Fix INSERT algorithm
unknown 3 years ago
parent 28ccefa255
commit adf09b08c8

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
namespace HNSWDemo.Model
public enum Gender
Unknown, Male, Feemale

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using ZeroLevel.HNSW;
namespace HNSWDemo.Model
public class Person
public Gender Gender { get; set; }
public int Age { get; set; }
public long Number { get; set; }
private static (float[], Person) Generate(int vector_size)
var rnd = new Random((int)Environment.TickCount);
var vector = new float[vector_size];
var p = new Person();
p.Age = rnd.Next(15, 80);
var gr = rnd.Next(0, 3);
p.Gender = (gr == 0) ? Gender.Male : (gr == 1) ? Gender.Feemale : Gender.Unknown;
p.Number = CreateNumber(rnd);
return (vector, p);
public static List<(float[], Person)> GenerateRandom(int vectorSize, int vectorsCount)
var vectors = new List<(float[], Person)>();
for (int i = 0; i < vectorsCount; i++)
return vectors;
static HashSet<long> _exists = new HashSet<long>();
private static long CreateNumber(Random rnd)
long start_number;
start_number = 79600000000L;
start_number = start_number + rnd.Next(4, 8) * 10000000;
start_number += rnd.Next(0, 1000000);
while (_exists.Add(start_number) == false);
return start_number;

@ -1,596 +1,17 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using ZeroLevel.HNSW;
using ZeroLevel.HNSW.Services;
using HNSWDemo.Tests;
using System;
namespace HNSWDemo
class Program
public class VectorsDirectCompare
private const int HALF_LONG_BITS = 32;
private readonly IList<float[]> _vectors;
private readonly Func<float[], float[], float> _distance;
public VectorsDirectCompare(List<float[]> vectors, Func<float[], float[], float> distance)
_vectors = vectors;
_distance = distance;
public IEnumerable<(int, float)> KNearest(float[] v, int k)
var weights = new Dictionary<int, float>();
for (int i = 0; i < _vectors.Count; i++)
var d = _distance(v, _vectors[i]);
weights[i] = d;
return weights.OrderBy(p => p.Value).Take(k).Select(p => (p.Key, p.Value));
public List<HashSet<int>> DetectClusters()
var links = new SortedList<long, float>();
for (int i = 0; i < _vectors.Count; i++)
for (int j = i + 1; j < _vectors.Count; j++)
long k = (((long)(i)) << HALF_LONG_BITS) + j;
links.Add(k, _distance(_vectors[i], _vectors[j]));
// 1. Find R - bound between intra-cluster distances and out-of-cluster distances
var histogram = new Histogram(HistogramMode.SQRT, links.Values);
int threshold = histogram.OTSU();
var min = histogram.Bounds[threshold - 1];
var max = histogram.Bounds[threshold];
var R = (max + min) / 2;
// 2. Get links with distances less than R
var resultLinks = new SortedList<long, float>();
foreach (var pair in links)
if (pair.Value < R)
resultLinks.Add(pair.Key, pair.Value);
// 3. Extract clusters
List<HashSet<int>> clusters = new List<HashSet<int>>();
foreach (var pair in resultLinks)
var k = pair.Key;
var id1 = (int)(k >> HALF_LONG_BITS);
var id2 = (int)(k - (((long)id1) << HALF_LONG_BITS));
bool found = false;
foreach (var c in clusters)
if (c.Contains(id1))
found = true;
else if (c.Contains(id2))
found = true;
if (found == false)
var c = new HashSet<int>();
return clusters;
public class QVectorsDirectCompare
private const int HALF_LONG_BITS = 32;
private readonly IList<byte[]> _vectors;
private readonly Func<byte[], byte[], float> _distance;
public QVectorsDirectCompare(List<byte[]> vectors, Func<byte[], byte[], float> distance)
_vectors = vectors;
_distance = distance;
public IEnumerable<(int, float)> KNearest(byte[] v, int k)
var weights = new Dictionary<int, float>();
for (int i = 0; i < _vectors.Count; i++)
var d = _distance(v, _vectors[i]);
weights[i] = d;
return weights.OrderBy(p => p.Value).Take(k).Select(p => (p.Key, p.Value));
public List<HashSet<int>> DetectClusters()
var links = new SortedList<long, float>();
for (int i = 0; i < _vectors.Count; i++)
