You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

172 lines
6.2 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using ZeroLevel.Services.HashFunctions;
using ZeroLevel.Services.PartitionStorage;
namespace ZeroLevel.Sleopok.Engine.Services.Storage
public sealed class DataStorage
private readonly IStore<string, string, byte[], StoreMetadata> _store;
private class DateSourceWriter :
private readonly IStorePartitionBuilder<string, string, byte[]> _builder;
public DateSourceWriter(IStorePartitionBuilder<string, string, byte[]> builder)
_builder = builder;
public async Task Complete()
await _builder.RebuildIndex();
public async Task Write(string host, string document)
await _builder.Store(host, document);
public long GetTotalRecords() => _builder.TotalRecords;
public void Dispose()
public DataStorage(string rootFolder)
var serializers = new StoreSerializers<string, string, byte[]>(
async (w, n) => await w.WriteStringAsync(n),
async (w, n) => await w.WriteStringAsync(n),
async (w, n) => await w.WriteBytesAsync(n),
async (r) => { try { return new DeserializeResult<string>(true, await r.ReadStringAsync()); } catch { return new DeserializeResult<string>(false, string.Empty); } },
async (r) => { try { return new DeserializeResult<string>(true, await r.ReadStringAsync()); } catch { return new DeserializeResult<string>(false, string.Empty); } },
async (r) => { try { return new DeserializeResult<byte[]>(true, await r.ReadBytesAsync()); } catch { return new DeserializeResult<byte[]>(false, new byte[0]); } });
var options = new StoreOptions<string, string, byte[], StoreMetadata>
Index = new IndexOptions
Enabled = true,
StepType = IndexStepType.Step,
StepValue = 32,
EnableIndexInMemoryCachee = false
RootFolder = rootFolder,
FilePartition = new StoreFilePartition<string, StoreMetadata>("Token hash", (token, _) => Math.Abs(StringHash.DotNetFullHash(token) % 47).ToString()),
MergeFunction = list =>
return Compressor.Compress(list.OrderBy(c => c).ToArray());
Partitions = new List<StoreCatalogPartition<StoreMetadata>>
new StoreCatalogPartition<StoreMetadata>("Field", m => m.Field)
KeyComparer = (left, right) => string.Compare(left, right, true),
ThreadSafeWriting = true
_store = new Store<string, string, byte[], StoreMetadata>(options, serializers);
public IPartitionDataWriter GetWriter(string field)
return new DateSourceWriter(_store.CreateBuilder(new StoreMetadata { Field = field }));
private class PositionDocScore
private float score = 0.0f;
private int _last_position = -1;
private int count = 0;
public float GetScore(int total, bool exactMatch)
if (exactMatch)
return (count == total) ? 1.0f : 0f;
return (score / (float)total) * count;
public void Increase(int position)
if (position == 0)
score = 1.0f;
var diff = position - _last_position;
score += 1.0f / diff;
_last_position = position;
public async Task<Dictionary<string, float>> GetDocuments(string field, string[] tokens, float boost, bool exactMatch)
var documents = new Dictionary<string, PositionDocScore>();
var accessor = _store.CreateAccessor(new StoreMetadata { Field = field });
if (accessor != null)
using (accessor)
int step = 0;
foreach (var token in tokens)
var sr = await accessor.Find(token);
if (sr.Success)
foreach (var doc in Compressor.DecompressToDocuments(sr.Value))
if (false == documents.ContainsKey(doc))
documents.Add(doc, new PositionDocScore());
return documents.ToDictionary(d => d.Key, d => boost * d.Value.GetScore(tokens.Length, exactMatch));
public async Task Dump(string key, Stream stream)
using (TextWriter writer = new StreamWriter(stream))
await foreach (var i in _store.Bypass(new StoreMetadata { Field = key }))
writer.WriteLine(string.Join(' ', Compressor.DecompressToDocuments(i.Value)));
public int HasData(string field)
var partition = _store.CreateAccessor(new StoreMetadata { Field = field });
if (partition != null)
using (partition)
return partition.CountDataFiles();
return 0;

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