mirror of https://github.com/ogoun/Zero.git
1312 lines
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1312 lines
46 KiB
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Threading;
using ZeroLevel.Services.Collections;
namespace ZeroLevel.DependencyInjection
internal sealed class Container :
#region Activator
private static object Activate(Type type, object[] args)
var flags = BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public;
CultureInfo culture = null; // use InvariantCulture or other if you prefer
return Activator.CreateInstance(type, flags, null, args, culture);
public T CreateInstance<T>(string resolveName = "")
T instance = default(T);
instance = Resolve<T>(resolveName);
instance = (T)Activate(typeof(T), null);
return instance;
public T CreateInstance<T>(object[] args, string resolveName = "")
T instance = default(T);
instance = Resolve<T>(resolveName, args);
instance = (T)Activate(typeof(T), args);
return instance;
public object CreateInstance(Type type, string resolveName = "")
object instance = null;
instance = Resolve(type, resolveName);
instance = Activate(type, null);
return instance;
public object CreateInstance(Type type, object[] args, string resolveName = "")
object instance = null;
instance = Resolve(type, resolveName, args);
instance = Activate(type, args);
return instance;
#endregion Activator
#region Caching
private readonly ReaderWriterLockSlim _rwLock =
new ReaderWriterLockSlim();
/// <summary>
/// Map - contract - dependency resolving
/// </summary>
private readonly Dictionary<Type, List<ResolveTypeInfo>> _resolvingMap =
new Dictionary<Type, List<ResolveTypeInfo>>();
private readonly object _constructorCacheeLocker = new object();
/// <summary>
/// Types constructors cache
/// </summary>
private readonly Dictionary<Type, IEnumerable<ConstructorMetadata>> _constructorCachee =
new Dictionary<Type, IEnumerable<ConstructorMetadata>>();
#endregion Caching
#region Private
/// <summary>
/// Creating an instance of an object at the specified dependency resolution
/// </summary>
/// <param name="resolveType">Dependency resolving metadata</param>
/// <param name="args">Ctor args</param>
/// <returns>Instance</returns>
private object MakeResolving(ResolveTypeInfo resolveType, object[] args, bool compose = true)
Type instanceType = resolveType.ImplementationType;
if (resolveType.IsShared)
if (null == resolveType.SharedInstance)
resolveType.SharedInstance = MakeInstance(instanceType, args ?? resolveType.ConstructorParameters);
if (compose)
return resolveType.SharedInstance;
var sessionInstance = MakeInstance(instanceType, args ?? resolveType.ConstructorParameters);
if (compose)
return sessionInstance;
/// <summary>
/// Creating an instance of the object at the specified dependency resolution, for a generic type of contract
/// </summary>
/// <param name="resolveType">Dependency resolving metadata</param>
/// <param name="genericType">Generic contract</param>
/// <param name="args">Ctor args</param>
/// <returns>Instance</returns>
private object MakeGenericResolving(ResolveTypeInfo resolveType, Type genericType, object[] args, bool compose = true)
if (null == resolveType.GenericCachee)
resolveType.GenericCachee = new Dictionary<Type, Type>();
if (false == resolveType.GenericCachee.ContainsKey(genericType))
var genericArgumentTypes = genericType.GetGenericArguments();
var realType = resolveType.ImplementationType.MakeGenericType(genericArgumentTypes);
resolveType.GenericCachee.Add(genericType, realType);
Type instanceType = resolveType.GenericCachee[genericType];
if (resolveType.IsShared)
if (resolveType.GenericInstanceCachee == null)
resolveType.GenericInstanceCachee = new Dictionary<Type, object>();
if (false == resolveType.GenericInstanceCachee.ContainsKey(instanceType))
var sharedInstance = MakeInstance(instanceType, args ?? resolveType.ConstructorParameters);
if (compose)
resolveType.GenericInstanceCachee.Add(instanceType, sharedInstance);
return resolveType.GenericInstanceCachee[instanceType];
var sessionInstance = MakeInstance(instanceType, args ?? resolveType.ConstructorParameters);
if (compose)
return sessionInstance;
/// <summary>
/// Collecting properties of the type marked with attribute dependency resolution
/// </summary>
/// <param name="type">Type</param>
/// <returns>List of properties marked with "Resolve" attribute</returns>
private static IEnumerable<PropertyInfo> CollectResolvingProperties(Type type)
return type.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy).