for (int j = i + 1; j < _vectors.Count; j++)
long k = (((long)(i)) << HALF_LONG_BITS) + j;
links.Add(k, _distance(_vectors[i], _vectors[j]));
// 1. Find R - bound between intra-cluster distances and out-of-cluster distances
var histogram = new Histogram(HistogramMode.SQRT, links.Values);
int threshold = histogram.OTSU();
var min = histogram.Bounds[threshold - 1];
var max = histogram.Bounds[threshold];
var R = (max + min) / 2;
// 2. Get links with distances less than R
var resultLinks = new SortedList<long, float>();
foreach (var pair in links)
if (pair.Value < R)
resultLinks.Add(pair.Key, pair.Value);
// 3. Extract clusters
List<HashSet<int>> clusters = new List<HashSet<int>>();
foreach (var pair in resultLinks)
var k = pair.Key;
var id1 = (int)(k >> HALF_LONG_BITS);
var id2 = (int)(k - (((long)id1) << HALF_LONG_BITS));
bool found = false;
foreach (var c in clusters)
if (c.Contains(id1))
found = true;
else if (c.Contains(id2))
found = true;
if (found == false)
var c = new HashSet<int>();
return clusters;
public class QLVectorsDirectCompare
private const int HALF_LONG_BITS = 32;
private readonly IList<long[]> _vectors;
private readonly Func<long[], long[], float> _distance;
public QLVectorsDirectCompare(List<long[]> vectors, Func<long[], long[], float> distance)
_vectors = vectors;
_distance = distance;
public IEnumerable<(int, float)> KNearest(long[] v, int k)
var weights = new Dictionary<int, float>();
for (int i = 0; i < _vectors.Count; i++)
var d = _distance(v, _vectors[i]);
weights[i] = d;
return weights.OrderBy(p => p.Value).Take(k).Select(p => (p.Key, p.Value));
public List<HashSet<int>> DetectClusters()
var links = new SortedList<long, float>();
for (int i = 0; i < _vectors.Count; i++)
for (int j = i + 1; j < _vectors.Count; j++)
long k = (((long)(i)) << HALF_LONG_BITS) + j;
links.Add(k, _distance(_vectors[i], _vectors[j]));
// 1. Find R - bound between intra-cluster distances and out-of-cluster distances
var histogram = new Histogram(HistogramMode.SQRT, links.Values);
int threshold = histogram.OTSU();
var min = histogram.Bounds[threshold - 1];
var max = histogram.Bounds[threshold];
var R = (max + min) / 2;
// 2. Get links with distances less than R
var resultLinks = new SortedList<long, float>();
foreach (var pair in links)
if (pair.Value < R)
resultLinks.Add(pair.Key, pair.Value);
// 3. Extract clusters
List<HashSet<int>> clusters = new List<HashSet<int>>();
foreach (var pair in resultLinks)
var k = pair.Key;
var id1 = (int)(k >> HALF_LONG_BITS);
var id2 = (int)(k - (((long)id1) << HALF_LONG_BITS));
bool found = false;
foreach (var c in clusters)
if (c.Contains(id1))
found = true;
else if (c.Contains(id2))
found = true;
if (found == false)
var c = new HashSet<int>();
return clusters;
public enum Gender
Unknown, Male, Feemale
public class Person
public Gender Gender { get; set; }
public int Age { get; set; }
public long Number { get; set; }
private static (float[], Person) Generate(int vector_size)
var rnd = new Random((int)Environment.TickCount);
var vector = new float[vector_size];
var p = new Person();
p.Age = rnd.Next(15, 80);
var gr = rnd.Next(0, 3);
p.Gender = (gr == 0) ? Gender.Male : (gr == 1) ? Gender.Feemale : Gender.Unknown;
p.Number = CreateNumber(rnd);
return (vector, p);
public static List<(float[], Person)> GenerateRandom(int vectorSize, int vectorsCount)
var vectors = new List<(float[], Person)>();
for (int i = 0; i < vectorsCount; i++)
return vectors;
static HashSet<long> _exists = new HashSet<long>();
private static long CreateNumber(Random rnd)
long start_number;
start_number = 79600000000L;
start_number = start_number + rnd.Next(4, 8) * 10000000;
start_number += rnd.Next(0, 1000000);
while (_exists.Add(start_number) == false);
return start_number;
private static List<float[]> RandomVectors(int vectorSize, int vectorsCount)
var vectors = new List<float[]>();
