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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using ZeroLevel.Services.Serialization;
namespace ZeroLevel.Services.Trees
public class State
: IBinarySerializable
private bool _is_teminate;
private Dictionary<char, State> _transtions;
public State()
_is_teminate = false;
_transtions = new Dictionary<char, State>(32);
public bool Append(string word, int position)
if (word.Length == position)
if (_is_teminate)
return false;
_is_teminate = true;
return true;
State next;
if (_transtions.TryGetValue(word[position], out next) == false)
next = new State();
_transtions[word[position]] = next;
return next.Append(word, position + 1);
public bool Contains(string w, int position)
if (w.Length == position) return _is_teminate;
State next;
if (_transtions.TryGetValue(w[position], out next))
return next.Contains(w, position + 1);
return false;
public IEnumerable<string> Iterator(StringBuilder sb)
if (_is_teminate)
yield return sb.ToString();
foreach (var s in _transtions)
foreach (var t in s.Value.Iterator(sb))
yield return t;
sb.Remove(sb.Length - 1, 1);
public void Serialize(IBinaryWriter writer)
public void Deserialize(IBinaryReader reader)
this._is_teminate = reader.ReadBoolean();
this._transtions = reader.ReadDictionary<char, State>();
public void Reverse(State head)
var path = new Stack<Tuple<char, bool>>();
foreach (var s in _transtions)
s.Value.Forward(head, s.Key, path);
private void Forward(State head, char ch, Stack<Tuple<char, bool>> path)
path.Push(Tuple.Create(ch, _is_teminate));
if (_is_teminate)
Backward(head, path);
foreach (var s in _transtions)
s.Value.Forward(head, s.Key, path);
private void Backward(State head, Stack<Tuple<char, bool>> path)
State current = head;
foreach (var pair in path)
if (false == current._transtions.ContainsKey(pair.Item1))
var next = new State();
current._transtions.Add(pair.Item1, next);
current = next;
current = current._transtions[pair.Item1];
current._is_teminate = true;
public class DSA
: IBinarySerializable
private State _initialState;
private long _count = 0;
public long Count => _count;
public DSA()
_initialState = new State();
public bool AppendWord(string word)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(word)) return false;
if (_initialState.Append(word, 0))
Interlocked.Increment(ref _count);
return true;
return false;
public bool Contains(string word)
return _initialState.Contains(word, 0);
public void Deserialize(IBinaryReader reader)
this._count = reader.ReadLong();
public void Serialize(IBinaryWriter writer)
public IEnumerable<string> Iterator()
return _initialState.Iterator(new StringBuilder());
public void Reverse()
var reverse_initial = new State();
_initialState = reverse_initial;
public void Optimize()
// merge
// reverse
// merge
// reverse
/*var reverse_initial = new State();
_initialState = new State();

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