Where(p => p.GetCustomAttribute<ResolveAttribute>() != null);
/// <summary>
/// Collecting fields of type marked with an attribute of dependency resolution
/// </summary>
/// <param name="type">Type</param>
/// <returns>List of properties marked with "Resolve" attribute</returns>
private static IEnumerable<FieldInfo> CollectResolvingFields(Type type)
return type.GetFields(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy).
Where(p => p.GetCustomAttribute<ResolveAttribute>() != null);
/// <summary>
/// Search for dependency resolution
/// </summary>
/// <param name="type">Contract</param>
/// <param name="resolveName">Dependency name</param>
/// <param name="contractType">Redefined contract type</param>
/// <returns></returns>
private ResolveTypeInfo FindResolving(Type type, string resolveName, Type contractType)
HashSet<Type> contract_candidates = new HashSet<Type>();
if (contractType != null)
if (contractType.IsInterface)
foreach (var c in GetInterfacesAndAbstracts(contractType))
if (contract_candidates.Count == 0)
if (type.IsInterface)
foreach (var c in GetInterfacesAndAbstracts(type))
if (contract_candidates.Count > 0)
var resolveInfo = _resolvingMap.Single(r => contract_candidates.Any(ct => ct == r.Key));
return resolveInfo.Value.First(ri => ri.ResolveKey.Equals(resolveName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
throw new KeyNotFoundException($"Can't resolve dependency by type '{type.FullName}' and dependency name '{resolveName}'");
/// <summary>
/// Resolving dependency on attribute "Resolve
/// </summary>
/// <param name="type">Contract</param>
/// <param name="resolveAttribute">Resolve attribute</param>
/// <returns>Instance</returns>
private object MakeInstanceBy(Type type, ResolveAttribute resolveAttribute)
var is_generic = false;
var maybyType = type;
if (maybyType.IsGenericTypeDefinition)
maybyType = maybyType.GetGenericTypeDefinition();
is_generic = true;
var resolveType = FindResolving(maybyType,
resolveAttribute?.ResolveName ?? string.Empty,
if (is_generic)
return MakeGenericResolving(resolveType, type, null);
return MakeResolving(resolveType, null);
catch (Exception ex)
throw new Exception($"Can't create type '{type.FullName}' instance for contract type {type.FullName}. Dependency key: '{resolveAttribute?.ResolveName}'", ex);
/// <summary>
/// Collection of interfaces and abstract classes from which the type is inherited
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sourceType">Type</param>
/// <returns>List of interfaces and abstract classes</returns>
private static IEnumerable<Type> GetInterfacesAndAbstracts(Type sourceType)
var interfaces = sourceType.GetInterfaces().ToList();
var parent = sourceType.BaseType;
while (parent != null && parent != typeof(object))
if (parent.IsAbstract && parent.IsClass)
parent = parent.BaseType;
return interfaces;
/// <summary>
/// Getting a list of metadata by type constructors
/// </summary>
/// <param name="type">Type</param>
/// <returns>Metadata type constructors</returns>
private IEnumerable<ConstructorMetadata> GetConstructors(Type type)
lock (_constructorCacheeLocker)
if (false == _constructorCachee.ContainsKey(type))
var list = new List<ConstructorMetadata>();
foreach (var c in type.