for (int i = 0; i < vectorsCount; i++)
var vector = new float[vectorSize];
return vectors;
static void Main(string[] args)
new AutoClusteringTest().Run();
static void QAccuracityTest()
int K = 200;
var count = 5000;
var testCount = 500;
var dimensionality = 128;
var totalHits = new List<int>();
var timewatchesNP = new List<float>();
var timewatchesHNSW = new List<float>();
var q = new Quantizator(-1f, 1f);
var samples = RandomVectors(dimensionality, count).Select(v => q.QuantizeToLong(v)).ToList();
var sw = new Stopwatch();
var test = new QLVectorsDirectCompare(samples, CosineDistance.NonOptimized);
var world = new SmallWorld<long[]>(NSWOptions<long[]>.Create(8, 12, 100, 100, CosineDistance.NonOptimized));
var ids = world.AddItems(samples.ToArray());
Console.WriteLine($"Insert {ids.Length} items: {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds} ms");
Console.WriteLine("Start test");
var test_vectors = RandomVectors(dimensionality, testCount).Select(v => q.QuantizeToLong(v)).ToList();
foreach (var v in test_vectors)
var gt = test.KNearest(v, K).ToDictionary(p => p.Item1, p => p.Item2);
var result = world.Search(v, K);
var hits = 0;
foreach (var r in result)
if (gt.ContainsKey(r.Item1))
Console.WriteLine($"MIN Accuracity: {totalHits.Min() * 100 / K}%");
Console.WriteLine($"AVG Accuracity: {totalHits.Average() * 100 / K}%");
Console.WriteLine($"MAX Accuracity: {totalHits.Max() * 100 / K}%");
Console.WriteLine($"MIN HNSW TIME: {timewatchesHNSW.Min()} ms");
Console.WriteLine($"AVG HNSW TIME: {timewatchesHNSW.Average()} ms");
Console.WriteLine($"MAX HNSW TIME: {timewatchesHNSW.Max()} ms");
Console.WriteLine($"MIN NP TIME: {timewatchesNP.Min()} ms");
Console.WriteLine($"AVG NP TIME: {timewatchesNP.Average()} ms");
Console.WriteLine($"MAX NP TIME: {timewatchesNP.Max()} ms");
static void QInsertTimeExplosionTest()
var count = 10000;
var iterationCount = 100;
var dimensionality = 128;
var sw = new Stopwatch();
var world = new SmallWorld<long[]>(NSWOptions<long[]>.Create(6, 12, 100, 100, CosineDistance.NonOptimized));
var q = new Quantizator(-1f, 1f);
for (int i = 0; i < iterationCount; i++)
var samples = RandomVectors(dimensionality, count);
var ids = world.AddItems(samples.Select(v => q.QuantizeToLong(v)).ToArray());
Console.WriteLine($"ITERATION: [{i.ToString("D4")}] COUNT: [{ids.Length}] ELAPSED [{sw.ElapsedMilliseconds} ms]");
static void AccuracityTest()
int K = 200;
var count = 3000;
var testCount = 500;
var dimensionality = 128;
var totalHits = new List<int>();
var timewatchesNP = new List<float>();
var timewatchesHNSW = new List<float>();
var samples = RandomVectors(dimensionality, count);
var sw = new Stopwatch();
var test = new VectorsDirectCompare(samples, CosineDistance.NonOptimized);
var world = new SmallWorld<float[]>(NSWOptions<float[]>.Create(8, 12, 100, 100, CosineDistance.NonOptimized));
var ids = world.AddItems(samples.ToArray());
byte[] dump;
using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
dump = ms.ToArray();
Console.WriteLine($"Full dump size: {dump.Length} bytes");
ReadOnlySmallWorld<float[]> world;
using (var ms = new MemoryStream(dump))
world = SmallWorld.CreateReadOnlyWorldFrom<float[]>(NSWReadOnlyOption<float[]>.Create(100, CosineDistance.NonOptimized, true, true, selectionHeuristic: NeighbourSelectionHeuristic.SelectSimple), ms);
Console.WriteLine($"Insert {ids.Length} items: {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds} ms");
Console.WriteLine("Start test");
var test_vectors = RandomVectors(dimensionality, testCount);
foreach (var v in test_vectors)
var gt = test.KNearest(v, K).ToDictionary(p => p.Item1, p => p.Item2);
var result = world.Search(v, K);
var hits = 0;
foreach (var r in result)
if (gt.ContainsKey(r.Item1))
Console.WriteLine($"MIN Accuracity: {totalHits.Min() * 100 / K}%");
Console.WriteLine($"AVG Accuracity: {totalHits.Average() * 100 / K}%");
