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using System;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
namespace ZeroLevel.ML.LocationMath
public sealed class CameraMath
public string Id { get; set; }
public readonly double ImageWidth;
public readonly double ImageHeight;
public readonly double FocalLength;
public readonly double PixelSize;
public readonly double AOVhorizontal;
public readonly double AOVvertical;
public readonly double SensorWidth;
public readonly double SensorHeight;
internal readonly double VerticalToDiagonalAngleOffset;
private static bool useCustomAltitude = false;
private static double customAltitude;
public static void UseCustomAltitude(double altitude)
useCustomAltitude = true;
customAltitude = altitude;
public double Altitude(double altitude) => useCustomAltitude ? customAltitude : altitude;
public CameraMath(double pixelSize, double focalLength, double imageWidth, double imageHeight)
PixelSize = pixelSize;
FocalLength = focalLength;
ImageWidth = imageWidth;
ImageHeight = imageHeight;
SensorWidth = pixelSize * 0.001 * imageWidth;
SensorHeight = pixelSize * 0.001 * imageHeight;
AOVhorizontal = 2d * Math.Atan(SensorWidth / (2d * focalLength));
AOVvertical = 2d * Math.Atan(SensorHeight / (2d * focalLength));
VerticalToDiagonalAngleOffset = Math.Atan((ImageWidth * .5) / (ImageHeight * 0.5)) * 180d / Math.PI;
public double CaclulateImageWidth(double altitude) => 2d * Altitude(altitude) * Math.Tan(0.5d * AOVhorizontal);
public double CaclulateImageHeight(double altitude) => 2d * Altitude(altitude) * Math.Tan(0.5d * AOVvertical);
public double WidthPixelToMeters(double pixels, double altitude)
var Kw = pixels / ImageWidth;
var Kh = pixels / ImageHeight;
var fieldWidth = CaclulateImageWidth(Altitude(altitude));
var fieldHeight = CaclulateImageHeight(Altitude(altitude));
var w = fieldWidth * Kw;
var h = fieldHeight * Kh;
var dist = Math.Sqrt(w * w + h * h);
return dist;
public double HeightPixelToMeters(double pixels, double altitude)
var Kw = pixels / ImageWidth;
var Kh = pixels / ImageHeight;
var fieldWidth = CaclulateImageWidth(Altitude(altitude));
var fieldHeight = CaclulateImageHeight(Altitude(altitude));
var w = fieldWidth * Kw;
var h = fieldHeight * Kh;
var dist = Math.Sqrt(w * w + h * h);
return dist;
// H = h * (D - f) / f
public double PixToMillimeters(double altitude, double pixels) => (altitude * 1000d - FocalLength) * pixels * PixelSize / (1000d * FocalLength);
public double PixToMeters(double altitude, double pixels) => PixToMillimeters(altitude, pixels) / 1000;
public double CaclulateImageWidth(double altitude) => PixToMeters(altitude, ImageWidth);
public double CaclulateImageHeight(double altitude) => PixToMeters(altitude, ImageHeight);

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