GetConstructors(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public))
list.Add(new ConstructorMetadata(this, c));
_constructorCachee.Add(type, list);
return _constructorCachee[type];
/// <summary>
/// Creating an instance of an object, including with non-public constructors
/// </summary>
/// <param name="type">Type</param>
/// <param name="args">Ctor args</param>
/// <returns>Instance</returns>
private object MakeInstance(Type type, object[] args)
ConstructorInfo constructor = null;
object[] parameters = null;
foreach (var ctor in GetConstructors(type))
if (ctor.IsMatch(args, out parameters))
constructor = ctor.Constructor;
if (null == constructor)
return System.Runtime.Serialization.FormatterServices.GetUninitializedObject(type);
return constructor.Invoke(parameters);
/*var flags = BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public;
CultureInfo culture = null; // use InvariantCulture or other if you prefer
return Activator.CreateInstance(type, flags, null, args, culture);*/
/// <summary>
/// Dependency resolution registration
/// </summary>
/// <param name="contractType">Contract</param>
/// <param name="resolveType">Dependency resolving metadata</param>
private void Register(Type contractType, ResolveTypeInfo resolveType)
if (false == _resolvingMap.ContainsKey(contractType))
_resolvingMap.Add(contractType, new List<ResolveTypeInfo>());
if (resolveType.IsDefault &&
_resolvingMap[contractType].Any(it => it.IsDefault))
throw new Exception($"Default resolve type already has been defined. Contract: {contractType.FullName}");
if (_resolvingMap[contractType].
Any(it => it.ResolveKey.Equals(resolveType.ResolveKey, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))
throw new Exception($"Resolve type with the same name '{resolveType.ResolveKey}' already has been defined. Contract: { contractType.FullName}");
#endregion Private
#region Register
public void Register<TContract, TImplementation>()
var resolveType = new ResolveTypeInfo
ImplementationType = typeof(TImplementation),
IsDefault = true,
IsShared = false,
ResolveKey = string.Empty
Register(typeof(TContract), resolveType);
public void Register<TContract, TImplementation>(bool shared)
var resolveType = new ResolveTypeInfo
ImplementationType = typeof(TImplementation),
IsDefault = true,
IsShared = shared,
ResolveKey = string.Empty
Register(typeof(TContract), resolveType);
public void Register<TContract, TImplementation>(string resolveName)
var resolveType = new ResolveTypeInfo
ImplementationType = typeof(TImplementation),
IsDefault = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(resolveName),
IsShared = false,
ResolveKey = resolveName?.Trim()
Register(typeof(TContract), resolveType);
public void Register<TContract, TImplementation>(string resolveName, bool shared)
var resolveType = new ResolveTypeInfo
ImplementationType = typeof(TImplementation),
IsDefault = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(resolveName),
IsShared = shared,
ResolveKey = resolveName?.Trim()
Register(typeof(TContract), resolveType);
public void Register(Type contractType, Type implementationType)
var resolveType = new ResolveTypeInfo
ImplementationType = implementationType,
IsDefault = true,
IsShared = false,
ResolveKey = string.Empty
Register(contractType, resolveType);
public void Register(Type contractType, Type implementationType, string resolveName)
var resolveType = new ResolveTypeInfo
ImplementationType = implementationType,
IsDefault = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(resolveName),
IsShared = false,
ResolveKey = resolveName?.Trim()
Register(contractType, resolveType);
public void Register(Type contractType, Type implementationType, bool shared)
var resolveType = new ResolveTypeInfo
ImplementationType = implementationType,
IsDefault = true,
IsShared = shared,
ResolveKey = string.Empty
Register(contractType, resolveType);
public void Register(Type contractType, Type implementationType, string resolveName, bool shared)
var resolveType = new ResolveTypeInfo
ImplementationType = implementationType,
IsDefault = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(resolveName),
IsShared = shared,
ResolveKey = resolveName?.Trim()
Register(contractType, resolveType);
#endregion Register
#region Register with parameters
public void ParameterizedRegister<TContract, TImplementation>(object[] constructorParameters)
var resolveType = new ResolveTypeInfo
ImplementationType = typeof(TImplementation),
IsDefault = true,
IsShared = false,
ResolveKey = string.Empty,
ConstructorParameters = constructorParameters
Register(typeof(TContract), resolveType);
public void ParameterizedRegister<TContract, TImplementation>(string resolveName, object[] constructorParameters)
var resolveType = new ResolveTypeInfo
