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426 lines
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// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
using System;
using System.Threading;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Buffers;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
namespace FASTER.core
/// <summary>
/// Scan iterator for hybrid log
/// </summary>
public class FasterLogScanIterator : IDisposable
private readonly int frameSize;
private readonly string name;
private readonly FasterLog fasterLog;
private readonly BlittableAllocator<Empty, byte> allocator;
private readonly long endAddress;
private readonly BlittableFrame frame;
private readonly CountdownEvent[] loaded;
private readonly CancellationTokenSource[] loadedCancel;
private readonly long[] loadedPage;
private readonly LightEpoch epoch;
private readonly GetMemory getMemory;
private readonly int headerSize;
private long currentAddress, nextAddress;
/// <summary>
/// Current address
/// </summary>
public long CurrentAddress => currentAddress;
/// <summary>
/// Next address
/// </summary>
public long NextAddress => nextAddress;
internal static readonly ConcurrentDictionary<string, FasterLogScanIterator> PersistedIterators
= new ConcurrentDictionary<string, FasterLogScanIterator>();
/// <summary>
/// Constructor
/// </summary>
/// <param name="fasterLog"></param>
/// <param name="hlog"></param>
/// <param name="beginAddress"></param>
/// <param name="endAddress"></param>
/// <param name="scanBufferingMode"></param>
/// <param name="epoch"></param>
/// <param name="headerSize"></param>
/// <param name="name"></param>
/// <param name="getMemory"></param>
internal unsafe FasterLogScanIterator(FasterLog fasterLog, BlittableAllocator<Empty, byte> hlog, long beginAddress, long endAddress, GetMemory getMemory, ScanBufferingMode scanBufferingMode, LightEpoch epoch, int headerSize, string name)
this.fasterLog = fasterLog;
this.allocator = hlog;
this.getMemory = getMemory;
this.epoch = epoch;
this.headerSize = headerSize;
if (beginAddress == 0)
beginAddress = hlog.GetFirstValidLogicalAddress(0);
this.name = name;
this.endAddress = endAddress;
currentAddress = beginAddress;
nextAddress = beginAddress;
if (scanBufferingMode == ScanBufferingMode.SinglePageBuffering)
frameSize = 1;
else if (scanBufferingMode == ScanBufferingMode.DoublePageBuffering)
frameSize = 2;
else if (scanBufferingMode == ScanBufferingMode.NoBuffering)
frameSize = 0;
frame = new BlittableFrame(frameSize, hlog.PageSize, hlog.GetDeviceSectorSize());
loaded = new CountdownEvent[frameSize];
loadedCancel = new CancellationTokenSource[frameSize];
loadedPage = new long[frameSize];
for (int i = 0; i < frameSize; i++)
loadedPage[i] = -1;
loadedCancel[i] = new CancellationTokenSource();
/// <summary>
/// Async enumerable for iterator
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Entry and entry length</returns>
public async IAsyncEnumerable<(byte[], int)> GetAsyncEnumerable()
while (true)
byte[] result;
int length;
while (!GetNext(out result, out length))
if (currentAddress >= endAddress)
yield break;
await WaitAsync();
yield return (result, length);
/// <summary>
/// Async enumerable for iterator (memory pool based version)
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Entry and entry length</returns>
public async IAsyncEnumerable<(IMemoryOwner<byte>, int)> GetAsyncEnumerable(MemoryPool<byte> pool)
while (true)
IMemoryOwner<byte> result;
int length;
while (!GetNext(pool, out result, out length))
if (currentAddress >= endAddress)
yield break;
await WaitAsync();
yield return (result, length);
/// <summary>
/// Wait for iteration to be ready to continue
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public async ValueTask WaitAsync()
while (true)
var commitTask = fasterLog.CommitTask;
if (nextAddress >= fasterLog.CommittedUntilAddress)
// Ignore commit exceptions
await commitTask;
catch { }
/// <summary>
/// Get next record in iterator
/// </summary>
/// <param name="entry">Copy of entry, if found</param>
/// <param name="entryLength">Actual length of entry</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public unsafe bool GetNext(out byte[] entry, out int entryLength)
if (GetNextInternal(out long physicalAddress, out entryLength, out bool epochTaken))
if (getMemory != null)
// Use user delegate to allocate memory
entry = getMemory(entryLength);
if (entry.Length < entryLength)
throw new Exception("Byte array provided has invalid length");
// We allocate a byte array from heap
entry = new byte[entryLength];
fixed (byte* bp = entry)
Buffer.MemoryCopy((void*)(headerSize + physicalAddress), bp, entryLength, entryLength);
if (epochTaken)
return true;
entry = default;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// GetNext supporting memory pools
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pool"></param>
/// <param name="entry"></param>
/// <param name="entryLength"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public unsafe bool GetNext(MemoryPool<byte> pool, out IMemoryOwner<byte> entry, out int entryLength)
if (GetNextInternal(out long physicalAddress, out entryLength, out bool epochTaken))
entry = pool.Rent(entryLength);
fixed (byte* bp = &entry.Memory.Span.GetPinnableReference())
