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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using ZeroLevel.Services.Serialization;
namespace ZeroLevel.Services.PartitionStorage
internal struct KeyIndex<TKey>
public TKey Key { get; set; }
public long Offset { get; set; }
internal class StorePartitionIndex<TKey, TMeta>
: IStorePartitionIndex<TKey>
private readonly Dictionary<string, KeyIndex<TKey>[]> _indexCachee
= new Dictionary<string, KeyIndex<TKey>[]>(1024);
private readonly StoreFilePartition<TKey, TMeta> _filePartition;
private readonly Func<TKey, TKey, int> _keyComparer;
private readonly string _indexFolder;
private readonly bool _indexExists = false;
private readonly TMeta _meta;
public StorePartitionIndex(string partitionFolder, TMeta meta,
StoreFilePartition<TKey, TMeta> filePartition,
Func<TKey, TKey, int> keyComparer)
_indexFolder = Path.Combine(partitionFolder, "__indexes__");
_indexExists = Directory.Exists(_indexFolder);
_meta = meta;
_keyComparer = keyComparer;
_filePartition = filePartition;
public KeyIndex<TKey> GetOffset(TKey key)
if (_indexExists)
var index = GetFileIndex(key);
int pos = 0;
if (index != null && index.Length > 0)
return BinarySearchInIndex(index, key, ref pos);
return new KeyIndex<TKey> { Key = key, Offset = 0 };
public KeyIndex<TKey>[] GetOffset(TKey[] keys, bool inOneGroup)
var result = new KeyIndex<TKey>[keys.Length];
int position = 0;
if (inOneGroup)
var index = GetFileIndex(keys[0]);
for (int i = 0; i < keys.Length; i++)
result[i] = BinarySearchInIndex(index, keys[i], ref position);
for (int i = 0; i < keys.Length; i++)
var index = GetFileIndex(keys[i]);
result[i] = BinarySearchInIndex(index, keys[i], ref position);
return result;
private KeyIndex<TKey> BinarySearchInIndex(KeyIndex<TKey>[] index, TKey key, ref int position)
if (index == null || index.Length == 0)
return new KeyIndex<TKey> { Key = key, Offset = 0 };
int left = position;
int right = index.Length - 1;
int mid = 0;
TKey test;
while (left <= right)
mid = (int)Math.Floor((right + left) / 2d);
test = index[mid].Key;
var c = _keyComparer(test, key);
if (c < 0)
left = mid + 1;
else if (c > 0)
right = mid - 1;
position = mid;
while (_keyComparer(index[position].Key, key) > 0 && position > 0) position--;
return index[position];
private KeyIndex<TKey>[] GetFileIndex(TKey key)
var indexName = _filePartition.PathExtractor.Invoke(key, _meta);
if (_indexCachee.TryGetValue(indexName, out var index)) return index;
var file = Path.Combine(_indexFolder, indexName);
if (File.Exists(file))
var list = new List<KeyIndex<TKey>>();
using (var reader = new MemoryStreamReader(new FileStream(file, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.None)))
while (reader.EOS == false)
var k = reader.ReadCompatible<TKey>();
var o = reader.ReadLong();
list.Add(new KeyIndex<TKey> { Key = k, Offset = o });
_indexCachee[indexName] = list.ToArray();
return _indexCachee[indexName];
return null;

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