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using System;
using ZeroLevel.Services.Logging;
using ZeroLevel.Services.Logging.Implementation;
namespace ZeroLevel
public static class Log
#region Fields
internal static ILogger _router;
#endregion Fields
#region Ctor
static Log()
_router = new LogRouter();
#endregion Ctor
private static string FormatMessage(string line, params object[] args)
if (args == null || args.Length == 0) return line;
return string.Format(line, args);
return line;
#region Logging
public static void Raw(string line, params object[] args)
_router.Write(LogLevel.Raw, FormatMessage(line, args));
/// <summary>
/// Info message
/// </summary>
public static void Info(string line, params object[] args)
_router.Write(LogLevel.Info, FormatMessage(line, args));
/// <summary>
/// Warning message
/// </summary>
public static void Warning(string line, params object[] args)
_router.Write(LogLevel.Warning, FormatMessage(line, args));
/// <summary>
/// Error message
/// </summary>
public static void Error(string line, params object[] args)
_router.Write(LogLevel.Error, FormatMessage(line, args));
/// <summary>
/// Error message
/// </summary>
public static void Error(Exception ex, string line, params object[] args)
_router.Write(LogLevel.Error, FormatMessage(line, args) + "\r\n" + ex.ToString());
/// <summary>
/// Fatal crash
/// </summary>
public static void Fatal(string line, params object[] args)
_router.Write(LogLevel.Fatal, FormatMessage(line, args));
/// <summary>
/// Fatal message (mean stop app after crash)
/// </summary>
public static void Fatal(Exception ex, string line, params object[] args)
_router.Write(LogLevel.Fatal, FormatMessage(line, args) + "\r\n" + ex.ToString());
/// <summary>
/// Debug message
/// </summary>
public static void Debug(string line, params object[] args)
_router.Write(LogLevel.Debug, FormatMessage(line, args));
/// <summary>
/// Low-level debug message
/// </summary>
public static void Verbose(string line, params object[] args)
_router.Write(LogLevel.Verbose, FormatMessage(line, args));
/// <summary>
/// System message
/// </summary>
public static void SystemInfo(string line, params object[] args)
_router.Write(LogLevel.SystemInfo, FormatMessage(line, args));
/// <summary>
/// System warning
/// </summary>
public static void SystemWarning(string line, params object[] args)
_router.Write(LogLevel.SystemWarning, FormatMessage(line, args));
/// <summary>
/// System error
/// </summary>
public static void SystemError(string line, params object[] args)
_router.Write(LogLevel.SystemError, FormatMessage(line, args));
/// <summary>
/// System error
/// </summary>
public static void SystemError(Exception ex, string line, params object[] args)
_router.Write(LogLevel.SystemError, FormatMessage(line, args) + "\r\n" + ex.ToString());
#endregion Logging
#region Register loggers
public static void AddLogger(ILogger logger, LogLevel level = LogLevel.Standart)
(_router as ILogComposer)?.AddLogger(logger, level);
#region Delegate logger
public static void AddDelegateLogger(Action<string> handler, LogLevel level = LogLevel.Standart)
AddLogger(new DelegateLogger(handler), level);
#endregion Delegate logger
#region Console
private static bool _console_log_enabled = false;
public static void AddConsoleLogger(LogLevel level = LogLevel.Standart)
if (_console_log_enabled == false)
AddLogger(new ConsoleLogger(), level);
_console_log_enabled = true;
#endregion Console
#region TextLogs
public static void AddTextFileLogger(TextFileLoggerOptions options, LogLevel level = LogLevel.FullDebug)
AddLogger(new TextFileLogger(options), level);
public static void AddTextFileLogger(string path, LogLevel level = LogLevel.FullDebug)
AddLogger(new FileLogger(path), level);
#endregion TextLogs
#region Encrypted file log
public static void AddEncryptedFileLogger(EncryptedFileLogOptions options, LogLevel level = LogLevel.FullDebug)
AddLogger(new EncryptedFileLog(options), level);
#endregion Encrypted file log
#endregion Register loggers
#region Settings
public static void CreateLoggingFromConfiguration(IConfigurationSet configSet)
IConfiguration config;
bool log_section = false;
if (configSet.Default.Contains("log"))
config = configSet.Default;
else if (configSet.ContainsSection("log"))
config = configSet["log"];
log_section = true;
string logPath = null;
if (config.Contains("log"))
logPath = config.First("log");
else if (log_section && config.Contains("path"))
logPath = config.First("path");
if (false == string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(logPath))
var options = TextFileLoggerOptions.CreateOptionsBy(config, logPath, log_section ? string.Empty : "log.");
if (options != null)
if (config.FirstOrDefault("console", false))
AddConsoleLogger(LogLevel.System | LogLevel.FullDebug);
/// <summary>
/// Set max count log-messages in queue
/// </summary>
public static void Backlog(long backlog)
(_router as ILogComposer)?.SetupBacklog(backlog);
#endregion Settings
#region Disposable
public static void Dispose()
#endregion Disposable

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