ImplementationType = typeof(TImplementation),
IsDefault = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(resolveName),
IsShared = false,
ResolveKey = resolveName?.Trim(),
ConstructorParameters = constructorParameters
Register(typeof(TContract), resolveType);
public void ParameterizedRegister<TContract, TImplementation>(bool shared, object[] constructorParameters)
var resolveType = new ResolveTypeInfo
ImplementationType = typeof(TImplementation),
IsDefault = true,
IsShared = shared,
ResolveKey = string.Empty,
ConstructorParameters = constructorParameters
Register(typeof(TContract), resolveType);
public void ParameterizedRegister<TContract, TImplementation>(string resolveName, bool shared, object[] constructorParameters)
var resolveType = new ResolveTypeInfo
ImplementationType = typeof(TImplementation),
IsDefault = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(resolveName),
IsShared = shared,
ResolveKey = resolveName?.Trim(),
ConstructorParameters = constructorParameters
Register(typeof(TContract), resolveType);
public void ParameterizedRegister(Type contractType, Type implementationType, object[] constructorParameters)
var resolveType = new ResolveTypeInfo
ImplementationType = implementationType,
IsDefault = true,
IsShared = false,
ResolveKey = string.Empty,
ConstructorParameters = constructorParameters
Register(contractType, resolveType);
public void ParameterizedRegister(Type contractType, Type implementationType, string resolveName, object[] constructorParameters)
var resolveType = new ResolveTypeInfo
ImplementationType = implementationType,
IsDefault = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(resolveName),
IsShared = false,
ResolveKey = resolveName?.Trim(),
ConstructorParameters = constructorParameters
Register(contractType, resolveType);
public void ParameterizedRegister(Type contractType, Type implementationType, bool shared, object[] constructorParameters)
var resolveType = new ResolveTypeInfo
ImplementationType = implementationType,
IsDefault = true,
IsShared = shared,
ResolveKey = string.Empty,
ConstructorParameters = constructorParameters
Register(contractType, resolveType);
public void ParameterizedRegister(Type contractType, Type implementationType, string resolveName, bool shared, object[] constructorParameters)
var resolveType = new ResolveTypeInfo
ImplementationType = implementationType,
IsDefault = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(resolveName),
IsShared = shared,
ResolveKey = resolveName?.Trim(),
ConstructorParameters = constructorParameters
Register(contractType, resolveType);
#endregion Register with parameters
#region Register instance
/// <summary>
/// Register singletone
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="TContract">Contract</typeparam>
/// <param name="implementation">Instance</param>
public void Register<TContract>(TContract implementation)
var resolveType = new ResolveTypeInfo
ImplementationType = implementation.GetType(),
IsDefault = true,
IsShared = true,
ResolveKey = string.Empty,
SharedInstance = implementation
Register(typeof(TContract), resolveType);
public void Register(Type contractType, object implementation)
var resolveType = new ResolveTypeInfo
ImplementationType = implementation.GetType(),
IsDefault = true,
IsShared = true,
ResolveKey = string.Empty,
SharedInstance = implementation
Register(contractType, resolveType);
public void Register<TContract>(TContract implementation, string resolveName)
var resolveType = new ResolveTypeInfo
ImplementationType = implementation.GetType(),
IsDefault = string.IsNullOrEmpty(resolveName),
IsShared = true,
ResolveKey = resolveName,
SharedInstance = implementation
Register(typeof(TContract), resolveType);
public void Register(Type contractType, string resolveName, object implementation)
var resolveType = new ResolveTypeInfo
ImplementationType = implementation.GetType(),
IsDefault = true,
IsShared = true,
ResolveKey = resolveName,
SharedInstance = implementation
Register(contractType, resolveType);
#endregion Register instance
#region Safe register
public bool TryRegister<TContract, TImplementation>(Action<Exception> fallback = null)
Register<TContract, TImplementation>();
return true;
catch (Exception ex)
return false;
public bool TryRegister<TContract, TImplementation>(bool shared, Action<Exception> fallback = null)
Register<TContract, TImplementation>(shared);
return true;
catch (Exception ex)
return false;
public bool TryRegister<TContract, TImplementation>(string resolveName, Action<Exception> fallback = null)
Register<TContract, TImplementation>(resolveName);
return true;
catch (Exception ex)
return false;
public bool TryRegister<TContract, TImplementation>(string resolveName, bool shared, Action<Exception> fallback = null)
Register<TContract, TImplementation>(resolveName, shared);
