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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using ZeroLevel.Services.FileSystem;
using ZeroLevel.Services.PartitionStorage.Interfaces;
namespace ZeroLevel.Services.PartitionStorage
public class Store<TKey, TInput, TValue, TMeta> :
IStore<TKey, TInput, TValue, TMeta>, IDisposable
private readonly StoreOptions<TKey, TInput, TValue, TMeta> _options;
private readonly IStoreSerializer<TKey, TInput, TValue> _serializer;
private readonly PhisicalFileAccessorCachee _fileAccessorCachee;
public Store(StoreOptions<TKey, TInput, TValue, TMeta> options,
IStoreSerializer<TKey, TInput, TValue> serializer)
if (options == null!) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(options));
if (serializer == null!) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(serializer));
_options = options;
_serializer = serializer;
if (Directory.Exists(_options.RootFolder) == false)
_fileAccessorCachee = new PhisicalFileAccessorCachee(options.PhisicalFileAccessorExpirationPeriod, TimeSpan.FromHours(2));
public void RemovePartition(TMeta info)
var partition = CreateAccessor(info);
if (partition != null!)
string path;
using (partition)
path = partition.GetCatalogPath();
public IStorePartitionAccessor<TKey, TInput, TValue> CreateAccessor(TMeta info)
if (false == Directory.Exists(_options.GetCatalogPath(info)))
return null!;
return new StorePartitionAccessor<TKey, TInput, TValue, TMeta>(_options, info, _serializer, _fileAccessorCachee);
public IStorePartitionBuilder<TKey, TInput, TValue> CreateBuilder(TMeta info)
return new StorePartitionBuilder<TKey, TInput, TValue, TMeta>(_options, info, _serializer, _fileAccessorCachee);
public IStorePartitionMergeBuilder<TKey, TInput, TValue> CreateMergeAccessor(TMeta info, Func<TValue, IEnumerable<TInput>> decompressor)
return new StoreMergePartitionAccessor<TKey, TInput, TValue, TMeta>(_options, info, decompressor, _serializer, _fileAccessorCachee);
public void DropCache()
public async IAsyncEnumerable<KVM<TKey, TValue, TMeta>> Search(StoreSearchRequest<TKey, TMeta> searchRequest)
if (searchRequest.PartitionSearchRequests?.Any() ?? false)
var partitionsSearchInfo = searchRequest
.ToDictionary(r => r.Info, r => r.Keys);
foreach(var pair in partitionsSearchInfo)
var accessor = CreateAccessor(pair.Key);
if (accessor != null!)
using (accessor)
await foreach (var kv in accessor.Find(pair.Value))
yield return new KVM<TKey, TValue, TMeta>(kv.Key, kv.Value, pair.Key);
public void Dispose()
public async IAsyncEnumerable<KV<TKey, TValue>> Bypass(TMeta meta)
var accessor = CreateAccessor(meta);
if (accessor != null!)
using (accessor)
await foreach (var kv in accessor.Iterate())
yield return kv;
public async IAsyncEnumerable<TKey> BypassKeys(TMeta meta)
var accessor = CreateAccessor(meta);
if (accessor != null!)
using (accessor)
await foreach (var kv in accessor.IterateKeys())
yield return kv;
public async Task<bool> Exists(TMeta meta, TKey key)
var accessor = CreateAccessor(meta);
if (accessor != null!)
using (accessor)
var info = await accessor.Find(key);
return info.Success;
return false;

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