Console.WriteLine($"MAX Accuracity: {totalHits.Max() * 100 / K}%");
Console.WriteLine($"MIN HNSW TIME: {timewatchesHNSW.Min()} ms");
Console.WriteLine($"AVG HNSW TIME: {timewatchesHNSW.Average()} ms");
Console.WriteLine($"MAX HNSW TIME: {timewatchesHNSW.Max()} ms");
Console.WriteLine($"MIN NP TIME: {timewatchesNP.Min()} ms");
Console.WriteLine($"AVG NP TIME: {timewatchesNP.Average()} ms");
Console.WriteLine($"MAX NP TIME: {timewatchesNP.Max()} ms");
static void QuantizatorTest()
var samples = RandomVectors(128, 500000);
var min = samples.SelectMany(s => s).Min();
var max = samples.SelectMany(s => s).Max();
var q = new Quantizator(min, max);
var q_samples = samples.Select(s => q.QuantizeToLong(s)).ToArray();
// comparing
var list = new List<float>();
for (int i = 0; i < samples.Count - 1; i++)
var v1 = samples[i];
var v2 = samples[i + 1];
var dist = CosineDistance.NonOptimized(v1, v2);
var qv1 = q_samples[i];
var qv2 = q_samples[i + 1];
var qdist = CosineDistance.NonOptimized(qv1, qv2);
list.Add(Math.Abs(dist - qdist));
Console.WriteLine($"Min diff: {list.Min()}");
Console.WriteLine($"Avg diff: {list.Average()}");
Console.WriteLine($"Max diff: {list.Max()}");
static void SaveRestoreTest()
var count = 1000;
var dimensionality = 128;
var samples = RandomVectors(dimensionality, count);
var world = new SmallWorld<float[]>(NSWOptions<float[]>.Create(6, 15, 200, 200, CosineDistance.ForUnits));
var sw = new Stopwatch();
var ids = world.AddItems(samples.ToArray());
Console.WriteLine($"Insert {ids.Length} items on {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds} ms");
Console.WriteLine("Start test");
byte[] dump;
using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
dump = ms.ToArray();
Console.WriteLine($"Full dump size: {dump.Length} bytes");
byte[] testDump;
var restoredWorld = new SmallWorld<float[]>(NSWOptions<float[]>.Create(6, 15, 200, 200, CosineDistance.ForUnits));
using (var ms = new MemoryStream(dump))
using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
testDump = ms.ToArray();
if (testDump.Length != dump.Length)
Console.WriteLine($"Incorrect restored size. Got {testDump.Length}. Expected: {dump.Length}");
static void InsertTimeExplosionTest()
var count = 10000;
var iterationCount = 100;
var dimensionality = 128;
var sw = new Stopwatch();
var world = new SmallWorld<float[]>(NSWOptions<float[]>.Create(6, 12, 100, 100, CosineDistance.NonOptimized));
for (int i = 0; i < iterationCount; i++)
var samples = RandomVectors(dimensionality, count);
var ids = world.AddItems(samples.ToArray());
Console.WriteLine($"ITERATION: [{i.ToString("D4")}] COUNT: [{ids.Length}] ELAPSED [{sw.ElapsedMilliseconds} ms]");
static void TestOnMnist()
@ -646,272 +67,8 @@ namespace HNSWDemo
Console.WriteLine($"Cluster {i + 1} countains {clusters[i].Count} items");
static void AutoClusteringTest()
var vectors = RandomVectors(128, 3000);
var world = SmallWorld.CreateWorld<float[]>(NSWOptions<float[]>.Create(8, 16, 200, 200, Metrics.L2Euclidean, selectionHeuristic: NeighbourSelectionHeuristic.SelectSimple));
var clusters = AutomaticGraphClusterer.DetectClusters(world);
Console.WriteLine($"Found {clusters.Count} clusters");
for (int i = 0; i < clusters.Count; i++)
Console.WriteLine($"Cluster {i + 1} countains {clusters[i].Count} items");
static void HistogramTest()
var vectors = RandomVectors(128, 3000);
var world = SmallWorld.CreateWorld<float[]>(NSWOptions<float[]>.Create(8, 16, 200, 200, Metrics.L2Euclidean, selectionHeuristic: NeighbourSelectionHeuristic.SelectSimple));
var histogram = world.GetHistogram();
int threshold = histogram.OTSU();
var min = histogram.Bounds[threshold - 1];
var max = histogram.Bounds[threshold];
var R = (max + min) / 2;
DrawHistogram(histogram, @"D:\hist.jpg");
static void DrawHistogram(Histogram histogram, string filename)
var wb = 1200 / histogram.Values.Length;
