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using System;
using ZeroLevel.ML.Models;
namespace ZeroLevel.ML.LocationMath
public static class EarthRadiusMath
private const double a = 6378137.0d;
private const double b = 6356752.3142d;
private const double a2 = a * a;
private const double b2 = b * b;
public static double CalculateEarthRadius(GeoPoint location) => CalculateEarthRadius(location.Longitude);
public static double CalculateEarthRadius(double longitudeDegrees)
var radLongitude = GeoMath.toRadians(longitudeDegrees);
var sinB = Math.Sin(radLongitude);
var cosB = Math.Cos(radLongitude);
var top = a2 * cosB * a2 * cosB + b2 * sinB * b2 * sinB;
var bottom = a * cosB * a * cosB + b * sinB * b * sinB;
var R = Math.Sqrt(top / bottom);
return R;

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