Buffer.MemoryCopy((void*)(headerSize + physicalAddress), bp, entryLength, entryLength);
if (epochTaken)
return true;
entry = default;
entryLength = default;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Dispose the iterator
/// </summary>
public void Dispose()
if (name != null)
PersistedIterators.TryRemove(name, out _);
private unsafe void BufferAndLoad(long currentAddress, long currentPage, long currentFrame)
if (loadedPage[currentFrame] != currentPage)
if (loadedPage[currentFrame] != -1)
allocator.AsyncReadPagesFromDeviceToFrame(currentAddress >> allocator.LogPageSizeBits, 1, endAddress, AsyncReadPagesCallback, Empty.Default, frame, out loaded[currentFrame], 0, null, null, loadedCancel[currentFrame]);
loadedPage[currentFrame] = currentAddress >> allocator.LogPageSizeBits;
if (frameSize == 2)
var nextPage = currentPage + 1;
var nextFrame = (currentFrame + 1) % frameSize;
if (loadedPage[nextFrame] != nextPage)
if (loadedPage[nextFrame] != -1)
allocator.AsyncReadPagesFromDeviceToFrame(1 + (currentAddress >> allocator.LogPageSizeBits), 1, endAddress, AsyncReadPagesCallback, Empty.Default, frame, out loaded[nextFrame], 0, null, null, loadedCancel[nextFrame]);
loadedPage[nextFrame] = 1 + (currentAddress >> allocator.LogPageSizeBits);
private void WaitForFrameLoad(long frame)
if (loaded[frame].IsSet) return;
loaded[frame].Wait(loadedCancel[frame].Token); // Ensure we have completed ongoing load
catch (Exception e)
loadedPage[frame] = -1;
loadedCancel[frame] = new CancellationTokenSource();
nextAddress = (1 + (currentAddress >> allocator.LogPageSizeBits)) << allocator.LogPageSizeBits;
throw new Exception("Page read from storage failed, skipping page. Inner exception: " + e.ToString());
private unsafe void AsyncReadPagesCallback(uint errorCode, uint numBytes, NativeOverlapped* overlap)
var result = (PageAsyncReadResult<Empty>)Overlapped.Unpack(overlap).AsyncResult;
if (errorCode != 0)
Trace.TraceError("OverlappedStream GetQueuedCompletionStatus error: {0}", errorCode);
if (result.freeBuffer1 != null)
if (errorCode == 0)
allocator.PopulatePage(result.freeBuffer1.GetValidPointer(), result.freeBuffer1.required_bytes, result.page);
result.freeBuffer1 = null;
if (errorCode == 0)
private int Align(int length)
return (length + 3) & ~3;
/// <summary>
/// Retrieve physical address of next iterator value
/// (under epoch protection if it is from main page buffer)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="physicalAddress"></param>
/// <param name="entryLength"></param>
/// <param name="epochTaken"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private unsafe bool GetNextInternal(out long physicalAddress, out int entryLength, out bool epochTaken)
physicalAddress = 0;
entryLength = 0;
epochTaken = false;
currentAddress = nextAddress;
while (true)
// Check for boundary conditions
if (currentAddress < allocator.BeginAddress)
Debug.WriteLine("Iterator address is less than log BeginAddress " + allocator.BeginAddress + ", adjusting iterator address");
currentAddress = allocator.BeginAddress;
if ((currentAddress >= endAddress) || (currentAddress >= fasterLog.CommittedUntilAddress))
nextAddress = currentAddress;
return false;
if (frameSize == 0 && currentAddress < allocator.HeadAddress)
throw new Exception("Iterator address is less than log HeadAddress in memory-scan mode");
var currentPage = currentAddress >> allocator.LogPageSizeBits;
var offset = currentAddress & allocator.PageSizeMask;
var headAddress = allocator.HeadAddress;
if (currentAddress < headAddress)
BufferAndLoad(currentAddress, currentPage, currentPage % frameSize);
physicalAddress = frame.GetPhysicalAddress(currentPage % frameSize, offset);
headAddress = allocator.HeadAddress;
if (currentAddress < headAddress) // rare case
physicalAddress = allocator.GetPhysicalAddress(currentAddress);
// Get and check entry length
entryLength = fasterLog.GetLength((byte*)physicalAddress);
if (entryLength == 0)
if (currentAddress >= headAddress)
nextAddress = (1 + (currentAddress >> allocator.LogPageSizeBits)) << allocator.LogPageSizeBits;
if (0 != fasterLog.GetChecksum((byte*)physicalAddress))
var curPage = currentAddress >> allocator.LogPageSizeBits;
throw new Exception("Invalid checksum found during scan, skipping page " + curPage);
// We are likely at end of page, skip to next
currentAddress = nextAddress;
int recordSize = headerSize + Align(entryLength);
if ((currentAddress & allocator.PageSizeMask) + recordSize > allocator.PageSize)
if (currentAddress >= headAddress)
nextAddress = (1 + (currentAddress >> allocator.LogPageSizeBits)) << allocator.LogPageSizeBits;
throw new Exception("Invalid length of record found: " + entryLength + ", skipping page");
// Verify checksum if needed
if (currentAddress < headAddress)
if (!fasterLog.VerifyChecksum((byte*)physicalAddress, entryLength))
var curPage = currentAddress >> allocator.LogPageSizeBits;
nextAddress = (1 + (currentAddress >> allocator.LogPageSizeBits)) << allocator.LogPageSizeBits;
throw new Exception("Invalid checksum found during scan, skipping page " + curPage);
if ((currentAddress & allocator.PageSizeMask) + recordSize == allocator.PageSize)
nextAddress = (1 + (currentAddress >> allocator.LogPageSizeBits)) << allocator.LogPageSizeBits;
nextAddress = currentAddress + recordSize;
epochTaken = currentAddress >= headAddress;
return true;