mirror of https://github.com/ogoun/Zero.git
969 lines
38 KiB
969 lines
38 KiB
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
using System;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Threading;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
#pragma warning disable CS1591 // Missing XML comment for publicly visible type or member
namespace FASTER.core
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack=1)]
public struct Record<Key, Value>
public RecordInfo info;
public Key key;
public Value value;
public unsafe sealed class GenericAllocator<Key, Value> : AllocatorBase<Key, Value>
where Key : new()
where Value : new()
// Circular buffer definition
internal Record<Key, Value>[][] values;
// Object log related variables
private readonly IDevice objectLogDevice;
// Size of object chunks beign written to storage
private const int ObjectBlockSize = 100 * (1 << 20);
// Tail offsets per segment, in object log
public readonly long[] segmentOffsets;
// Record sizes
private static readonly int recordSize = Utility.GetSize(default(Record<Key, Value>));
private readonly SerializerSettings<Key, Value> SerializerSettings;
private readonly bool keyBlittable = Utility.IsBlittable<Key>();
private readonly bool valueBlittable = Utility.IsBlittable<Value>();
public GenericAllocator(LogSettings settings, SerializerSettings<Key, Value> serializerSettings, IFasterEqualityComparer<Key> comparer, Action<long, long> evictCallback = null, LightEpoch epoch = null, Action<CommitInfo> flushCallback = null)
: base(settings, comparer, evictCallback, epoch, flushCallback)
SerializerSettings = serializerSettings;
if ((!keyBlittable) && (settings.LogDevice as NullDevice == null) && ((SerializerSettings == null) || (SerializerSettings.keySerializer == null)))
throw new Exception("Key is not blittable, but no serializer specified via SerializerSettings");
if ((!valueBlittable) && (settings.LogDevice as NullDevice == null) && ((SerializerSettings == null) || (SerializerSettings.valueSerializer == null)))
throw new Exception("Value is not blittable, but no serializer specified via SerializerSettings");
values = new Record<Key, Value>[BufferSize][];
segmentOffsets = new long[SegmentBufferSize];
objectLogDevice = settings.ObjectLogDevice;
if ((settings.LogDevice as NullDevice == null) && (KeyHasObjects() || ValueHasObjects()))
if (objectLogDevice == null)
throw new Exception("Objects in key/value, but object log not provided during creation of FASTER instance");
public override void Initialize()
/// <summary>
/// Get start logical address
/// </summary>
/// <param name="page"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public override long GetStartLogicalAddress(long page)
return page << LogPageSizeBits;
/// <summary>
/// Get first valid logical address
/// </summary>
/// <param name="page"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public override long GetFirstValidLogicalAddress(long page)
if (page == 0)
return (page << LogPageSizeBits) + recordSize;
return page << LogPageSizeBits;
public override ref RecordInfo GetInfo(long physicalAddress)
// Offset within page
int offset = (int)(physicalAddress & PageSizeMask);
// Index of page within the circular buffer
int pageIndex = (int)((physicalAddress >> LogPageSizeBits) & BufferSizeMask);
return ref values[pageIndex][offset/recordSize].info;
public override ref RecordInfo GetInfoFromBytePointer(byte* ptr)
return ref Unsafe.AsRef<Record<Key, Value>>(ptr).info;
public override ref Key GetKey(long physicalAddress)
// Offset within page
int offset = (int)(physicalAddress & PageSizeMask);
// Index of page within the circular buffer
int pageIndex = (int)((physicalAddress >> LogPageSizeBits) & BufferSizeMask);
return ref values[pageIndex][offset / recordSize].key;
