// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT license. #pragma warning disable 0162 //#define WAIT_FOR_INDEX_CHECKPOINT using System; using System.Collections.Concurrent; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Threading; namespace FASTER.core { /// <summary> /// Checkpoint related function of FASTER /// </summary> public unsafe partial class FasterKV<Key, Value, Input, Output, Context, Functions> : FasterBase, IFasterKV<Key, Value, Input, Output, Context> where Key : new() where Value : new() where Functions : IFunctions<Key, Value, Input, Output, Context> { private class EpochPhaseIdx { public const int PrepareForIndexCheckpt = 0; public const int Prepare = 1; public const int InProgress = 2; public const int WaitPending = 3; public const int WaitFlush = 4; public const int CheckpointCompletionCallback = 5; } #region Starting points [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] private bool InternalTakeCheckpoint(CheckpointType type) { if (_systemState.phase == Phase.GC) { Debug.WriteLine("Forcing completion of GC"); GarbageCollectBuckets(0, true); } if (_systemState.phase == Phase.REST) { var context = (long)type; var currentState = SystemState.Make(Phase.REST, _systemState.version); var nextState = GetNextState(currentState, type); return GlobalMoveToNextState(currentState, nextState, ref context); } else { return false; } } [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] private bool InternalGrowIndex() { if (_systemState.phase == Phase.GC) { Debug.WriteLine("Forcing completion of GC"); GarbageCollectBuckets(0, true); } if (_systemState.phase == Phase.REST) { var version = _systemState.version; long context = 0; SystemState nextState = SystemState.Make(Phase.PREPARE_GROW, version); if (GlobalMoveToNextState(SystemState.Make(Phase.REST, version), nextState, ref context)) { return true; } } return false; } #endregion /// <summary> /// Global transition function that coordinates various state machines. /// A few characteristics about the state machine: /// <list type="bullet"> /// <item> /// <description> /// Transitions happen atomically using a compare-and-swap operation. So, multiple threads can try to do the same transition. Only one will succeed. /// </description> /// </item> /// <item> /// <description> /// Transition from state A to B happens via an intermediate state (INTERMEDIATE). This serves as a lock by a thread to perform the transition. /// Some transitions are accompanied by actions that must be performed before the transitions such as initializing contexts, etc. /// </description> /// </item> /// <item> /// <description> /// States can be part of multiple state machines. For example: PREP_INDEX_CHECKPOINT is part of both index-only and full checkpoints. /// </description> /// </item> /// </list> /// /// We currently support 5 different state machines: /// <list type="number"> /// <item> /// <term> Index-Only Checkpoint </term> /// <description> REST -> PREP_INDEX_CHECKPOINT -> INDEX_CHECKPOINT -> REST </description> /// </item> /// <item> /// <term>HybridLog-Only Checkpoint</term> /// <description>REST -> PREPARE -> IN_PROGRESS -> WAIT_PENDING -> WAIT_FLUSH -> PERSISTENCE_CALLBACK -> REST</description> /// </item> /// <item> /// <term>Full Checkpoint</term> /// <description>REST -> PREP_INDEX_CHECKPOINT -> PREPARE -> IN_PROGRESS -> WAIT_PENDING -> WAIT_FLUSH -> PERSISTENCE_CALLBACK -> REST</description> /// </item> /// <item> /// <term>GC</term> /// <description></description> /// </item> /// <item> /// <term>Grow</term> /// <description></description> /// </item> /// </list> /// </summary> /// <param name="currentState">from state of the transition.