using System; using System.Security.Cryptography; namespace ZeroLevel.Services.HashFunctions { //see details: /// /// Represents the class which provides a implementation of the xxHash32 algorithm. /// /// public sealed class XXHash32 : HashAlgorithm { private const uint PRIME32_1 = 2654435761U; private const uint PRIME32_2 = 2246822519U; private const uint PRIME32_3 = 3266489917U; private const uint PRIME32_4 = 668265263U; private const uint PRIME32_5 = 374761393U; private static readonly Func FuncGetLittleEndianUInt32; private static readonly Func FuncGetFinalHashUInt32; private uint _Seed32; private uint _ACC32_1; private uint _ACC32_2; private uint _ACC32_3; private uint _ACC32_4; private uint _Hash32; private int _RemainingLength; private long _TotalLength = 0; private int _CurrentIndex; private byte[] _CurrentArray; static XXHash32() { if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian) { FuncGetLittleEndianUInt32 = new Func((x, i) => { unsafe { fixed (byte* array = x) { return *(uint*)(array + i); } } }); FuncGetFinalHashUInt32 = new Func(i => (i & 0x000000FFU) << 24 | (i & 0x0000FF00U) << 8 | (i & 0x00FF0000U) >> 8 | (i & 0xFF000000U) >> 24); } else { FuncGetLittleEndianUInt32 = new Func((x, i) => { unsafe { fixed (byte* array = x) { return (uint)(array[i++] | (array[i++] << 8) | (array[i++] << 16) | (array[i] << 24)); } } }); FuncGetFinalHashUInt32 = new Func(i => i); } } /// /// Creates an instance of class by default seed(0). /// /// public new static XXHash32 Create() => new XXHash32(); /// /// Creates an instance of the specified implementation of XXHash32 algorithm. /// This method always throws . /// /// The hash algorithm implementation to use. /// This method always throws . /// This method is not be supported. public new static XXHash32 Create(string algName) => throw new NotSupportedException("This method is not be supported."); /// /// Initializes a new instance of the class by default seed(0). /// public XXHash32() => Initialize(0); /// /// Initializes a new instance of the class, and sets the to the specified value. /// /// Represent the seed to be used for xxHash32 computing. public XXHash32(uint seed) => Initialize(seed); /// /// Gets the value of the computed hash code. /// /// Hash computation has not yet completed. public uint HashUInt32 => State == 0 ? _Hash32 : throw new InvalidOperationException("Hash computation has not yet completed."); /// /// Gets or sets the value of seed used by xxHash32 algorithm. /// /// Hash computation has not yet completed. public uint Seed { get => _Seed32; set { if (value != _Seed32) { if (State != 0) throw new InvalidOperationException("Hash computation has not yet completed."); _Seed32 = value; Initialize(); } } } /// /// Initializes this instance for new hash computing. /// public override void Initialize() { _ACC32_1 = _Seed32 + PRIME32_1 + PRIME32_2; _ACC32_2 = _Seed32 + PRIME32_2; _ACC32_3 = _Seed32 + 0; _ACC32_4 = _Seed32 - PRIME32_1; } /// /// Routes data written to the object into the hash algorithm for computing the hash. /// /// The input to compute the hash code for. /// The offset into the byte array from which to begin using data. /// The number of bytes in the byte array to use as data. protected override void HashCore(byte[] array, int ibStart, int cbSize) { if (State != 1) State = 1; var size = cbSize - ibStart; _RemainingLength = size & 15; if (cbSize >= 16) { var limit = size - _RemainingLength; do { _ACC32_1 = Round32(_ACC32_1, FuncGetLittleEndianUInt32(array, ibStart)); ibStart += 4; _ACC32_2 = Round32(_ACC32_2, FuncGetLittleEndianUInt32(array, ibStart)); ibStart += 4; _ACC32_3 = Round32(_ACC32_3, FuncGetLittleEndianUInt32(array, ibStart)); ibStart += 4; _ACC32_4 = Round32(_ACC32_4, FuncGetLittleEndianUInt32(array, ibStart)); ibStart += 4; } while (ibStart < limit); } _TotalLength += cbSize; if (_RemainingLength != 0) { _CurrentArray = array; _CurrentIndex = ibStart; } } /// /// Finalizes the hash computation after the last data is processed by the cryptographic stream object. /// /// The computed hash code. protected override byte[] HashFinal() { if (_TotalLength >= 16) { #if HIGHER_VERSIONS _Hash32 = RotateLeft32_1(_ACC32_1) + RotateLeft32_7(_ACC32_2) + RotateLeft32_12(_ACC32_3) + RotateLeft32_18(_ACC32_4); #else _Hash32 = RotateLeft32(_ACC32_1, 1) + RotateLeft32(_ACC32_2, 7) + RotateLeft32(_ACC32_3, 12) + RotateLeft32(_ACC32_4, 18); #endif } else { _Hash32 = _Seed32 + PRIME32_5; } _Hash32 += (uint)_TotalLength; while (_RemainingLength >= 4) { #if HIGHER_VERSIONS _Hash32 = RotateLeft32_17(_Hash32 + FuncGetLittleEndianUInt32(_CurrentArray, _CurrentIndex) * PRIME32_3) * PRIME32_4; #else _Hash32 = RotateLeft32(_Hash32 + FuncGetLittleEndianUInt32(_CurrentArray, _CurrentIndex) * PRIME32_3, 17) * PRIME32_4; #endif _CurrentIndex += 4; _RemainingLength -= 4; } unsafe { fixed (byte* arrayPtr = _CurrentArray) { while (_RemainingLength-- >= 1) { #if HIGHER_VERSIONS _Hash32 = RotateLeft32_11(_Hash32 + arrayPtr[_CurrentIndex++] * PRIME32_5) * PRIME32_1; #else _Hash32 = RotateLeft32(_Hash32 + arrayPtr[_CurrentIndex++] * PRIME32_5, 11) * PRIME32_1; #endif } } } _Hash32 = (_Hash32 ^ (_Hash32 >> 15)) * PRIME32_2; _Hash32 = (_Hash32 ^ (_Hash32 >> 13)) * PRIME32_3; _Hash32 ^= _Hash32 >> 16; _TotalLength = State = 0; return BitConverter.GetBytes(FuncGetFinalHashUInt32(_Hash32)); } #if HIGHER_VERSIONS [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] private static uint Round32(uint input, uint value) => RotateLeft32_13(input + (value * PRIME32_2)) * PRIME32_1; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] private static uint RotateLeft32_1(uint value) => (value << 1) | (value >> 31); //_ACC32_1 [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] private static uint RotateLeft32_7(uint value) => (value << 7) | (value >> 25); //_ACC32_2 [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] private static uint RotateLeft32_11(uint value) => (value << 11) | (value >> 21); [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] private static uint RotateLeft32_12(uint value) => (value << 12) | (value >> 20);// _ACC32_3 [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] private static uint RotateLeft32_13(uint value) => (value << 13) | (value >> 19); [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] private static uint RotateLeft32_17(uint value) => (value << 17) | (value >> 15); [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] private static uint RotateLeft32_18(uint value) => (value << 18) | (value >> 14); //_ACC32_4 #else private static uint Round32(uint input, uint value) => RotateLeft32(input + (value * PRIME32_2), 13) * PRIME32_1; private static uint RotateLeft32(uint value, int count) => (value << count) | (value >> (32 - count)); #endif private void Initialize(uint seed) { HashSizeValue = 32; _Seed32 = seed; Initialize(); } } /// /// Represents the class which provides a implementation of the xxHash64 algorithm. /// /// public sealed class XXHash64 : HashAlgorithm { private const ulong PRIME64_1 = 11400714785074694791UL; private const ulong PRIME64_2 = 14029467366897019727UL; private const ulong PRIME64_3 = 1609587929392839161UL; private const ulong PRIME64_4 = 9650029242287828579UL; private const ulong PRIME64_5 = 2870177450012600261UL; private static readonly Func FuncGetLittleEndianUInt32; private static readonly Func FuncGetLittleEndianUInt64; private static readonly Func FuncGetFinalHashUInt64; private ulong _Seed64; private ulong _ACC64_1; private ulong _ACC64_2; private ulong _ACC64_3; private ulong _ACC64_4; private ulong _Hash64; private int _RemainingLength; private long _TotalLength; private int _CurrentIndex; private