public override ref Value GetValue(long physicalAddress)
// Offset within page
int offset = (int)(physicalAddress & PageSizeMask);
// Index of page within the circular buffer
int pageIndex = (int)((physicalAddress >> LogPageSizeBits) & BufferSizeMask);
return ref values[pageIndex][offset / recordSize].value;
public override int GetRecordSize(long physicalAddress)
return recordSize;
public override int GetAverageRecordSize()
return recordSize;
public override int GetInitialRecordSize<Input>(ref Key key, ref Input input)
return recordSize;
public override int GetRecordSize(ref Key key, ref Value value)
return recordSize;
/// <summary>
/// Dispose memory allocator
/// </summary>
public override void Dispose()
if (values != null)
for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)
values[i] = null;
values = null;
/// <summary>
/// Delete in-memory portion of the log
/// </summary>
internal override void DeleteFromMemory()
for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)
values[i] = null;
values = null;
public override AddressInfo* GetKeyAddressInfo(long physicalAddress)
return (AddressInfo*)Unsafe.AsPointer(ref Unsafe.AsRef<Record<Key, Value>>((byte*)physicalAddress).key);
public override AddressInfo* GetValueAddressInfo(long physicalAddress)
return (AddressInfo*)Unsafe.AsPointer(ref Unsafe.AsRef<Record<Key, Value>>((byte*)physicalAddress).value);
/// <summary>
/// Allocate memory page, pinned in memory, and in sector aligned form, if possible
/// </summary>
/// <param name="index"></param>
internal override void AllocatePage(int index)
values[index] = AllocatePage();
internal Record<Key, Value>[] AllocatePage()
Record<Key, Value>[] tmp;
if (PageSize % recordSize == 0)
tmp = new Record<Key, Value>[PageSize / recordSize];
tmp = new Record<Key, Value>[1 + (PageSize / recordSize)];
Array.Clear(tmp, 0, tmp.Length);
return tmp;
public override long GetPhysicalAddress(long logicalAddress)
return logicalAddress;
protected override bool IsAllocated(int pageIndex)
return values[pageIndex] != null;
protected override void TruncateUntilAddress(long toAddress)
protected override void WriteAsync<TContext>(long flushPage, IOCompletionCallback callback, PageAsyncFlushResult<TContext> asyncResult)
(ulong)(AlignedPageSizeBytes * flushPage),
asyncResult, device, objectLogDevice);
protected override void WriteAsyncToDevice<TContext>
(long startPage, long flushPage, int pageSize, IOCompletionCallback callback,
PageAsyncFlushResult<TContext> asyncResult, IDevice device, IDevice objectLogDevice)
// We are writing to separate device, so use fresh segment offsets
(ulong)(AlignedPageSizeBytes * (flushPage - startPage)),
(uint)pageSize, callback, asyncResult,
device, objectLogDevice, flushPage, new long[SegmentBufferSize]);
protected override void ClearPage(long page, int offset)
Array.Clear(values[page % BufferSize], offset / recordSize, values[page % BufferSize].Length - offset / recordSize);
// Close segments
var thisCloseSegment = page >> (LogSegmentSizeBits - LogPageSizeBits);
var nextCloseSegment = (page + 1) >> (LogSegmentSizeBits - LogPageSizeBits);
if (thisCloseSegment != nextCloseSegment)
// We are clearing the last page in current segment
segmentOffsets[thisCloseSegment % SegmentBufferSize] = 0;
private void WriteAsync<TContext>(long flushPage, ulong alignedDestinationAddress, uint numBytesToWrite,
IOCompletionCallback callback, PageAsyncFlushResult<TContext> asyncResult,
IDevice device, IDevice objlogDevice, long intendedDestinationPage = -1, long[] localSegmentOffsets = null)
// Short circuit if we are using a null device
if (device as NullDevice != null)
device.WriteAsync(IntPtr.Zero, 0, 0, numBytesToWrite, callback, asyncResult);
int start = 0, aligned_start = 0, end = (int)numBytesToWrite;