</param> /// <param name="nextState">to state of the transition.</param> /// <param name="context">optional additioanl parameter for transition.</param> /// <returns>true if transition succeeds.</returns> [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] private bool GlobalMoveToNextState(SystemState currentState, SystemState nextState, ref long context) { var intermediateState = SystemState.Make(Phase.INTERMEDIATE, currentState.version); // Move from S1 to I if (MakeTransition(currentState, intermediateState)) { // Acquired ownership to make the transition from S1 to S2 switch (nextState.phase) { case Phase.PREP_INDEX_CHECKPOINT: { _checkpointType = (CheckpointType)context; switch (_checkpointType) { case CheckpointType.INDEX_ONLY: { _indexCheckpointToken = Guid.NewGuid(); InitializeIndexCheckpoint(_indexCheckpointToken); break; } case CheckpointType.FULL: { var fullCheckpointToken = Guid.NewGuid(); _indexCheckpointToken = fullCheckpointToken; _hybridLogCheckpointToken = fullCheckpointToken; InitializeIndexCheckpoint(_indexCheckpointToken); InitializeHybridLogCheckpoint(_hybridLogCheckpointToken, currentState.version); break; } default: throw new Exception(); } ObtainCurrentTailAddress(ref _indexCheckpoint.info.startLogicalAddress); MakeTransition(intermediateState, nextState); break; } case Phase.INDEX_CHECKPOINT: { if (UseReadCache && this.ReadCache.BeginAddress != this.ReadCache.TailAddress) { throw new Exception("Index checkpoint with read cache is not supported"); } TakeIndexFuzzyCheckpoint(); MakeTransition(intermediateState, nextState); break; } case Phase.PREPARE: { switch (currentState.phase) { case Phase.REST: { _checkpointType = (CheckpointType)context; Debug.Assert(_checkpointType == CheckpointType.HYBRID_LOG_ONLY); _hybridLogCheckpointToken = Guid.NewGuid(); InitializeHybridLogCheckpoint(_hybridLogCheckpointToken, currentState.version); break; } case Phase.PREP_INDEX_CHECKPOINT: { if (UseReadCache && this.ReadCache.BeginAddress != this.ReadCache.TailAddress) { throw new Exception("Index checkpoint with read cache is not supported"); } TakeIndexFuzzyCheckpoint(); break; } default: throw new Exception(); } ObtainCurrentTailAddress(ref _hybridLogCheckpoint.info.startLogicalAddress); if (!FoldOverSnapshot) { _hybridLogCheckpoint.info.flushedLogicalAddress = hlog.FlushedUntilAddress; _hybridLogCheckpoint.info.useSnapshotFile = 1; } MakeTransition(intermediateState, nextState); break; } case Phase.IN_PROGRESS: { MakeTransition(intermediateState, nextState); break; } case Phase.WAIT_PENDING: { var seg = hlog.GetSegmentOffsets(); if (seg != null) { _hybridLogCheckpoint.info.objectLogSegmentOffsets = new long[seg.Length]; Array.Copy(seg, _hybridLogCheckpoint.info.objectLogSegmentOffsets, seg.Length); } MakeTransition(intermediateState, nextState); break; } case Phase.WAIT_FLUSH: { if (_checkpointType == CheckpointType.FULL) { _indexCheckpoint.info.num_buckets = overflowBucketsAllocator.GetMaxValidAddress(); ObtainCurrentTailAddress(ref _indexCheckpoint.info.finalLogicalAddress); } _hybridLogCheckpoint.info.headAddress = hlog.HeadAddress; _hybridLogCheckpoint.info.beginAddress = hlog.BeginAddress; if (FoldOverSnapshot) { hlog.ShiftReadOnlyToTail(out long tailAddress); _hybridLogCheckpoint.info.finalLogicalAddress = tailAddress; } else { ObtainCurrentTailAddress(ref _hybridLogCheckpoint.info.finalLogicalAddress); _hybridLogCheckpoint.snapshotFileDevice = checkpointManager.GetSnapshotLogDevice(_hybridLogCheckpointToken); _hybridLogCheckpoint.snapshotFileObjectLogDevice = checkpointManager.GetSnapshotObjectLogDevice(_hybridLogCheckpointToken); _hybridLogCheckpoint.snapshotFileDevice.Initialize(hlog.GetSegmentSize()); _hybridLogCheckpoint.snapshotFileObjectLogDevice.Initialize(hlog.GetSegmentSize()); long startPage = hlog.GetPage(_hybridLogCheckpoint.info.flushedLogicalAddress); long endPage = hlog.GetPage(_hybridLogCheckpoint.info.finalLogicalAddress); if (_hybridLogCheckpoint.info.finalLogicalAddress > hlog.GetStartLogicalAddress(endPage)) { endPage++; } // This can be run on a new thread if we want to immediately parallelize // the rest of the log flush hlog.AsyncFlushPagesToDevice(startPage, endPage, _hybridLogCheckpoint.info.finalLogicalAddress, _hybridLogCheckpoint.snapshotFileDevice, _hybridLogCheckpoint.snapshotFileObjectLogDevice, out _hybridLogCheckpoint.flushed); } MakeTransition(intermediateState, nextState); break; } case Phase.PERSISTENCE_CALLBACK: { WriteHybridLogMetaInfo(); if (_checkpointType == CheckpointType.FULL) WriteIndexMetaInfo(); MakeTransition(intermediateState, nextState); break; } case Phase.GC: { hlog.ShiftBeginAddress(context); int numChunks = (int)(state[resizeInfo.version].size / Constants.kSizeofChunk); if (numChunks == 0) numChunks = 1; // at least one chunk numPendingChunksToBeGCed = numChunks; gcStatus = new long[numChunks]; MakeTransition(intermediateState, nextState); break; } case Phase.PREPARE_GROW: { // Note that the transition must be done before bumping epoch here! MakeTransition(intermediateState, nextState); epoch.BumpCurrentEpoch(() => { long _context = 0; GlobalMoveToNextState(nextState, SystemState.Make(Phase.IN_PROGRESS_GROW, nextState.version), ref _context); }); break; } case Phase.IN_PROGRESS_GROW: { // Set up the transition to new version of HT int numChunks = (int)(state[resizeInfo.version].size / Constants.kSizeofChunk); if (numChunks == 0) numChunks = 1; // at least one chunk numPendingChunksToBeSplit = numChunks; splitStatus = new long[numChunks]; Initialize(1 - resizeInfo.version, state[resizeInfo.version].size * 2, sectorSize); resizeInfo.version = 1 - resizeInfo.version; MakeTransition(intermediateState, nextState); break; } case Phase.REST: { switch (_checkpointType) { case CheckpointType.INDEX_ONLY: { _indexCheckpoint.info.num_buckets = overflowBucketsAllocator.GetMaxValidAddress(); ObtainCurrentTailAddress(ref _indexCheckpoint.info.finalLogicalAddress); WriteIndexMetaInfo(); _indexCheckpoint.Reset(); break; } case CheckpointType.FULL: { _indexCheckpoint.Reset(); _hybridLogCheckpoint.Reset(); break; } case CheckpointType.HYBRID_LOG_ONLY: { _hybridLogCheckpoint.Reset(); break; } case CheckpointType.NONE: break; default: throw new Exception(); } _checkpointType = CheckpointType.NONE; MakeTransition(intermediateState, nextState); break; } } return true; } else { return false; } } /// <summary> /// Corresponding thread-local actions that must be performed when any state machine is active /// </summary> [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] private void HandleCheckpointingPhases() { var previousState = SystemState.Make(threadCtx.Value.phase, threadCtx.Value.version); var finalState = SystemState.Copy(ref _systemState); // Don't play around when system state is being changed if (finalState.phase == Phase.INTERMEDIATE) { return; } // We need to move from previousState to finalState one step at a time do { var currentState = default(SystemState); if (previousState.word == finalState.word) { currentState.word = previousState.word; } else { currentState = GetNextState(previousState, _checkpointType); } switch (currentState.phase) { case Phase.PREP_INDEX_CHECKPOINT: { if (!threadCtx.Value.markers[EpochPhaseIdx.PrepareForIndexCheckpt]) { if (epoch.MarkAndCheckIsComplete(EpochPhaseIdx.PrepareForIndexCheckpt, threadCtx.Value.version)) { GlobalMoveToNextCheckpointState(currentState); } threadCtx.Value.markers[EpochPhaseIdx.PrepareForIndexCheckpt] = true; } break; } case Phase.INDEX_CHECKPOINT: { if (_checkpointType == CheckpointType.INDEX_ONLY) { // Reseting the marker for a potential FULL or INDEX_ONLY checkpoint in the future threadCtx.Value.markers[EpochPhaseIdx.PrepareForIndexCheckpt] = false; } if (IsIndexFuzzyCheckpointCompleted()) { GlobalMoveToNextCheckpointState(currentState); } break; } case Phase.PREPARE: { if (!threadCtx.Value.markers[EpochPhaseIdx.Prepare]) { // Thread local action AcquireSharedLatchesForAllPendingRequests(); var idx = Interlocked.Increment(ref _hybridLogCheckpoint.info.numThreads); idx -= 1; _hybridLogCheckpoint.info.guids[idx] = threadCtx.Value.guid; if (epoch.MarkAndCheckIsComplete(EpochPhaseIdx.Prepare, threadCtx.Value.version)) { GlobalMoveToNextCheckpointState(currentState); } threadCtx.Value.markers[EpochPhaseIdx.Prepare] = true; } break; } case Phase.IN_PROGRESS: { // Need to be very careful here as threadCtx is changing FasterExecutionContext ctx; if (previousState.phase == Phase.PREPARE) { ctx = threadCtx.Value; } else { ctx = prevThreadCtx.Value; } if (!ctx.markers[EpochPhaseIdx.InProgress]) { prevThreadCtx.Value = threadCtx.Value; InitLocalContext(prevThreadCtx.Value.guid); if (epoch.MarkAndCheckIsComplete(EpochPhaseIdx.InProgress, ctx.version)) { GlobalMoveToNextCheckpointState(currentState); } prevThreadCtx.Value.markers[EpochPhaseIdx.InProgress] = true; } break; } case Phase.WAIT_PENDING: { if (!prevThreadCtx.Value.markers[EpochPhaseIdx.WaitPending]) { var notify = (prevThreadCtx.Value.ioPendingRequests.Count == 0); notify = notify && (prevThreadCtx.Value.retryRequests.Count == 0); if (notify) { if (epoch.MarkAndCheckIsComplete(EpochPhaseIdx.WaitPending, threadCtx.Value.version)) { GlobalMoveToNextCheckpointState(currentState); } prevThreadCtx.Value.markers[EpochPhaseIdx.WaitPending] = true; } } break; } case Phase.WAIT_FLUSH: { if (!prevThreadCtx.Value.markers[EpochPhaseIdx.WaitFlush]) { var notify = false; if (FoldOverSnapshot) { notify = (hlog.FlushedUntilAddress >= _hybridLogCheckpoint.info.finalLogicalAddress); } else { notify = (_hybridLogCheckpoint.flushed != null) && _hybridLogCheckpoint.flushed.IsSet; } if (_checkpointType == CheckpointType.FULL) { notify = notify && IsIndexFuzzyCheckpointCompleted(); } if (notify) { _hybridLogCheckpoint.info.checkpointTokens.TryAdd(prevThreadCtx.Value.guid, prevThreadCtx.Value.serialNum); if (epoch.MarkAndCheckIsComplete(EpochPhaseIdx.WaitFlush, prevThreadCtx.Value.version)) { GlobalMoveToNextCheckpointState(currentState); } prevThreadCtx.Value.markers[EpochPhaseIdx.WaitFlush] = true; } } break; } case Phase.PERSISTENCE_CALLBACK: { if (!prevThreadCtx.Value.markers[EpochPhaseIdx.CheckpointCompletionCallback]) { // Thread local action functions.CheckpointCompletionCallback(threadCtx.Value.guid, prevThreadCtx.Value.serialNum); if (epoch.MarkAndCheckIsComplete(EpochPhaseIdx.CheckpointCompletionCallback, prevThreadCtx.Value.version)) { GlobalMoveToNextCheckpointState(currentState); } prevThreadCtx.Value.markers[EpochPhaseIdx.CheckpointCompletionCallback] = true; } break; } case Phase.REST: { break; } default: Debug.WriteLine("Error!"); break; } // update thread local variables threadCtx.Value.phase = currentState.phase; threadCtx.Value.version = currentState.version; previousState.word = currentState.word; } while (previousState.word != finalState.word); } #region Helper functions [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] private