using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using MemoryPools.Collections.Specialized.Helpers; namespace MemoryPools.Collections.Specialized { /// /// Pooling dictionary contains two PoolingLists and should be disposed at end of life. /// Disallowed: removing elements and getting non-generic IEnumerable. /// When get IEnumerable[TKey, TValue], you need to dispose it (foreach Expr do it automatically). /// You can safe add any count of elements to dispose them: all collections stores data in 128-sized chunks. /// These chunks are reusable btw all Pooling* collections. All operations have O(1) complexity. /// Primary rets IPoolingEnumerable. But you can cast to IEnumerable to work in common manner. /// public partial class PoolingDictionary : IDictionary, IReadOnlyDictionary, IPoolingEnumerable>, IDisposable { [DebuggerDisplay("Key: {key}, Value: {value}")] private struct Entry { public int hashCode; // Lower 31 bits of hash code, -1 if unused public int next; // Index of next entry, -1 if last public TKey key; // Key of entry public TValue value; // Value of entry } private IEqualityComparer _comparer; private PoolingList _buckets; private PoolingList _entries; private int _freeList; private int _version; private int _freeCount; private int _count; private int _complexity; private bool _refType; private const int EndOfChain = -1; public PoolingDictionary() => Init(); public PoolingDictionary Init(int capacity = 0, IEqualityComparer comparer = default) { if (_buckets != default) { return this; } _refType = typeof(TKey).IsClass; var size = HashHelpers.GetPrime(capacity); _buckets = Pool>.Get().Init(); for (var i = 0; i < size; i++) { _buckets.Add(EndOfChain); } _entries = Pool>.Get().Init(); _freeList = EndOfChain; _comparer = comparer ?? EqualityComparer.Default; return this; } public bool TryGetValue(TKey key, out TValue value) { var i = FindEntry(key); if (i >= 0) { value = _entries[i].value; return true; } value = default; return false; } public TValue this[TKey key] { get { var i = FindEntry(key); if (i >= 0) return _entries[i].value; throw new KeyNotFoundException(); } set => Insert(key, value, false); } IEnumerable IReadOnlyDictionary.Keys => Keys; IEnumerable IReadOnlyDictionary.Values => Values; public ICollection Keys => throw new NotImplementedException(); // _keys ??= Pool.Get().Init(this); public ICollection Values => throw new NotImplementedException(); // _values ??= Pool.Get().Init(this); private int FindEntry(TKey key) { if(_refType && key == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(key)); } if (_buckets == null) return -1; var hashCode = key.GetHashCode() & 0x7FFFFFFF; for (var i = _buckets[hashCode % _buckets.Count]; i >= 0; i = _entries[i].next) { if (_entries[i].hashCode == hashCode && _comparer.Equals(_entries[i].key, key)) return i; } return -1; } public int Complexity => _complexity; public void Add(TKey key, TValue value) => Insert(key, value, true); public bool ContainsKey(TKey key) => FindEntry(key) >= 0; public bool Remove(TKey key) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } private void Insert(TKey key, TValue value, bool add) { if (_refType && key == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(key)); } if (_buckets == null) Init(PoolsDefaults.DefaultPoolBucketSize); var hashCode = key.GetHashCode() & 0x7FFFFFFF; var targetBucket = hashCode % _buckets.Count; var complexity = 0; for (var i = _buckets[targetBucket]; i >= 0; i = _entries[i].next) { if (_entries[i].hashCode == hashCode && _comparer.Equals(_entries[i].key, key)) { if (add) { throw new ArgumentException("Duplicating key found in dictionary"); } var entrym = _entries[i]; entrym.value = value; _entries[i] = entrym; unchecked { _version++; } return; } complexity++; } int index; if (_freeCount > 0) { index = _freeList; _freeList = _entries[index].next; _freeCount--; } else { if (_count == _entries.Count) { Resize(); targetBucket = hashCode % _buckets.Count; } index = _count; _count++; } var entry = _entries[index]; entry.hashCode = hashCode; = _buckets[targetBucket]; entry.key = key; entry.value = value; _entries[index] = entry; _buckets[targetBucket] = index; unchecked { _version++; } _complexity = Math.Max(_complexity, complexity); } private void Resize() { Resize(HashHelpers.ExpandPrime(_count), false); } private void Resize(int newSize, bool forceNewHashCodes) { var newBuckets = Pool>.Get().Init(); while(newBuckets.Count < newSize) newBuckets.Add(EndOfChain); while(_entries.Count < newSize) _entries.Add(new Entry {hashCode = EndOfChain, next = EndOfChain}); if (forceNewHashCodes) { for (var i = 0; i < _count; i++) { if (_entries[i].hashCode != -1) { var entry = _entries[i]; entry.hashCode = _entries[i].key.GetHashCode() & 0x7FFFFFFF; _entries[i] = entry; } } } for (int i = 0; i < newSize; i++) { if (_entries[i].hashCode >= 0) { int bucket = _entries[i].hashCode % newSize; var entry = _entries[i]; = newBuckets[bucket]; _entries[i] = entry; newBuckets[bucket] = i; } } _buckets.Dispose(); Pool>.Return(_buckets); _buckets = newBuckets; } public void Dispose() { unchecked { _version++; } _buckets?.Dispose(); Pool>.Return(_buckets); _entries?.Dispose(); Pool>.Return(_entries); _buckets = default; _entries = default; _comparer = default; _complexity = _count = _version = _freeCount = _freeList = default; } public void Add(KeyValuePair item) => Insert(item.Key, item.Value, true); public void Clear() { _buckets.Clear(); _entries.Clear(); _complexity = 0; _count = _freeList = _freeCount = 0; unchecked { _version++; } } public bool Contains(KeyValuePair item) { var keyHash = item.Key.GetHashCode() & 0x7FFFFFFF; for (var i = 0; i < _entries.Count; i++) { if(_entries[i].hashCode == keyHash && _comparer.Equals(_entries[i].key, item.Key) && _entries[i].value.Equals(item.Value)) { return true; } } return false; } public void CopyTo(KeyValuePair[] array, int arrayIndex) { if (array.Length - arrayIndex < _entries.Count) { throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("Dictionary size bigger than array"); } for (var i = 0; i < _entries.Count; i++) { array[arrayIndex + i] = new KeyValuePair(_entries[i].key, _entries[i].value); } } public bool Remove(KeyValuePair item) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public int Count => _count; public bool IsReadOnly => false; internal class Enumerator : IEnumerator>, IPoolingEnumerator> { private PoolingDictionary _src; private int _pos; private int _ver; public Enumerator Init(PoolingDictionary src) { _pos = -1; _src = src; _ver = _src._version; return this; } public bool MoveNext() { if (_pos >= _src.Count) return false; if (_ver != _src._version) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Version of collection was changed while enumeration"); } _pos++; return _pos < _src._count; } public void Reset() { _ver = _src._version; _pos = -1; } object IPoolingEnumerator.Current => Current; public KeyValuePair Current { get { if (_ver != _src._version) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Version of collection was changed while enumeration"); } return new KeyValuePair(_src._entries[_pos].key, _src._entries[_pos].value); } } object IEnumerator.Current => throw new InvalidOperationException("Boxing disallowed"); public void Dispose() { Pool.Return(this); } } public IPoolingEnumerator> GetEnumerator() => Pool.Get().Init(this); IEnumerator> IEnumerable>.GetEnumerator() => (IEnumerator>)GetEnumerator(); IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() => (IEnumerator)GetEnumerator(); IPoolingEnumerator IPoolingEnumerable.GetEnumerator() => GetEnumerator(); } }