if (asyncResult.partial)
start = (int)((asyncResult.fromAddress - (asyncResult.page << LogPageSizeBits)));
aligned_start = (start / sectorSize) * sectorSize;
end = (int)((asyncResult.untilAddress - (asyncResult.page << LogPageSizeBits)));
// Check if user did not override with special segment offsets
if (localSegmentOffsets == null) localSegmentOffsets = segmentOffsets;
var src = values[flushPage % BufferSize];
var buffer = bufferPool.Get((int)numBytesToWrite);
if (aligned_start < start && (KeyHasObjects() || ValueHasObjects()))
// Do not read back the invalid header of page 0
if ((flushPage > 0) || (start > GetFirstValidLogicalAddress(flushPage)))
// Get the overlapping HLOG from disk as we wrote it with
// object pointers previously. This avoids object reserialization
PageAsyncReadResult<Empty> result =
new PageAsyncReadResult<Empty>
handle = new CountdownEvent(1)
device.ReadAsync(alignedDestinationAddress + (ulong)aligned_start, (IntPtr)buffer.aligned_pointer + aligned_start,
(uint)sectorSize, AsyncReadPageCallback, result);
fixed (RecordInfo* pin = &src[0].info)
Debug.Assert(buffer.aligned_pointer + numBytesToWrite <= (byte*)buffer.handle.AddrOfPinnedObject() + buffer.buffer.Length);
Buffer.MemoryCopy((void*)((long)Unsafe.AsPointer(ref src[0]) + start), buffer.aligned_pointer + start,
numBytesToWrite - start, numBytesToWrite - start);
fixed (RecordInfo* pin = &src[0].info)
Debug.Assert(buffer.aligned_pointer + numBytesToWrite <= (byte*)buffer.handle.AddrOfPinnedObject() + buffer.buffer.Length);
Buffer.MemoryCopy((void*)((long)Unsafe.AsPointer(ref src[0]) + aligned_start), buffer.aligned_pointer + aligned_start,
numBytesToWrite - aligned_start, numBytesToWrite - aligned_start);
long ptr = (long)buffer.aligned_pointer;
List<long> addr = new List<long>();
asyncResult.freeBuffer1 = buffer;
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
IObjectSerializer<Key> keySerializer = null;
IObjectSerializer<Value> valueSerializer = null;
if (KeyHasObjects())
keySerializer = SerializerSettings.keySerializer();
if (ValueHasObjects())
valueSerializer = SerializerSettings.valueSerializer();
for (int i=start/recordSize; i<end/recordSize; i++)
if (!src[i].info.Invalid)
if (KeyHasObjects())
long pos = ms.Position;
keySerializer.Serialize(ref src[i].key);
var key_address = GetKeyAddressInfo((long)(buffer.aligned_pointer + i * recordSize));
key_address->Address = pos;
key_address->Size = (int)(ms.Position - pos);
if (ValueHasObjects() && !src[i].info.Tombstone)
long pos = ms.Position;
valueSerializer.Serialize(ref src[i].value);
var value_address = GetValueAddressInfo((long)(buffer.aligned_pointer + i * recordSize));
value_address->Address = pos;
value_address->Size = (int)(ms.Position - pos);
if (ms.Position > ObjectBlockSize || i == (end / recordSize) - 1)
var memoryStreamLength = (int)ms.Position;
var _objBuffer = bufferPool.Get(memoryStreamLength);
asyncResult.done = new AutoResetEvent(false);
var _alignedLength = (memoryStreamLength + (sectorSize - 1)) & ~(sectorSize - 1);
var _objAddr = Interlocked.Add(ref localSegmentOffsets[(long)(alignedDestinationAddress >> LogSegmentSizeBits) % SegmentBufferSize], _alignedLength) - _alignedLength;
if (KeyHasObjects())
if (ValueHasObjects())
fixed (void* src_ = ms.GetBuffer())
Buffer.MemoryCopy(src_, _objBuffer.aligned_pointer, memoryStreamLength, memoryStreamLength);
foreach (var address in addr)
((AddressInfo*)address)->Address += _objAddr;
if (i < (end / recordSize) - 1)
ms = new MemoryStream();
if (KeyHasObjects())
if (ValueHasObjects())
(int)(alignedDestinationAddress >> LogSegmentSizeBits),
(ulong)_objAddr, (uint)_alignedLength, AsyncFlushPartialObjectLogCallback<TContext>, asyncResult);
// Wait for write to complete before resuming next write
