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445 lines
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syntax = "proto3";
package qdrant;
message VectorParams {
uint64 size = 1; // Size of the vectors
Distance distance = 2; // Distance function used for comparing vectors
optional HnswConfigDiff hnsw_config = 3; // Configuration of vector HNSW graph. If omitted - the collection configuration will be used
optional QuantizationConfig quantization_config = 4; // Configuration of vector quantization config. If omitted - the collection configuration will be used
optional bool on_disk = 5; // If true - serve vectors from disk. If set to false, the vectors will be loaded in RAM.
message VectorParamsDiff {
optional HnswConfigDiff hnsw_config = 1; // Update params for HNSW index. If empty object - it will be unset
optional QuantizationConfigDiff quantization_config = 2; // Update quantization params. If none - it is left unchanged.
optional bool on_disk = 3; // If true - serve vectors from disk. If set to false, the vectors will be loaded in RAM.
message VectorParamsMap {
map<string, VectorParams> map = 1;
message VectorParamsDiffMap {
map<string, VectorParamsDiff> map = 1;
message VectorsConfig {
oneof config {
VectorParams params = 1;
VectorParamsMap params_map = 2;
message VectorsConfigDiff {
oneof config {
VectorParamsDiff params = 1;
VectorParamsDiffMap params_map = 2;
message GetCollectionInfoRequest {
string collection_name = 1; // Name of the collection
message ListCollectionsRequest {
message CollectionDescription {
string name = 1; // Name of the collection
message GetCollectionInfoResponse {
CollectionInfo result = 1;
double time = 2; // Time spent to process
message ListCollectionsResponse {
repeated CollectionDescription collections = 1;
double time = 2; // Time spent to process
enum Distance {
UnknownDistance = 0;
Cosine = 1;
Euclid = 2;
Dot = 3;
enum CollectionStatus {
UnknownCollectionStatus = 0;
Green = 1; // All segments are ready
Yellow = 2; // Optimization in process
Red = 3; // Something went wrong
enum PayloadSchemaType {
UnknownType = 0;
Keyword = 1;
Integer = 2;
Float = 3;
Geo = 4;
Text = 5;
Bool = 6;
enum QuantizationType {
UnknownQuantization = 0;
Int8 = 1;
enum CompressionRatio {
x4 = 0;
x8 = 1;
x16 = 2;
x32 = 3;
x64 = 4;
message OptimizerStatus {
bool ok = 1;
string error = 2;
message HnswConfigDiff {
Number of edges per node in the index graph. Larger the value - more accurate the search, more space required.
optional uint64 m = 1;
Number of neighbours to consider during the index building. Larger the value - more accurate the search, more time required to build the index.
optional uint64 ef_construct = 2;
Minimal size (in KiloBytes) of vectors for additional payload-based indexing.
If the payload chunk is smaller than `full_scan_threshold` additional indexing won't be used -
in this case full-scan search should be preferred by query planner and additional indexing is not required.
Note: 1 Kb = 1 vector of size 256
optional uint64 full_scan_threshold = 3;
Number of parallel threads used for background index building. If 0 - auto selection.
optional uint64 max_indexing_threads = 4;
Store HNSW index on disk. If set to false, the index will be stored in RAM.
optional bool on_disk = 5;
Number of additional payload-aware links per node in the index graph. If not set - regular M parameter will be used.
optional uint64 payload_m = 6;
message WalConfigDiff {
optional uint64 wal_capacity_mb = 1; // Size of a single WAL block file
optional uint64 wal_segments_ahead = 2; // Number of segments to create in advance
message OptimizersConfigDiff {
The minimal fraction of deleted vectors in a segment, required to perform segment optimization
optional double deleted_threshold = 1;
The minimal number of vectors in a segment, required to perform segment optimization
optional uint64 vacuum_min_vector_number = 2;
Target amount of segments the optimizer will try to keep.
Real amount of segments may vary depending on multiple parameters:
- Amount of stored points.
- Current write RPS.
It is recommended to select the default number of segments as a factor of the number of search threads,
so that each segment would be handled evenly by one of the threads.
optional uint64 default_segment_number = 3;
Do not create segments larger this size (in kilobytes).
Large segments might require disproportionately long indexation times,
therefore it makes sense to limit the size of segments.
If indexing speed is more important - make this parameter lower.
If search speed is more important - make this parameter higher.
Note: 1Kb = 1 vector of size 256
If not set, will be automatically selected considering the number of available CPUs.
optional uint64 max_segment_size = 4;
Maximum size (in kilobytes) of vectors to store in-memory per segment.
Segments larger than this threshold will be stored as read-only memmaped file.
