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namespace Zero.NN.Services
public class Anchor
public float cx;
public float cy;
public float w;
public float h;
// Options to generate anchors for SSD object detection models.
public class AnchorOptions
// Number of output feature maps to generate the anchors on.
public int num_layers;
// Min and max scales for generating anchor boxes on feature maps.
public float min_scale;
public float max_scale;
// Size of input images.
public int input_size_height;
public int input_size_width;
// The offset for the center of anchors. The value is in the scale of stride.
// E.g. 0.5 meaning 0.5 * |current_stride| in pixels.
public float anchor_offset_x = 0.5f;
public float anchor_offset_y = 0.5f;
// Strides of each output feature maps
public int[] strides;
// List of different aspect ratio to generate anchors
public float[] aspect_ratios;
// A boolean to indicate whether the fixed 3 boxes per location is used in the lowest layer.
public bool reduce_boxes_in_lowest_layer = false;
// An additional anchor is added with this aspect ratio and a scale
// interpolated between the scale for a layer and the scale for the next layer
// (1.0 for the last layer). This anchor is not included if this value is 0.
public float interpolated_scale_aspect_ratio = 1.0f;
// Whether use fixed width and height (e.g. both 1.0f) for each anchor.
// This option can be used when the predicted anchor width and height are in
// pixels.
public bool fixed_anchor_size = false;
#region PRESETS
public static AnchorOptions FaceDetectionBackMobileGpuOptions => new AnchorOptions
num_layers = 4,
min_scale = 0.15625f,
max_scale = 0.75f,
input_size_height = 256,
input_size_width = 256,
anchor_offset_x = 0.5f,
anchor_offset_y = 0.5f,
strides = new[] { 16, 32, 32, 32 },
aspect_ratios = new[] { 1.0f },
reduce_boxes_in_lowest_layer = false,
interpolated_scale_aspect_ratio = 1.0f,
fixed_anchor_size = true
public static AnchorOptions FaceDetectionMobileGpuOptions => new AnchorOptions
num_layers = 4,
min_scale = 0.1484375f,
max_scale = 0.75f,
input_size_height = 128,
input_size_width = 128,
anchor_offset_x = 0.5f,
anchor_offset_y = 0.5f,
strides = new[] { 8, 16, 16, 16 },
aspect_ratios = new[] { 1.0f },
reduce_boxes_in_lowest_layer = false,
interpolated_scale_aspect_ratio = 1.0f,
fixed_anchor_size = true
public static AnchorOptions MobileSSDOptions => new AnchorOptions
num_layers = 6,
min_scale = 0.2f,
max_scale = 0.95f,
input_size_height = 300,
input_size_width = 300,
anchor_offset_x = 0.5f,
anchor_offset_y = 0.5f,
strides = new[] { 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512 },
aspect_ratios = new[] { 1.0f, 2.0f, 0.5f, 3.0f, 0.3333f },
reduce_boxes_in_lowest_layer = true,
interpolated_scale_aspect_ratio = 1.0f,
fixed_anchor_size = false
internal class AnchorsGenerator
private static float calculate_scale(float min_scale, float max_scale, float stride_index, float num_strides)
return (float)(min_scale + (max_scale - min_scale) * stride_index / (num_strides - 1.0f));
private readonly AnchorOptions _options;
private readonly List<Anchor> anchors = new List<Anchor>();
public IList<Anchor> Anchors => anchors;
public AnchorsGenerator(AnchorOptions options)
if (options == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(options));
if (options.strides == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(options.strides));
_options = options;
private void Generate()
var strides_size = _options.strides?.Length ?? 0;
if (_options.num_layers != strides_size)
throw new ArgumentException($"Expected {_options.num_layers} strides (as num_layer), got {strides_size} strides");
var layer_id = 0;
while (layer_id < strides_size)
var anchor_height = new List<float>();
var anchor_width = new List<float>();
var aspect_ratios = new List<float>();
var scales = new List<float>();
// For same strides, we merge the anchors in the same order.
var last_same_stride_layer = layer_id;
while ((last_same_stride_layer < strides_size) && (_options.strides[last_same_stride_layer] == _options.strides[layer_id]))
var scale = calculate_scale(_options.min_scale, _options.max_scale, last_same_stride_layer, strides_size);
if (last_same_stride_layer == 0 && _options.reduce_boxes_in_lowest_layer)
// For first layer, it can be specified to use predefined anchors.
foreach (var aspect_ratio in _options.aspect_ratios)
if (_options.interpolated_scale_aspect_ratio > 0.0f)
var scale_next = (last_same_stride_layer == (strides_size - 1))
? 1.0
: calculate_scale(_options.min_scale, _options.max_scale, last_same_stride_layer + 1, strides_size);
scales.Add((float)Math.Sqrt(scale * scale_next));
last_same_stride_layer += 1;
for (var i = 0; i < aspect_ratios.Count; i++)
var ratio_sqrts = (float)Math.Sqrt(aspect_ratios[i]);
anchor_height.Add(scales[i] / ratio_sqrts);
anchor_width.Add(scales[i] * ratio_sqrts);
var stride = _options.strides[layer_id];
var feature_map_height = (int)(Math.Ceiling((float)_options.input_size_height / stride));
var feature_map_width = (int)(Math.Ceiling((float)_options.input_size_width / stride));
for (var y = 0; y < feature_map_height; y++)
for (var x = 0; x < feature_map_width; x++)
for (var anchor_id = 0; anchor_id < anchor_height.Count; anchor_id++)
var x_center = (x + _options.anchor_offset_x) / feature_map_width;
var y_center = (y + _options.anchor_offset_y) / feature_map_height;
var anchor = new Anchor
cx = x_center,
cy = y_center,
w = 0f,
h = 0f
if (_options.fixed_anchor_size)
anchor.w = 1.0f;
anchor.h = 1.0f;
anchor.w = anchor_width[anchor_id];
anchor.h = anchor_height[anchor_id];
layer_id = last_same_stride_layer;

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