// need to write both page and object cache
Interlocked.Increment(ref asyncResult.count);
asyncResult.freeBuffer2 = _objBuffer;
(int)(alignedDestinationAddress >> LogSegmentSizeBits),
(ulong)_objAddr, (uint)_alignedLength, callback, asyncResult);
if (asyncResult.partial)
var aligned_end = (int)((asyncResult.untilAddress - (asyncResult.page << LogPageSizeBits)));
aligned_end = ((aligned_end + (sectorSize - 1)) & ~(sectorSize - 1));
numBytesToWrite = (uint)(aligned_end - aligned_start);
var alignedNumBytesToWrite = (uint)((numBytesToWrite + (sectorSize - 1)) & ~(sectorSize - 1));
// Finally write the hlog page
device.WriteAsync((IntPtr)buffer.aligned_pointer + aligned_start, alignedDestinationAddress + (ulong)aligned_start,
alignedNumBytesToWrite, callback, asyncResult);
private void AsyncReadPageCallback(uint errorCode, uint numBytes, NativeOverlapped* overlap)
if (errorCode != 0)
Trace.TraceError("OverlappedStream GetQueuedCompletionStatus error: {0}", errorCode);
// Set the page status to flushed
var result = (PageAsyncReadResult<Empty>)Overlapped.Unpack(overlap).AsyncResult;
protected override void ReadAsync<TContext>(
ulong alignedSourceAddress, int destinationPageIndex, uint aligned_read_length,
IOCompletionCallback callback, PageAsyncReadResult<TContext> asyncResult, IDevice device, IDevice objlogDevice)
asyncResult.freeBuffer1 = bufferPool.Get((int)aligned_read_length);
asyncResult.freeBuffer1.required_bytes = (int)aligned_read_length;
if (!(KeyHasObjects() || ValueHasObjects()))
device.ReadAsync(alignedSourceAddress, (IntPtr)asyncResult.freeBuffer1.aligned_pointer,
aligned_read_length, callback, asyncResult);
asyncResult.callback = callback;
if (objlogDevice == null)
Debug.Assert(objectLogDevice != null);
objlogDevice = objectLogDevice;
asyncResult.objlogDevice = objlogDevice;
device.ReadAsync(alignedSourceAddress, (IntPtr)asyncResult.freeBuffer1.aligned_pointer,
aligned_read_length, AsyncReadPageWithObjectsCallback<TContext>, asyncResult);
/// <summary>
/// IOCompletion callback for page flush
/// </summary>
/// <param name="errorCode"></param>
/// <param name="numBytes"></param>
/// <param name="overlap"></param>
private void AsyncFlushPartialObjectLogCallback<TContext>(uint errorCode, uint numBytes, NativeOverlapped* overlap)
if (errorCode != 0)
Trace.TraceError("OverlappedStream GetQueuedCompletionStatus error: {0}", errorCode);
// Set the page status to flushed
PageAsyncFlushResult<TContext> result = (PageAsyncFlushResult<TContext>)Overlapped.Unpack(overlap).AsyncResult;
private void AsyncReadPageWithObjectsCallback<TContext>(uint errorCode, uint numBytes, NativeOverlapped* overlap)
if (errorCode != 0)
Trace.TraceError("OverlappedStream GetQueuedCompletionStatus error: {0}", errorCode);
PageAsyncReadResult<TContext> result = (PageAsyncReadResult<TContext>)Overlapped.Unpack(overlap).AsyncResult;
Record<Key, Value>[] src;
// We are reading into a frame
if (result.frame != null)
var frame = (GenericFrame<Key, Value>)result.frame;
src = frame.GetPage(result.page % frame.frameSize);
src = values[result.page % BufferSize];
// Deserialize all objects until untilptr
if (result.resumePtr < result.untilPtr)
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(result.freeBuffer2.buffer);
ms.Seek(result.freeBuffer2.offset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
Deserialize(result.freeBuffer1.GetValidPointer(), result.resumePtr, result.untilPtr, src, ms);
result.freeBuffer2 = null;
result.resumePtr = result.untilPtr;
// If we have processed entire page, return
if (result.untilPtr >= result.maxPtr)
// Call the "real" page read callback
result.callback(errorCode, numBytes, overlap);
// We will be re-issuing I/O, so free current overlap