byte[] _CurrentArray; static XXHash64() { if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian) { FuncGetLittleEndianUInt32 = new Func((x, i) => { unsafe { fixed (byte* array = x) { return *(uint*)(array + i); } } }); FuncGetLittleEndianUInt64 = new Func((x, i) => { unsafe { fixed (byte* array = x) { return *(ulong*)(array + i); } } }); FuncGetFinalHashUInt64 = new Func(i => (i & 0x00000000000000FFUL) << 56 | (i & 0x000000000000FF00UL) << 40 | (i & 0x0000000000FF0000UL) << 24 | (i & 0x00000000FF000000UL) << 8 | (i & 0x000000FF00000000UL) >> 8 | (i & 0x0000FF0000000000UL) >> 24 | (i & 0x00FF000000000000UL) >> 40 | (i & 0xFF00000000000000UL) >> 56); } else { FuncGetLittleEndianUInt32 = new Func((x, i) => { unsafe { fixed (byte* array = x) { return (uint)(array[i++] | (array[i++] << 8) | (array[i++] << 16) | (array[i] << 24)); } } }); FuncGetLittleEndianUInt64 = new Func((x, i) => { unsafe { fixed (byte* array = x) { return array[i++] | ((ulong)array[i++] << 8) | ((ulong)array[i++] << 16) | ((ulong)array[i++] << 24) | ((ulong)array[i++] << 32) | ((ulong)array[i++] << 40) | ((ulong)array[i++] << 48) | ((ulong)array[i] << 56); } } }); FuncGetFinalHashUInt64 = new Func(i => i); } } /// /// Creates an instance of class by default seed(0). /// /// public new static XXHash64 Create() => new XXHash64(); /// /// Creates an instance of the specified implementation of XXHash64 algorithm. /// This method always throws . /// /// The hash algorithm implementation to use. /// This method always throws . /// This method is not be supported. public new static XXHash64 Create(string algName) => throw new NotSupportedException("This method is not be supported."); /// /// Initializes a new instance of the class by default seed(0). /// public XXHash64() => Initialize(0); /// /// Initializes a new instance of the class, and sets the to the specified value. /// /// Represent the seed to be used for xxHash64 computing. public XXHash64(uint seed) => Initialize(seed); /// /// Gets the value of the computed hash code. /// /// Computation has not yet completed. public ulong HashUInt64 => State == 0 ? _Hash64 : throw new InvalidOperationException("Computation has not yet completed."); /// /// Gets or sets the value of seed used by xxHash64 algorithm. /// /// Computation has not yet completed. public ulong Seed { get => _Seed64; set { if (value != _Seed64) { if (State != 0) throw new InvalidOperationException("Computation has not yet completed."); _Seed64 = value; Initialize(); } } } /// /// Initializes this instance for new hash computing. /// public override void Initialize() { _ACC64_1 = _Seed64 + PRIME64_1 + PRIME64_2; _ACC64_2 = _Seed64 + PRIME64_2; _ACC64_3 = _Seed64 + 0; _ACC64_4 = _Seed64 - PRIME64_1; } /// /// Routes data written to the object into the hash algorithm for computing the hash. /// /// The input to compute the hash code for. /// The offset into the byte array from which to begin using data. /// The number of bytes in the byte array to use as data. protected override void HashCore(byte[] array, int ibStart, int cbSize) { if (State != 1) State = 1; var size = cbSize - ibStart; _RemainingLength = size & 31; if (cbSize >= 32) { var limit = size - _RemainingLength; do { _ACC64_1 = Round64(_ACC64_1, FuncGetLittleEndianUInt64(array, ibStart)); ibStart += 8; _ACC64_2 = Round64(_ACC64_2, FuncGetLittleEndianUInt64(array, ibStart)); ibStart += 8; _ACC64_3 = Round64(_ACC64_3, FuncGetLittleEndianUInt64(array, ibStart)); ibStart += 8; _ACC64_4 = Round64(_ACC64_4, FuncGetLittleEndianUInt64(array, ibStart)); ibStart += 8; } while (ibStart < limit); } _TotalLength += cbSize; if (_RemainingLength != 0) { _CurrentArray = array; _CurrentIndex = ibStart; } } /// /// Finalizes the hash computation after the last data is processed by the cryptographic stream object. /// /// The computed