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using ZeroLevel.NN.Models;
using ZeroLevel.Services.Serialization;
namespace Zero.NN.Models
public class Landmarks
: IBinarySerializable
public FacePoint RightEye;
public FacePoint LeftEye;
public FacePoint Nose;
public FacePoint RightMouth;
public FacePoint LeftMouth;
public float Top()
var min = RightEye.Y;
if (LeftEye.Y < min)
min = LeftEye.Y;
if (Nose.Y < min)
min = Nose.Y;
if (RightMouth.Y < min)
min = RightMouth.Y;
if (LeftMouth.Y < min)
min = LeftMouth.Y;
return min;
public float Bottom()
var max = RightEye.Y;
if (LeftEye.Y > max)
max = LeftEye.Y;
if (Nose.Y > max)
max = Nose.Y;
if (RightMouth.Y > max)
max = RightMouth.Y;
if (LeftMouth.Y > max)
max = LeftMouth.Y;
return max;
public float Left()
var min = RightEye.X;
if (LeftEye.X < min)
min = LeftEye.X;
if (Nose.X < min)
min = Nose.X;
if (RightMouth.X < min)
min = RightMouth.X;
if (LeftMouth.X < min)
min = LeftMouth.X;
return min;
public float Right()
var max = RightEye.X;
if (LeftEye.X > max)
max = LeftEye.X;
if (Nose.X > max)
max = Nose.X;
if (RightMouth.X > max)
max = RightMouth.X;
if (LeftMouth.X > max)
max = LeftMouth.X;
return max;
public void Deserialize(IBinaryReader reader)
this.RightEye = reader.Read<FacePoint>();
this.LeftEye = reader.Read<FacePoint>();
this.Nose = reader.Read<FacePoint>();
this.RightMouth = reader.Read<FacePoint>();
this.LeftMouth = reader.Read<FacePoint>();
public void Serialize(IBinaryWriter writer)

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