// We will now be able to process all records until (but not including) untilPtr
GetObjectInfo(result.freeBuffer1.GetValidPointer(), ref result.untilPtr, result.maxPtr, ObjectBlockSize, out long startptr, out long size);
// Object log fragment should be aligned by construction
Debug.Assert(startptr % sectorSize == 0);
if (size > int.MaxValue)
throw new Exception("Unable to read object page, total size greater than 2GB: " + size);
var alignedLength = (size + (sectorSize - 1)) & ~(sectorSize - 1);
var objBuffer = bufferPool.Get((int)alignedLength);
result.freeBuffer2 = objBuffer;
// Request objects from objlog
(int)(result.page >> (LogSegmentSizeBits - LogPageSizeBits)),
(IntPtr)objBuffer.aligned_pointer, (uint)alignedLength, AsyncReadPageWithObjectsCallback<TContext>, result);
/// <summary>
/// Invoked by users to obtain a record from disk. It uses sector aligned memory to read
/// the record efficiently into memory.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="fromLogical"></param>
/// <param name="numBytes"></param>
/// <param name="callback"></param>
/// <param name="context"></param>
/// <param name="result"></param>
protected override void AsyncReadRecordObjectsToMemory(long fromLogical, int numBytes, IOCompletionCallback callback, AsyncIOContext<Key, Value> context, SectorAlignedMemory result = default(SectorAlignedMemory))
ulong fileOffset = (ulong)(AlignedPageSizeBytes * (fromLogical >> LogPageSizeBits) + (fromLogical & PageSizeMask));
ulong alignedFileOffset = (ulong)(((long)fileOffset / sectorSize) * sectorSize);
uint alignedReadLength = (uint)((long)fileOffset + numBytes - (long)alignedFileOffset);
alignedReadLength = (uint)((alignedReadLength + (sectorSize - 1)) & ~(sectorSize - 1));
var record = bufferPool.Get((int)alignedReadLength);
record.valid_offset = (int)(fileOffset - alignedFileOffset);
record.available_bytes = (int)(alignedReadLength - (fileOffset - alignedFileOffset));
record.required_bytes = numBytes;
var asyncResult = default(AsyncGetFromDiskResult<AsyncIOContext<Key, Value>>);
asyncResult.context = context;
asyncResult.context.record = result;
asyncResult.context.objBuffer = record;
(int)(context.logicalAddress >> LogSegmentSizeBits),
/// <summary>
/// Read pages from specified device
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="TContext"></typeparam>
/// <param name="readPageStart"></param>
/// <param name="numPages"></param>
/// <param name="untilAddress"></param>
/// <param name="callback"></param>
/// <param name="context"></param>
/// <param name="frame"></param>
/// <param name="completed"></param>
/// <param name="devicePageOffset"></param>
/// <param name="device"></param>
/// <param name="objectLogDevice"></param>
internal void AsyncReadPagesFromDeviceToFrame<TContext>(
long readPageStart,
int numPages,
long untilAddress,
IOCompletionCallback callback,
TContext context,
GenericFrame<Key, Value> frame,
out CountdownEvent completed,
long devicePageOffset = 0,
IDevice device = null, IDevice objectLogDevice = null)
var usedDevice = device;
IDevice usedObjlogDevice = objectLogDevice;
if (device == null)
usedDevice = this.device;
completed = new CountdownEvent(numPages);
for (long readPage = readPageStart; readPage < (readPageStart + numPages); readPage++)
int pageIndex = (int)(readPage % frame.frameSize);
if (frame.GetPage(pageIndex) == null)
var asyncResult = new PageAsyncReadResult<TContext>()
page = readPage,
context = context,
handle = completed,
maxPtr = PageSize,
frame = frame,
ulong offsetInFile = (ulong)(AlignedPageSizeBytes * readPage);
uint readLength = (uint)AlignedPageSizeBytes;
long adjustedUntilAddress = (AlignedPageSizeBytes * (untilAddress >> LogPageSizeBits) + (untilAddress & PageSizeMask));
if (adjustedUntilAddress > 0 && ((adjustedUntilAddress - (long)offsetInFile) < PageSize))