return true;
catch (Exception ex)
return false;
public bool TryRegister(Type contractType, Type implementationType, Action<Exception> fallback = null)
Register(contractType, implementationType);
return true;
catch (Exception ex)
return false;
public bool TryRegister(Type contractType, Type implementationType, string resolveName, Action<Exception> fallback = null)
Register(contractType, implementationType, resolveName);
return true;
catch (Exception ex)
return false;
public bool TryRegister(Type contractType, Type implementationType, bool shared, Action<Exception> fallback = null)
Register(contractType, implementationType, shared);
return true;
catch (Exception ex)
return false;
public bool TryRegister(Type contractType, Type implementationType, string resolveName, bool shared, Action<Exception> fallback = null)
Register(contractType, implementationType, resolveName, shared);
return true;
catch (Exception ex)
return false;
#endregion Safe register
#region Safe register with parameters
public bool TryParameterizedRegister<TContract, TImplementation>(object[] constructorParameters, Action<Exception> fallback = null)
ParameterizedRegister<TContract, TImplementation>(constructorParameters);
return true;
catch (Exception ex)
return false;
public bool TryParameterizedRegister<TContract, TImplementation>(string resolveName, object[] constructorParameters, Action<Exception> fallback = null)
ParameterizedRegister<TContract, TImplementation>(resolveName, constructorParameters);
return true;
catch (Exception ex)
return false;
public bool TryParameterizedRegister<TContract, TImplementation>(bool shared, object[] constructorParameters, Action<Exception> fallback = null)
ParameterizedRegister<TContract, TImplementation>(shared, constructorParameters);
return true;
catch (Exception ex)
return false;
public bool TryParameterizedRegister<TContract, TImplementation>(string resolveName, bool shared, object[] constructorParameters, Action<Exception> fallback = null)
ParameterizedRegister<TContract, TImplementation>(resolveName, shared, constructorParameters);
return true;
catch (Exception ex)
return false;
public bool TryParameterizedRegister(Type contractType, Type implementationType, object[] constructorParameters, Action<Exception> fallback = null)
ParameterizedRegister(contractType, implementationType, constructorParameters);
return true;
catch (Exception ex)
return false;
public bool TryParameterizedRegister(Type contractType, Type implementationType, string resolveName, object[] constructorParameters, Action<Exception> fallback = null)
ParameterizedRegister(contractType, implementationType, resolveName, constructorParameters);
return true;
catch (Exception ex)
return false;
public bool TryParameterizedRegister(Type contractType, Type implementationType, bool shared, object[] constructorParameters, Action<Exception> fallback = null)
ParameterizedRegister(contractType, implementationType, shared, constructorParameters);
return true;
catch (Exception ex)
return false;
public bool TryParameterizedRegister(Type contractType, Type implementationType, string resolveName, bool shared, object[] constructorParameters, Action<Exception> fallback = null)
ParameterizedRegister(contractType, implementationType, resolveName, shared, constructorParameters);
return true;
catch (Exception ex)
return false;
#endregion Safe register with parameters
#region Resolving
public object Resolve(Type type, bool compose = true)
return Resolve(type, string.Empty, null, compose);
public object Resolve(Type type, object[] args, bool compose = true)
return Resolve(type, string.Empty, args, compose);
public object Resolve(Type type, string resolveName, bool compose = true)
return Resolve(type, resolveName, null, compose);
public T Resolve<T>(bool compose = true)
return (T)Resolve(typeof(T), string.Empty, null, compose);
public T Resolve<T>(object[] args, bool compose = true)
return (T)Resolve(typeof(T), string.Empty, args, compose);
public T Resolve<T>(string resolveName, bool compose = true)
return (T)Resolve(typeof(T), resolveName, null, compose);
public T Resolve<T>(string resolveName, object[] args, bool compose = true)
return (T)Resolve(typeof(T), resolveName, args, compose);
public bool IsResolvingExists<T>()
return IsResolvingExists(typeof(T), string.Empty);
public bool IsResolvingExists<T>(string resolveName)
return IsResolvingExists(typeof(T), resolveName);
public bool IsResolvingExists(Type type)
return IsResolvingExists(type, string.Empty);
public bool IsResolvingExists(Type type, string resolveName)
return GetResolvedType(type, resolveName)?.Item1 != null;
private Tuple<ResolveTypeInfo, bool> GetResolvedType(Type type, string resolveName)
if (_resolvingMap.ContainsKey(type))
return Tuple.Create(_resolvingMap[type].
