using System;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;


namespace MemoryPools.Memory
    internal class JetStack<T>
        private ObjectWrapper[] _array;

        private int _size;
        private T _firstItem;

        private const int DefaultCapacity = 4;

        public JetStack()
            _array = new ObjectWrapper[DefaultCapacity];

        // Create a stack with a specific initial capacity.  The initial capacity
        // must be a non-negative number.
        public JetStack(int capacity)
            _array = new ObjectWrapper[capacity];

        public int Count => _size;

        // Removes all Objects from the Stack.
        public void Clear()
            Array.Clear(_array, 0, _size); // Don't need to doc this but we clear the elements so that the gc can reclaim the references.
            _size = 0;

        public T Peek() => _array[_size - 1].Element;

        // Pops an item from the top of the stack.  If the stack is empty, Pop
        // throws an InvalidOperationException.
        public T Pop()
            var item = _firstItem;
            if (_firstItem != null)
                _firstItem = default;
                return item;
            return _array[--_size].Element;

        // Pushes an item to the top of the stack.
        public void Push(T item)
            if (_firstItem == null)
                _firstItem = item;
            if (_size >= _array.Length)
                _array[_size++].Element = item;

        // Non-inline from Stack.Push to improve its code quality as uncommon path
        private void PushWithResize(T item)
            Array.Resize(ref _array, _array.Length << 1);
            _array[_size].Element = item;

        // PERF: the struct wrapper avoids array-covariance-checks from the runtime when assigning to elements of the array.
        private struct ObjectWrapper
            public T Element;