readLength = (uint)(adjustedUntilAddress - (long)offsetInFile);
asyncResult.maxPtr = readLength;
readLength = (uint)((readLength + (sectorSize - 1)) & ~(sectorSize - 1));
if (device != null)
offsetInFile = (ulong)(AlignedPageSizeBytes * (readPage - devicePageOffset));
ReadAsync(offsetInFile, pageIndex, readLength, callback, asyncResult, usedDevice, usedObjlogDevice);
#region Page handlers for objects
/// <summary>
/// Deseialize part of page from stream
/// </summary>
/// <param name="raw"></param>
/// <param name="ptr">From pointer</param>
/// <param name="untilptr">Until pointer</param>
/// <param name="src"></param>
/// <param name="stream">Stream</param>
public void Deserialize(byte *raw, long ptr, long untilptr, Record<Key, Value>[] src, Stream stream)
IObjectSerializer<Key> keySerializer = null;
IObjectSerializer<Value> valueSerializer = null;
long streamStartPos = stream.Position;
long start_addr = -1;
if (KeyHasObjects())
keySerializer = SerializerSettings.keySerializer();
if (ValueHasObjects())
valueSerializer = SerializerSettings.valueSerializer();
while (ptr < untilptr)
ref Record<Key, Value> record = ref Unsafe.AsRef<Record<Key, Value>>(raw + ptr);
src[ptr / recordSize].info = record.info;
if (!record.info.Invalid)
if (KeyHasObjects())
var key_addr = GetKeyAddressInfo((long)raw + ptr);
if (start_addr == -1) start_addr = key_addr->Address;
if (stream.Position != streamStartPos + key_addr->Address - start_addr)
stream.Seek(streamStartPos + key_addr->Address - start_addr, SeekOrigin.Begin);
src[ptr / recordSize].key = new Key();
keySerializer.Deserialize(ref src[ptr/recordSize].key);
src[ptr / recordSize].key = record.key;
if (!record.info.Tombstone)
if (ValueHasObjects())
var value_addr = GetValueAddressInfo((long)raw + ptr);
if (start_addr == -1) start_addr = value_addr->Address;
if (stream.Position != streamStartPos + value_addr->Address - start_addr)
stream.Seek(streamStartPos + value_addr->Address - start_addr, SeekOrigin.Begin);
src[ptr / recordSize].value = new Value();
valueSerializer.Deserialize(ref src[ptr / recordSize].value);
src[ptr / recordSize].value = record.value;
ptr += GetRecordSize(ptr);
if (KeyHasObjects())
if (ValueHasObjects())
/// <summary>
/// Get location and range of object log addresses for specified log page
/// </summary>
/// <param name="raw"></param>
/// <param name="ptr"></param>
/// <param name="untilptr"></param>
/// <param name="objectBlockSize"></param>
/// <param name="startptr"></param>
/// <param name="size"></param>
public void GetObjectInfo(byte* raw, ref long ptr, long untilptr, int objectBlockSize, out long startptr, out long size)
long minObjAddress = long.MaxValue;
long maxObjAddress = long.MinValue;
while (ptr < untilptr)
ref Record<Key, Value> record = ref Unsafe.AsRef<Record<Key, Value>>(raw + ptr);
if (!record.info.Invalid)
if (KeyHasObjects())
var key_addr = GetKeyAddressInfo((long)raw + ptr);
var addr = key_addr->Address;
// If object pointer is greater than kObjectSize from starting object pointer
if (minObjAddress != long.MaxValue && (addr - minObjAddress > objectBlockSize))
if (addr < minObjAddress) minObjAddress = addr;
addr += key_addr->Size;
if (addr > maxObjAddress) maxObjAddress = addr;
if (ValueHasObjects() && !record.info.Tombstone)
var value_addr = GetValueAddressInfo((long)raw + ptr);
var addr = value_addr->Address;
// If object pointer is greater than kObjectSize from starting object pointer
if (minObjAddress != long.MaxValue && (addr - minObjAddress > objectBlockSize))
if (addr < minObjAddress) minObjAddress = addr;
addr += value_addr->Size;
if (addr > maxObjAddress) maxObjAddress = addr;
ptr += GetRecordSize(ptr);
// Handle the case where no objects are to be written
