = 0; offset = 0; Payload = null; SizeFilled = false; IdentityFilled = false; PayloadFilled = false; Corrupted = false; switch (magic) { case NetworkPacketFactory.MAGIC: Type = FrameType.Message; break; case NetworkPacketFactory.MAGIC_REQUEST: Type = FrameType.Request; break; case NetworkPacketFactory.MAGIC_RESPONSE: Type = FrameType.Response; break; case NetworkPacketFactory.MAGIC_KEEP_ALIVE: Type = FrameType.KeepAlive; break; } } private byte[] _size_buf = new byte[4]; private byte[] _id_buf = new byte[4]; private int offset; public int WriteSize(byte[] buf, int start, int length) { for (; offset < 4 && start < length; offset++, start++) { _size_buf[offset] = buf[start]; } if (offset == 4) { Size = BitConverter.ToInt32(_size_buf, 0); SizeFilled = true; offset = 0; if (Size == 0) { // At least 1 byte with checksum must be Corrupted = true; } } return start; } public int WriteIdentity(byte[] buf, int start, int length) { for (; offset < 4 && start < length; offset++, start++) { _id_buf[offset] = buf[start]; } if (offset == 4) { Identity = BitConverter.ToInt32(_id_buf, 0); IdentityFilled = true; offset = 0; } return start; } public int WritePayload(byte[] buf, int start, int length) { if (Payload == null) { Payload = new byte[Size]; var mask = ((byte)(NetworkPacketFactory.MAGIC ^ _size_buf[0] ^ _size_buf[1] ^ _size_buf[2] ^ _size_buf[3])); if (buf[start] != mask) { Corrupted = true; return start; } start = start + 1; } int i = start; for (; offset < Size && i < length; offset++, i++) { Payload[offset] = buf[i]; } if (offset == Size) { var mask = ((byte)(NetworkPacketFactory.MAGIC ^ _size_buf[0] ^ _size_buf[1] ^ _size_buf[2] ^ _size_buf[3])); DeHashData(Payload, mask); PayloadFilled = true; } return i; } private static byte DeHashData(byte[] data, byte initialmask) { if (data.Length == 0) return 0; byte checksum = initialmask; for (var i = data.Length - 1; i > 0; i--) { data[i] ^= data[i - 1]; checksum ^= data[i]; } data[0] ^= initialmask; checksum ^= data[0]; return checksum; } } #endregion private models public event Action<FrameType, int, byte[]> OnIncoming; private readonly _Accum _accum = new _Accum(); private ParserState _state = ParserState.WaitNew; private readonly object _push_lock = new object(); /// <summary> /// Parse with state machine /// </summary> public void Push(byte[] part, int length) { lock (_push_lock) { __Push(part, 0, length); } } private void FireOnFrame(FrameType type, int identity, byte[] payload) { try { Task.Run(() => OnIncoming?.Invoke(type, identity, payload)); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.SystemError(ex, "[FrameParser.FireOnFrame] Fault handle incoming data"); } } private void __Push(byte[] part, int position, int length) { if (part == null || length == 0 || position >= length) return; while (position < length) { switch (_state) { case ParserState.WaitNew: { for (; position < length; position++) { // Search for the beginning of the package header if ((part[position] & NetworkPacketFactory.MAGIC) == NetworkPacketFactory.MAGIC) { _accum.Reset(part[position]); _state = ParserState.WaitSize; position++; break; } } } break; case ParserState.WaitSize: { position = _accum.WriteSize(part, position, length); if (_accum.SizeFilled) { if (_accum.Corrupted || _accum.Size < 1 || _accum.Size > BaseSocket.MAX_FRAME_PAYLOAD_SIZE) { _state = ParserState.WaitNew; } else { switch (_accum.Type) { case FrameType.KeepAlive: case FrameType.Message: _state = ParserState.Proceeding; break; case FrameType.Request: case FrameType.Response: _state = ParserState.WaitIdentity; break; } } } } break; case ParserState.WaitIdentity: { position = _accum.WriteIdentity(part, position, length); if (_accum.IdentityFilled) { _state = ParserState.Proceeding; } } break; case ParserState.Proceeding: { position = _accum.WritePayload(part, position, length); if (_accum.Corrupted) { _state = ParserState.WaitNew; } else if (_accum.PayloadFilled) { FireOnFrame(_accum.Type, _accum.Identity, _accum.Payload); _state = ParserState.WaitNew; } } break; } } } } }