FirstOrDefault(i => i.ResolveKey.Equals(resolveName, StringComparison.Ordinal)),
else if (type.IsGenericType)
var generic_type = type.GetGenericTypeDefinition();
if (_resolvingMap.ContainsKey(generic_type))
return Tuple.Create(_resolvingMap[generic_type].
FirstOrDefault(i => i.ResolveKey.Equals(resolveName, StringComparison.Ordinal)),
return new Tuple<ResolveTypeInfo, bool>(null, false);
public object Resolve(Type type, string resolveName, object[] args, bool compose = true)
var resolve = GetResolvedType(type, resolveName);
if (null == resolve.Item1)
throw new KeyNotFoundException($"Can'r resolve type {type.FullName} on key '{resolveName}'");
// Detect instance type
if (resolve.Item2)
return MakeGenericResolving(resolve.Item1, type, args, compose);
return MakeResolving(resolve.Item1, args, compose);
catch (Exception ex)
throw new Exception($"Can't create instance for type {type.FullName} for resolved dependency {type.FullName} by key {resolveName}", ex);
#endregion Resolving
#region Safe resolving
public object TryResolve(Type type, out object result, bool compose = true)
return TryResolve(type, string.Empty, null, out result, compose);
public object TryResolve(Type type, object[] args, out object result, bool compose = true)
return TryResolve(type, string.Empty, args, out result, compose);
public object TryResolve(Type type, string resolveName, out object result, bool compose = true)
return TryResolve(type, resolveName, null, out result, compose);
public bool TryResolve<T>(out T result, bool compose = true)
object instance;
if (TryResolve(typeof(T), string.Empty, null, out instance, compose))
result = (T)instance;
return true;
result = default(T);
return false;
public bool TryResolve<T>(object[] args, out T result, bool compose = true)
object instance;
if (TryResolve(typeof(T), string.Empty, args, out instance, compose))
result = (T)instance;
return true;
result = default(T);
return false;
public bool TryResolve<T>(string resolveName, out T result, bool compose = true)
object instance;
if (TryResolve(typeof(T), resolveName, null, out instance, compose))
result = (T)instance;
return true;
result = default(T);
return false;
public bool TryResolve<T>(string resolveName, object[] args, out T result, bool compose = true)
object instance;
if (TryResolve(typeof(T), resolveName, args, out instance, compose))
result = (T)instance;
return true;
result = default(T);
return false;
public bool TryResolve(Type type, string resolveName, object[] args, out object result, bool compose = true)
// Detect instance type
var resolve = GetResolvedType(type, resolveName);
if (null == resolve.Item1)
result = null;
return false;
if (resolve.Item2)
result = MakeGenericResolving(resolve.Item1, type, args, compose);
result = MakeResolving(resolve.Item1, args, compose);
return true;
catch (Exception ex)
$"Can't create type '{type.FullName}' instance for resolve dependency with contract type '{type.FullName}' and dependency name '{resolveName}'", ex);
result = null;
return false;
#endregion Safe resolving
#region Composition
/// <summary>
/// Filling in the fields and properties of an object with auto-set values flagged from the container parameters
/// </summary>
private void FillParametrizedFieldsAndProperties(object instance)
foreach (var property in instance.GetType().GetProperties(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy))
var attr = property.GetCustomAttribute<ParameterAttribute>();
if (attr != null)
var parameterType = attr.Type ?? property.PropertyType;