hash code. protected override byte[] HashFinal() { if (_TotalLength >= 32) { #if HIGHER_VERSIONS _Hash64 = RotateLeft64_1(_ACC64_1) + RotateLeft64_7(_ACC64_2) + RotateLeft64_12(_ACC64_3) + RotateLeft64_18(_ACC64_4); #else _Hash64 = RotateLeft64(_ACC64_1, 1) + RotateLeft64(_ACC64_2, 7) + RotateLeft64(_ACC64_3, 12) + RotateLeft64(_ACC64_4, 18); #endif _Hash64 = MergeRound64(_Hash64, _ACC64_1); _Hash64 = MergeRound64(_Hash64, _ACC64_2); _Hash64 = MergeRound64(_Hash64, _ACC64_3); _Hash64 = MergeRound64(_Hash64, _ACC64_4); } else { _Hash64 = _Seed64 + PRIME64_5; } _Hash64 += (ulong)_TotalLength; while (_RemainingLength >= 8) { #if HIGHER_VERSIONS _Hash64 = RotateLeft64_27(_Hash64 ^ Round64(0, FuncGetLittleEndianUInt64(_CurrentArray, _CurrentIndex))) * PRIME64_1 + PRIME64_4; #else _Hash64 = RotateLeft64(_Hash64 ^ Round64(0, FuncGetLittleEndianUInt64(_CurrentArray, _CurrentIndex)), 27) * PRIME64_1 + PRIME64_4; #endif _CurrentIndex += 8; _RemainingLength -= 8; } while (_RemainingLength >= 4) { #if HIGHER_VERSIONS _Hash64 = RotateLeft64_23(_Hash64 ^ (FuncGetLittleEndianUInt32(_CurrentArray, _CurrentIndex) * PRIME64_1)) * PRIME64_2 + PRIME64_3; #else _Hash64 = RotateLeft64(_Hash64 ^ (FuncGetLittleEndianUInt32(_CurrentArray, _CurrentIndex) * PRIME64_1), 23) * PRIME64_2 + PRIME64_3; #endif _CurrentIndex += 4; _RemainingLength -= 4; } unsafe { fixed (byte* arrayPtr = _CurrentArray) { while (_RemainingLength-- >= 1) { #if HIGHER_VERSIONS _Hash64 = RotateLeft64_11(_Hash64 ^ (arrayPtr[_CurrentIndex++] * PRIME64_5)) * PRIME64_1; #else _Hash64 = RotateLeft64(_Hash64 ^ (arrayPtr[_CurrentIndex++] * PRIME64_5), 11) * PRIME64_1; #endif } } } _Hash64 = (_Hash64 ^ (_Hash64 >> 33)) * PRIME64_2; _Hash64 = (_Hash64 ^ (_Hash64 >> 29)) * PRIME64_3; _Hash64 ^= _Hash64 >> 32; _TotalLength = State = 0; return BitConverter.GetBytes(FuncGetFinalHashUInt64(_Hash64)); } #if HIGHER_VERSIONS [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] private static ulong MergeRound64(ulong input, ulong value) => (input ^ Round64(0, value)) * PRIME64_1 + PRIME64_4; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] private static ulong Round64(ulong input, ulong value) => RotateLeft64_31(input + (value * PRIME64_2)) * PRIME64_1; [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] private static ulong RotateLeft64_1(ulong value) => (value << 1) | (value >> 63); // _ACC64_1 [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] private static ulong RotateLeft64_7(ulong value) => (value << 7) | (value >> 57); // _ACC64_2 [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] private static ulong RotateLeft64_11(ulong value) => (value << 11) | (value >> 53); [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] private static ulong RotateLeft64_12(ulong value) => (value << 12) | (value >> 52);// _ACC64_3 [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] private static ulong RotateLeft64_18(ulong value) => (value << 18) | (value >> 46); // _ACC64_4 [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] private static ulong RotateLeft64_23(ulong value) => (value << 23) | (value >> 41); [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] private static ulong RotateLeft64_27(ulong value) => (value << 27) | (value >> 37); [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] private static ulong RotateLeft64_31(ulong value) => (value << 31) | (value >> 33); #else private static ulong MergeRound64(ulong input, ulong value) => (input ^ Round64(0, value)) * PRIME64_1 + PRIME64_4; private static ulong Round64(ulong input, ulong value) => RotateLeft64(input + (value * PRIME64_2), 31) * PRIME64_1; private static ulong RotateLeft64(ulong value, int count) => (value << count) | (value >> (64 - count)); #endif private void Initialize(ulong seed) { HashSizeValue = 64; _Seed64 = seed; Initialize(); } } }