Memmap storage is disabled by default, to enable it, set this threshold to a reasonable value.
To disable memmap storage, set this to `0`.
Note: 1Kb = 1 vector of size 256
optional uint64 memmap_threshold = 5;
Maximum size (in kilobytes) of vectors allowed for plain index, exceeding this threshold will enable vector indexing
Default value is 20,000, based on <>.
To disable vector indexing, set to `0`.
Note: 1kB = 1 vector of size 256.
optional uint64 indexing_threshold = 6;
Interval between forced flushes.
optional uint64 flush_interval_sec = 7;
Max number of threads, which can be used for optimization. If 0 - `NUM_CPU - 1` will be used
optional uint64 max_optimization_threads = 8;
message ScalarQuantization {
QuantizationType type = 1; // Type of quantization
optional float quantile = 2; // Number of bits to use for quantization
optional bool always_ram = 3; // If true - quantized vectors always will be stored in RAM, ignoring the config of main storage
message ProductQuantization {
CompressionRatio compression = 1; // Compression ratio
optional bool always_ram = 2; // If true - quantized vectors always will be stored in RAM, ignoring the config of main storage
message BinaryQuantization {
optional bool always_ram = 1; // If true - quantized vectors always will be stored in RAM, ignoring the config of main storage
message QuantizationConfig {
oneof quantization {
ScalarQuantization scalar = 1;
ProductQuantization product = 2;
BinaryQuantization binary = 3;
message Disabled {
message QuantizationConfigDiff {
oneof quantization {
ScalarQuantization scalar = 1;
ProductQuantization product = 2;
Disabled disabled = 3;
BinaryQuantization binary = 4;
message CreateCollection {
string collection_name = 1; // Name of the collection
reserved 2; // Deprecated
reserved 3; // Deprecated
optional HnswConfigDiff hnsw_config = 4; // Configuration of vector index
optional WalConfigDiff wal_config = 5; // Configuration of the Write-Ahead-Log
optional OptimizersConfigDiff optimizers_config = 6; // Configuration of the optimizers
optional uint32 shard_number = 7; // Number of shards in the collection, default is 1 for standalone, otherwise equal to the number of nodes. Minimum is 1
optional bool on_disk_payload = 8; // If true - point's payload will not be stored in memory
optional uint64 timeout = 9; // Wait timeout for operation commit in seconds, if not specified - default value will be supplied
optional VectorsConfig vectors_config = 10; // Configuration for vectors
optional uint32 replication_factor = 11; // Number of replicas of each shard that network tries to maintain, default = 1
optional uint32 write_consistency_factor = 12; // How many replicas should apply the operation for us to consider it successful, default = 1
optional string init_from_collection = 13; // Specify name of the other collection to copy data from
optional QuantizationConfig quantization_config = 14; // Quantization configuration of vector
message UpdateCollection {
string collection_name = 1; // Name of the collection
optional OptimizersConfigDiff optimizers_config = 2; // New configuration parameters for the collection. This operation is blocking, it will only proceed once all current optimizations are complete
optional uint64 timeout = 3; // Wait timeout for operation commit in seconds if blocking, if not specified - default value will be supplied
optional CollectionParamsDiff params = 4; // New configuration parameters for the collection
optional HnswConfigDiff hnsw_config = 5; // New HNSW parameters for the collection index
optional VectorsConfigDiff vectors_config = 6; // New vector parameters
optional QuantizationConfigDiff quantization_config = 7; // Quantization configuration of vector
message DeleteCollection {
string collection_name = 1; // Name of the collection
optional uint64 timeout = 2; // Wait timeout for operation commit in seconds, if not specified - default value will be supplied
message CollectionOperationResponse {
bool result = 1; // if operation made changes
double time = 2; // Time spent to process
message CollectionParams {
reserved 1; // Deprecated
reserved 2; // Deprecated
uint32 shard_number = 3; // Number of shards in collection
bool on_disk_payload = 4; // If true - point's payload will not be stored in memory
optional VectorsConfig vectors_config = 5; // Configuration for vectors
optional uint32 replication_factor = 6; // Number of replicas of each shard that network tries to maintain
optional uint32 write_consistency_factor = 7; // How many replicas should apply the operation for us to consider it successful
message CollectionParamsDiff {
optional uint32 replication_factor = 1; // Number of replicas of each shard that network tries to maintain
optional uint32 write_consistency_factor = 2; // How many replicas should apply the operation for us to consider it successful
