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using System.Numerics;
using Zero.NN.Models;
using ZeroLevel.Services.Serialization;
namespace ZeroLevel.NN.Models
public class Face
: IBinarySerializable
public float X1;
public float Y1;
public float X2;
public float Y2;
public float Score;
public Landmarks Landmarks = new Landmarks();
public float Area => Math.Abs(X2 - X1) * Math.Abs(Y2 - Y1);
public static float CalculateIoU(Face obj0, Face obj1)
var interx0 = Math.Max(obj0.X1, obj1.X1);
var intery0 = Math.Max(obj0.Y1, obj1.Y1);
var interx1 = Math.Min(obj0.X2, obj1.X2);
var intery1 = Math.Min(obj0.Y2, obj1.Y2);
if (interx1 < interx0 || intery1 < intery0) return 0;
var area0 = obj0.Area;
var area1 = obj1.Area;
var areaInter = (interx1 - interx0) * (intery1 - intery0);
var areaSum = area0 + area1 - areaInter;
return (float)(areaInter) / areaSum;
public static void FixInScreen(Face bbox, int width, int height)
bbox.X1 = Math.Max(0, bbox.X1);
bbox.Y1 = Math.Max(0, bbox.Y1);
bbox.X2 = Math.Min(width, bbox.X2);
bbox.Y2 = Math.Min(height, bbox.Y2);
public static List<Face> Nms(List<Face> bbox_original_list, float threshold_nms_iou, bool check_class_id)
var bbox_nms_list = new List<Face>();
var bbox_list = bbox_original_list.OrderBy(b => b.Score).ToList();
bool[] is_merged = new bool[bbox_list.Count];
for (var i = 0; i < bbox_list.Count; i++)
is_merged[i] = false;
for (var index_high_score = 0; index_high_score < bbox_list.Count; index_high_score++)
var candidates = new List<Face>();
if (is_merged[index_high_score]) continue;
for (var index_low_score = index_high_score + 1; index_low_score < bbox_list.Count; index_low_score++)
if (is_merged[index_low_score]) continue;
if (CalculateIoU(bbox_list[index_high_score], bbox_list[index_low_score]) > threshold_nms_iou)
is_merged[index_low_score] = true;
return bbox_nms_list;
// Normalizes a facial image to a standard size given by outSize.
// Normalization is done based on Dlib's landmark points passed as pointsIn
// After normalization, left corner of the left eye is at (0.3 * w, h/3 )
// and right corner of the right eye is at ( 0.7 * w, h / 3) where w and h
// are the width and height of outSize.
public static Matrix3x2 GetTransformMatrix(Face face)
var w = face.X2 - face.X1;
var h = face.Y2 - face.Y1;
var leftEyeSrc = new FacePoint((face.Landmarks.LeftEye.X - face.X1) / w, (face.Landmarks.LeftEye.Y - face.Y1) / h);
var rightEyeSrc = new FacePoint((face.Landmarks.RightEye.X - face.X1) / w, (face.Landmarks.RightEye.Y - face.Y1) / h);
// Corners of the eye in normalized image
var leftEyeDst = new FacePoint(0.3f, 1.0f / 3.0f);
var rightEyeDst = new FacePoint(0.7f, 1.0f / 3.0f);
return GetTransformMatrix(leftEyeSrc, rightEyeSrc, leftEyeDst, rightEyeDst);
static Matrix3x2 GetTransformMatrix(FacePoint srcLeftEye, FacePoint srcRightEye,
FacePoint dstLeftEye, FacePoint dstRightEye)
var s60 = Math.Sin(60.0f * Math.PI / 180.0f);
var c60 = Math.Cos(60.0f * Math.PI / 180.0f);
// The third point is calculated so that the three points make an equilateral triangle
var xin = c60 * (srcLeftEye.X - srcRightEye.X) - s60 * (srcLeftEye.Y - srcRightEye.Y) + srcRightEye.X;
var yin = s60 * (srcLeftEye.X - srcRightEye.X) + c60 * (srcLeftEye.Y - srcRightEye.Y) + srcRightEye.Y;
var xout = c60 * (dstLeftEye.X - dstRightEye.X) - s60 * (dstLeftEye.Y - dstRightEye.Y) + dstRightEye.X;
var yout = s60 * (dstLeftEye.X - dstRightEye.X) + c60 * (dstLeftEye.Y - dstRightEye.Y) + dstRightEye.Y;
System.Drawing.PointF[] source = {
new System.Drawing.PointF(srcLeftEye.X, srcLeftEye.Y),
new System.Drawing.PointF(srcRightEye.X, srcRightEye.Y),
new System.Drawing.PointF((float)xin, (float)yin)
System.Drawing.PointF[] target = {
new System.Drawing.PointF(dstLeftEye.X, dstLeftEye.Y),
new System.Drawing.PointF(dstRightEye.X, dstRightEye.Y),
new System.Drawing.PointF((float)xout, (float)yout)
Aurigma.GraphicsMill.Transforms.Matrix matrix =
Aurigma.GraphicsMill.Transforms.Matrix.CreateFromAffinePoints(source, target);
return new Matrix3x2(
matrix.Elements[0], matrix.Elements[1],
matrix.Elements[3], matrix.Elements[4],
matrix.Elements[6], matrix.Elements[7]);
public void Serialize(IBinaryWriter writer)
public void Deserialize(IBinaryReader reader)
this.X1 = reader.ReadFloat();
this.Y1 = reader.ReadFloat();
this.X2 = reader.ReadFloat();
this.Y2 = reader.ReadFloat();
this.Score = reader.ReadFloat();
this.Landmarks = reader.Read<Landmarks>();

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