if (minObjAddress == long.MaxValue && maxObjAddress == long.MinValue)
minObjAddress = 0;
maxObjAddress = 0;
startptr = minObjAddress;
size = maxObjAddress - minObjAddress;
/// <summary>
/// Retrieve objects from object log
/// </summary>
/// <param name="record"></param>
/// <param name="ctx"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
protected override bool RetrievedFullRecord(byte* record, ref AsyncIOContext<Key, Value> ctx)
if (!KeyHasObjects())
ShallowCopy(ref Unsafe.AsRef<Record<Key, Value>>(record).key, ref ctx.key);
if (!ValueHasObjects())
ShallowCopy(ref Unsafe.AsRef<Record<Key, Value>>(record).value, ref ctx.value);
if (!(KeyHasObjects() || ValueHasObjects()))
return true;
if (ctx.objBuffer == null)
// Issue IO for objects
long startAddress = -1;
long endAddress = -1;
if (KeyHasObjects())
var x = GetKeyAddressInfo((long)record);
startAddress = x->Address;
endAddress = x->Address + x->Size;
if (ValueHasObjects() && !GetInfoFromBytePointer(record).Tombstone)
var x = GetValueAddressInfo((long)record);
if (startAddress == -1)
startAddress = x->Address;
endAddress = x->Address + x->Size;
// We are limited to a 2GB size per key-value
if (endAddress-startAddress > int.MaxValue)
throw new Exception("Size of key-value exceeds max of 2GB: " + (endAddress - startAddress));
AsyncGetFromDisk(startAddress, (int)(endAddress - startAddress), ctx, ctx.record);
return false;
// Parse the key and value objects
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(ctx.objBuffer.buffer);
ms.Seek(ctx.objBuffer.offset + ctx.objBuffer.valid_offset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
if (KeyHasObjects())
ctx.key = new Key();
var keySerializer = SerializerSettings.keySerializer();
keySerializer.Deserialize(ref ctx.key);
if (ValueHasObjects() && !GetInfoFromBytePointer(record).Tombstone)
ctx.value = new Value();
var valueSerializer = SerializerSettings.valueSerializer();
valueSerializer.Deserialize(ref ctx.value);
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Whether KVS has keys to serialize/deserialize
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public override bool KeyHasObjects()
return SerializerSettings.keySerializer != null;
/// <summary>
/// Whether KVS has values to serialize/deserialize
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public override bool ValueHasObjects()
return SerializerSettings.valueSerializer != null;
public override IHeapContainer<Key> GetKeyContainer(ref Key key) => new StandardHeapContainer<Key>(ref key);
public override IHeapContainer<Value> GetValueContainer(ref Value value) => new StandardHeapContainer<Value>(ref value);
public override long[] GetSegmentOffsets()
return segmentOffsets;
internal override void PopulatePage(byte* src, int required_bytes, long destinationPage)
PopulatePage(src, required_bytes, ref values[destinationPage % BufferSize]);
internal void PopulatePageFrame(byte* src, int required_bytes, Record<Key, Value>[] frame)
PopulatePage(src, required_bytes, ref frame);
internal void PopulatePage(byte* src, int required_bytes, ref Record<Key, Value>[] destinationPage)
fixed (RecordInfo* pin = &destinationPage[0].info)
Debug.Assert(required_bytes <= recordSize * destinationPage.Length);
Buffer.MemoryCopy(src, Unsafe.AsPointer(ref destinationPage[0]), required_bytes, required_bytes);
/// <summary>
/// Iterator interface for scanning FASTER log
/// </summary>
/// <param name="beginAddress"></param>
/// <param name="endAddress"></param>
/// <param name="scanBufferingMode"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public override IFasterScanIterator<Key, Value> Scan(long beginAddress, long endAddress, ScanBufferingMode scanBufferingMode)
return new GenericScanIterator<Key, Value>(this, beginAddress, endAddress, scanBufferingMode);