optional bool on_disk_payload = 3; // If true - point's payload will not be stored in memory
message CollectionConfig {
CollectionParams params = 1; // Collection parameters
HnswConfigDiff hnsw_config = 2; // Configuration of vector index
OptimizersConfigDiff optimizer_config = 3; // Configuration of the optimizers
WalConfigDiff wal_config = 4; // Configuration of the Write-Ahead-Log
optional QuantizationConfig quantization_config = 5; // Configuration of the vector quantization
enum TokenizerType {
Unknown = 0;
Prefix = 1;
Whitespace = 2;
Word = 3;
Multilingual = 4;
message TextIndexParams {
TokenizerType tokenizer = 1; // Tokenizer type
optional bool lowercase = 2; // If true - all tokens will be lowercase
optional uint64 min_token_len = 3; // Minimal token length
optional uint64 max_token_len = 4; // Maximal token length
message PayloadIndexParams {
oneof index_params {
TextIndexParams text_index_params = 1; // Parameters for text index
message PayloadSchemaInfo {
PayloadSchemaType data_type = 1; // Field data type
optional PayloadIndexParams params = 2; // Field index parameters
optional uint64 points = 3; // Number of points indexed within this field indexed
message CollectionInfo {
CollectionStatus status = 1; // operating condition of the collection
OptimizerStatus optimizer_status = 2; // status of collection optimizers
uint64 vectors_count = 3; // number of vectors in the collection
uint64 segments_count = 4; // Number of independent segments
reserved 5; // Deprecated
reserved 6; // Deprecated
CollectionConfig config = 7; // Configuration
map<string, PayloadSchemaInfo> payload_schema = 8; // Collection data types
uint64 points_count = 9; // number of points in the collection
optional uint64 indexed_vectors_count = 10; // number of indexed vectors in the collection.
message ChangeAliases {
repeated AliasOperations actions = 1; // List of actions
optional uint64 timeout = 2; // Wait timeout for operation commit in seconds, if not specified - default value will be supplied
message AliasOperations {
oneof action {
CreateAlias create_alias = 1;
RenameAlias rename_alias = 2;
DeleteAlias delete_alias = 3;
message CreateAlias {
string collection_name = 1; // Name of the collection
string alias_name = 2; // New name of the alias
message RenameAlias {
string old_alias_name = 1; // Name of the alias to rename
string new_alias_name = 2; // Name of the alias
message DeleteAlias {
string alias_name = 1; // Name of the alias
message ListAliasesRequest {
message ListCollectionAliasesRequest {
string collection_name = 1; // Name of the collection
message AliasDescription {
string alias_name = 1; // Name of the alias
string collection_name = 2; // Name of the collection
message ListAliasesResponse {
repeated AliasDescription aliases = 1;
double time = 2; // Time spent to process
message CollectionClusterInfoRequest {
string collection_name = 1; // Name of the collection
enum ReplicaState {
Active = 0; // Active and sound
Dead = 1; // Failed for some reason
Partial = 2; // The shard is partially loaded and is currently receiving data from other shards
Initializing = 3; // Collection is being created
Listener = 4; // A shard which receives data, but is not used for search; Useful for backup shards
message LocalShardInfo {
uint32 shard_id = 1; // Local shard id
uint64 points_count = 2; // Number of points in the shard
ReplicaState state = 3; // Is replica active
message RemoteShardInfo {
uint32 shard_id = 1; // Local shard id
uint64 peer_id = 2; // Remote peer id
ReplicaState state = 3; // Is replica active
message ShardTransferInfo {
uint32 shard_id = 1; // Local shard id
uint64 from = 2;
uint64 to = 3;
bool sync = 4; // If `true` transfer is a synchronization of a replicas; If `false` transfer is a moving of a shard from one peer to another
message CollectionClusterInfoResponse {
uint64 peer_id = 1; // ID of this peer
uint64 shard_count = 2; // Total number of shards
repeated LocalShardInfo local_shards = 3; // Local shards
repeated RemoteShardInfo remote_shards = 4; // Remote shards
repeated ShardTransferInfo shard_transfers = 5; // Shard transfers
message MoveShard {
uint32 shard_id = 1; // Local shard id
uint64 from_peer_id = 2;
uint64 to_peer_id = 3;
message Replica {
uint32 shard_id = 1;
uint64 peer_id = 2;
message UpdateCollectionClusterSetupRequest {
string collection_name = 1; // Name of the collection
oneof operation {
MoveShard move_shard = 2;
MoveShard replicate_shard = 3;
MoveShard abort_transfer = 4;
Replica drop_replica = 5;
optional uint64 timeout = 6; // Wait timeout for operation commit in seconds, if not specified - default value will be supplied
message UpdateCollectionClusterSetupResponse {
bool result = 1;

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