bool GlobalMoveToNextCheckpointState(SystemState currentState) { long context = 0; return GlobalMoveToNextState(currentState, GetNextState(currentState, _checkpointType), ref context); } [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] private bool MakeTransition(SystemState currentState, SystemState nextState) { // Move from I to P2 if (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _systemState.word, nextState.word, currentState.word) == currentState.word) { Debug.WriteLine("Moved to {0}, {1}", nextState.phase, nextState.version); return true; } else { return false; } } private void AcquireSharedLatchesForAllPendingRequests() { foreach (var ctx in threadCtx.Value.retryRequests) { AcquireSharedLatch(ctx.key.Get()); } foreach (var ctx in threadCtx.Value.ioPendingRequests.Values) { AcquireSharedLatch(ctx.key.Get()); } } /* * We have several state machines supported by this function. * Full Checkpoint: * REST -> PREP_INDEX_CHECKPOINT -> PREPARE -> IN_PROGRESS * -> WAIT_PENDING -> WAIT_FLUSH -> PERSISTENCE_CALLBACK -> REST * * Index Checkpoint: * REST -> PREP_INDEX_CHECKPOINT -> INDEX_CHECKPOINT -> REST * * Hybrid Log Checkpoint: * REST -> PREPARE -> IN_PROGRESS -> WAIT_PENDING -> WAIT_FLUSH -> * -> PERSISTENCE_CALLBACK -> REST * * Grow : * REST -> PREPARE_GROW -> IN_PROGRESS_GROW -> REST * * GC: * REST -> GC -> REST */ [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] private SystemState GetNextState(SystemState start, CheckpointType type = CheckpointType.FULL) { var nextState = default(SystemState); nextState.word = start.word; switch (start.phase) { case Phase.REST: switch (type) { case CheckpointType.HYBRID_LOG_ONLY: nextState.phase = Phase.PREPARE; break; case CheckpointType.FULL: case CheckpointType.INDEX_ONLY: nextState.phase = Phase.PREP_INDEX_CHECKPOINT; break; } break; case Phase.PREP_INDEX_CHECKPOINT: switch (type) { case CheckpointType.INDEX_ONLY: nextState.phase = Phase.INDEX_CHECKPOINT; break; case CheckpointType.FULL: nextState.phase = Phase.PREPARE; break; } break; case Phase.INDEX_CHECKPOINT: switch(type) { case CheckpointType.FULL: nextState.phase = Phase.PREPARE; break; default: nextState.phase = Phase.REST; break; } break; case Phase.PREPARE: nextState.phase = Phase.IN_PROGRESS; nextState.version = start.version + 1; break; case Phase.IN_PROGRESS: nextState.phase = Phase.WAIT_PENDING; break; case Phase.WAIT_PENDING: nextState.phase = Phase.WAIT_FLUSH; break; case Phase.WAIT_FLUSH: nextState.phase = Phase.PERSISTENCE_CALLBACK; break; case Phase.PERSISTENCE_CALLBACK: nextState.phase = Phase.REST; break; case Phase.GC: nextState.phase = Phase.REST; break; case Phase.PREPARE_GROW: nextState.phase = Phase.IN_PROGRESS_GROW; break; case Phase.IN_PROGRESS_GROW: nextState.phase = Phase.REST; break; } return nextState; } private void WriteHybridLogMetaInfo() { checkpointManager.CommitLogCheckpoint(_hybridLogCheckpointToken, _hybridLogCheckpoint.info.ToByteArray()); } private void WriteIndexMetaInfo() { checkpointManager.CommitIndexCheckpoint(_indexCheckpointToken, _indexCheckpoint.info.ToByteArray()); } private bool ObtainCurrentTailAddress(ref long location) { var tailAddress = hlog.GetTailAddress(); return Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref location, tailAddress, 0) == 0; } private void InitializeIndexCheckpoint(Guid indexToken) { _indexCheckpoint.Initialize(indexToken, state[resizeInfo.version].size, checkpointManager); } private void InitializeHybridLogCheckpoint(Guid hybridLogToken, int version) { _hybridLogCheckpoint.Initialize(hybridLogToken, version, checkpointManager); } #endregion } }