var parameterName = attr.Name ?? property.Name;
property.SetValue(instance, this.Get(parameterType, parameterName));
foreach (var field in instance.GetType().GetFields(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy))
var attr = field.GetCustomAttribute<ParameterAttribute>();
if (attr != null)
var parameterType = attr.Type ?? field.FieldType;
var parameterName = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(attr.Name) ? field.Name : attr.Name;
field.SetValue(instance, this.Get(parameterType, parameterName));
private void ComposeParts(object instance)
var resolve_properties = CollectResolvingProperties(instance.GetType());
var resolve_fields = CollectResolvingFields(instance.GetType());
foreach (var p in resolve_properties)
var resolve_instance = MakeInstanceBy(p.PropertyType,
p.SetValue(instance, resolve_instance);
foreach (var f in resolve_fields)
var resolve_instance = MakeInstanceBy(f.FieldType,
f.SetValue(instance, resolve_instance);
private void RecursiveCompose(object instance, HashSet<object> set)
foreach (var f in
instance.GetType().GetFields(BindingFlags.Public |
BindingFlags.NonPublic |
if (f.FieldType.IsClass || f.FieldType.IsInterface)
var next = f.GetValue(instance);
if (null != next)
if (set.Add(next))
RecursiveCompose(next, set);
public void Compose(object instance, bool recursive = true)
if (recursive)
RecursiveCompose(instance, new HashSet<object>());
public bool TryCompose(object instanse, bool recursive = true)
Compose(instanse, recursive);
return true;
catch (Exception ex)
Log.SystemError(ex, $"[Container] TryCompose error. Instance: '{instanse?.GetType()?.FullName ?? string.Empty}'. Recursive: {recursive}");
return false;
#endregion Composition
#region IDisposable
public void Dispose()
foreach (var list in _resolvingMap.Values)
foreach (var item in list)
(item.SharedInstance as IDisposable)?.Dispose();
catch (Exception ex)
Log.SystemError(ex, $"[Container] Singletone dispose error. Instance: '{item?.GetType()?.FullName ?? string.Empty}'");
if (item.GenericInstanceCachee != null)
foreach (var gitem in item.GenericInstanceCachee.Values)
(gitem as IDisposable)?.Dispose();
catch (Exception ex)
Log.SystemError(ex, $"[Container] Generic singletone dispose error. Instance: '{gitem?.GetType()?.FullName ?? string.Empty}'");
catch (Exception ex)
Log.SystemError(ex, $"[Container] Dispose error");
#endregion IDisposable
#region IEverythingStorage
private readonly Lazy<IEverythingStorage> _everything =
new Lazy<IEverythingStorage>(EverythingStorage.Create);
public void Save<T>(string key, T value)
_everything.Value.Add<T>(key, value);
public void Remove<T>(string key)
public bool Contains<T>(string key)
return _everything.Value.ContainsKey<T>(key);
public bool TrySave<T>(string key, T value)
return _everything.Value.TryAdd<T>(key, value);
public bool TryRemove<T>(string key)
return _everything.Value.TryRemove<T>(key);
public T Get<T>(string key)
return _everything.Value.Get<T>(key);
public object Get(Type type, string key)
return _everything.Value.Get(type, key);
public void SaveOrUpdate<T>(string key, T value)
_everything.Value.AddOrUpdate<T>(key, value);
public T GetOrDefault<T>(string key)
if (_everything.Value.ContainsKey<T>(key))
return _everything.Value.Get<T>(key);
return default(T);
public T GetOrDefault<T>(string key, T defaultValue)
if (_everything.Value.ContainsKey<T>(key))
return _everything.Value.Get<T>(key);
return defaultValue;
#endregion IEverythingStorage
} |