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using System;
using System.Net;
namespace ZeroLevel.Network
internal sealed class ExService
: ZBaseNetwork, IExService
private readonly ExRouter _router;
private readonly IZObservableServer _server;
public event Action<ISocketClient> OnConnect = c => { };
public event Action<ISocketClient> OnDisconnect = c => { };
public ExService(IZObservableServer server)
_server = server ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(server));
_router = new ExRouter();
_server.OnMessage += _server_OnMessage;
_server.OnRequest += _server_OnRequest;
_server.OnConnect += _server_OnConnect;
_server.OnDisconnect += _server_OnDisconnect;
private void _server_OnDisconnect(ISocketClient client)
private void _server_OnConnect(ISocketClient client)
private Frame _server_OnRequest(Frame frame, IZBackward client)
return _router.HandleRequest(frame, client);
private void _server_OnMessage(Frame frame, IZBackward client)
_router.HandleMessage(frame, client);
public IPEndPoint Endpoint => _server.Endpoint;
/// <summary>
/// Registering an Inbox Handler
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">Message type</typeparam>
/// <param name="inbox">Inbox name</param>
/// <param name="handler">Handler</param>
public void RegisterInbox<T>(string inbox, Action<T, long, IZBackward> handler)
_router.RegisterInbox(inbox, handler);
public void RegisterInbox<T>(Action<T, long, IZBackward> handler)
_router.RegisterInbox(DEFAULT_MESSAGE_INBOX, handler);
/// <summary>
/// Registration method responding to an incoming request
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="Treq">Type of input message</typeparam>
/// <typeparam name="Tresp">Type of response</typeparam>
/// <param name="protocol">Protocol</param>
/// <param name="inbox">Inbox name</param>
/// <param name="replier">Handler</param>
public void RegisterInbox<Treq, Tresp>(string inbox, Func<Treq, long, IZBackward, Tresp> handler)
_router.RegisterInbox<Treq, Tresp>(inbox, handler);
public void RegisterInbox<Treq, Tresp>(Func<Treq, long, IZBackward, Tresp> handler)
_router.RegisterInbox<Treq, Tresp>(DEFAULT_REQUEST_INBOX, handler);
/// <summary>
/// Registration of the method of responding to the incoming request, not receiving incoming data
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="Tresp">Type of response</typeparam>
/// <param name="protocol">Protocol</param>
/// <param name="inbox">Inbox name</param>
/// <param name="replier">Handler</param>
public void RegisterInbox<Tresp>(string inbox, Func<long, IZBackward, Tresp> handler)
_router.RegisterInbox<Tresp>(inbox, handler);
public void RegisterInbox<Tresp>(Func<long, IZBackward, Tresp> handler)
_router.RegisterInbox<Tresp>(DEFAULT_REQUEST_INBOX, handler);
public void RegisterInbox(string inbox, Action<long, IZBackward> handler)
_router.RegisterInbox(inbox, handler);
public void RegisterInbox(Action<long, ISocketClient> handler)
_router.RegisterInbox(DEFAULT_REQUEST_INBOX, handler);
public override void Dispose()

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