You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

207 lines
7.1 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Lemmatization
public class SpecTextReader
private int _position;
private readonly string _template;
public bool EOF => _position >= _template?.Length;
public bool StartPosition => _position == 0;
public bool LastPosition => _position == _template?.Length - 1;
public char Current => EOF ? char.MinValue : _template[_position];
public char Next => EOF || LastPosition ? char.MinValue : _template[_position + 1];
public char Preview => StartPosition ? char.MinValue : _template[_position - 1];
public SpecTextReader(string template)
_template = template;
_position = 0;
public bool Move(int offset = 1)
if (EOF) return false;
if (LastPosition) { _position = _template.Length; return false; }
_position += offset;
if (_position >= _template.Length)
_position = _template.Length;
return true;
public int SkipSpaces()
int count = 0;
while (EOF == false && char.IsWhiteSpace(Current)) { Move(); count++; }
return count;
public void SkipBreaks()
while (EOF == false && char.IsWhiteSpace(Current)) Move();
public bool MoveBack()
_position = _position - 1;
if (_position < 0)
_position = 0;
return false;
return true;
public int FindOffsetTo(char symbol)
if (_position == -1 || EOF || LastPosition) return -1;
var search_position = _position;
var sym = _template[search_position];
while (search_position < _template.Length && false == sym.Equals(symbol))
sym = _template[search_position];
return sym.Equals(symbol) ? search_position - _position : -1;
public bool Test(char sym, int offset = 0)
var index = _position + offset;
if (index < 0 || index >= _template.Length) return false;
return _template[index].Equals(sym);
public string ReadIdentity()
string identity = string.Empty;
var offset = _position;
if (offset < _template.Length && char.IsLetter(_template[offset]))
var index = offset + 1;
while (index < _template.Length && (char.IsLetterOrDigit(_template[index]) || _template[index] == '_' || _template[index] == '-'))
identity = _template.Substring(offset, index - offset);
return identity.ToLowerInvariant();
public string ReadWord()
string identity = string.Empty;
var offset = _position;
if (offset < _template.Length && char.IsLetterOrDigit(_template[offset]))
var index = offset + 1;
while (index < _template.Length && char.IsLetterOrDigit(_template[index]))
identity = _template.Substring(offset, index - offset);
return identity;
public static Token[] ParseToTokens(string line)
var list = new List<Token>();
char[] buffer = new char[64];
int count = 0;
var add = new Action<char>(ch =>
buffer[count++] = ch;
if (buffer.Length == count)
// При нехватке места в буфере, расширяем в два раза место
var arr = new char[buffer.Length * 2];
for (var k = 0; k < buffer.Length; k++) { arr[k] = buffer[k]; }
buffer = arr;
TokenType tt = TokenType.Unknown;
for (int i = 0; i < line.Length; i++)
if (char.IsLetter(line[i]))
if (tt == TokenType.Unknown) tt = TokenType.Word;
else if (tt == TokenType.Number) tt = TokenType.Identity;
else if (char.IsDigit(line[i]))
if (tt == TokenType.Unknown) tt = TokenType.Number;
else if (tt == TokenType.Word) tt = TokenType.Identity;
else if (char.IsWhiteSpace(line[i]) && tt != TokenType.Unknown)
if (count > 0)
list.Add(new Token { Type = tt, Value = new string(buffer, 0, count) });
count = 0;
if (count > 0)
list.Add(new Token { Type = tt, Value = new string(buffer, 0, count) });
count = 0;
if (char.IsWhiteSpace(line[i]) == false)
list.Add(new Token { Type = TokenType.Punctuation, Value = line[i].ToString() });
if (count > 0)
list.Add(new Token { Type = tt, Value = new string(buffer, 0, count) });
return list.ToArray();
public static IEnumerable<Sentence> ReadSentenses(string text)
if (false == string.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
char[] buffer = new char[512];
int count = 0;
var add = new Action<char>(ch =>
buffer[count++] = ch;
if (buffer.Length == count)
// При нехватке места в буфере, расширяем в два раза место
var arr = new char[buffer.Length * 2];
for (var k = 0; k < buffer.Length; k++) { arr[k] = buffer[k]; }
buffer = arr;
for (int i = 0; i < text.Length; i++)
switch (text[i])
case '.':
if (count > 0)
yield return new Sentence { Tokens = ParseToTokens(new string(buffer, 0, count)) };
count = 0;

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