var k = 600.0f / (float)histogram.Values.Max();
var maxes = histogram.GetMaximums().ToDictionary(m => m.Index, m => m);
int threshold = histogram.OTSU();
using (var bmp = new Bitmap(1200, 600))
using (var g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp))
for (int i = 0; i<histogram.Values.Length; i++)
var height = (int)(histogram.Values[i] * k);
if (maxes.ContainsKey(i))
g.DrawRectangle(Pens.Red, i* wb, bmp.Height - height, wb, height);
g.DrawRectangle(Pens.Red, i* wb + 1, bmp.Height - height, wb - 1, height);
g.DrawRectangle(Pens.Blue, i * wb, bmp.Height - height, wb, height);
if (i == threshold)
g.DrawLine(Pens.Green, i * wb + wb / 2, 0, i * wb + wb / 2, bmp.Height);
static void TransformToCompactWorldTest()
var count = 10000;
var dimensionality = 128;
var samples = RandomVectors(dimensionality, count);
var world = new SmallWorld<float[]>(NSWOptions<float[]>.Create(6, 15, 200, 200, CosineDistance.ForUnits));
var ids = world.AddItems(samples.ToArray());
Console.WriteLine("Start test");
byte[] dump;
using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
dump = ms.ToArray();
Console.WriteLine($"Full dump size: {dump.Length} bytes");
ReadOnlySmallWorld<float[]> compactWorld;
using (var ms = new MemoryStream(dump))
compactWorld = SmallWorld.CreateReadOnlyWorldFrom<float[]>(NSWReadOnlyOption<float[]>.Create(200, CosineDistance.ForUnits), ms);
// Compare worlds outputs
int K = 200;
var hits = 0;
var miss = 0;
var testCount = 1000;
var sw = new Stopwatch();
var timewatchesHNSW = new List<float>();
var timewatchesHNSWCompact = new List<float>();
var test_vectors = RandomVectors(dimensionality, testCount);
foreach (var v in test_vectors)
var gt = world.Search(v, K).Select(e => e.Item1).ToHashSet();
var result = compactWorld.Search(v, K).Select(e => e.Item1).ToHashSet();
foreach (var r in result)
if (gt.Contains(r))
byte[] smallWorldDump;
using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
smallWorldDump = ms.ToArray();
var p = smallWorldDump.Length * 100.0f / dump.Length;
Console.WriteLine($"Compact dump size: {smallWorldDump.Length} bytes. Decrease: {100 - p}%");
Console.WriteLine($"HITS: {hits}");
Console.WriteLine($"MISSES: {miss}");
Console.WriteLine($"MIN HNSW TIME: {timewatchesHNSW.Min()} ms");
Console.WriteLine($"AVG HNSW TIME: {timewatchesHNSW.Average()} ms");
Console.WriteLine($"MAX HNSW TIME: {timewatchesHNSW.Max()} ms");
Console.WriteLine($"MIN HNSWCompact TIME: {timewatchesHNSWCompact.Min()} ms");
Console.WriteLine($"AVG HNSWCompact TIME: {timewatchesHNSWCompact.Average()} ms");
Console.WriteLine($"MAX HNSWCompact TIME: {timewatchesHNSWCompact.Max()} ms");
static void TransformToCompactWorldTestWithAccuracity()
var count = 10000;
var dimensionality = 128;
var samples = RandomVectors(dimensionality, count);
var test = new VectorsDirectCompare(samples, CosineDistance.ForUnits);
var world = new SmallWorld<float[]>(NSWOptions<float[]>.Create(6, 15, 200, 200, CosineDistance.ForUnits));
var ids = world.AddItems(samples.ToArray());
Console.WriteLine("Start test");
byte[] dump;
using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
dump = ms.ToArray();
ReadOnlySmallWorld<float[]> compactWorld;
using (var ms = new MemoryStream(dump))
compactWorld = SmallWorld.CreateReadOnlyWorldFrom<float[]>(NSWReadOnlyOption<float[]>.Create(200, CosineDistance.ForUnits), ms);
// Compare worlds outputs
int K = 200;
var hits = 0;
var miss = 0;
var testCount = 2000;
var sw = new Stopwatch();
var timewatchesNP = new List<float>();
var timewatchesHNSW = new List<float>();
var timewatchesHNSWCompact = new List<float>();
var test_vectors = RandomVectors(dimensionality, testCount);
var totalHitsHNSW = new List<int>();
var totalHitsHNSWCompact = new List<int>();
foreach (var v in test_vectors)
var npHitsHNSW = 0;
var npHitsHNSWCompact = 0;
var gtNP = test.KNearest(v, K).Select(p => p.Item1).ToHashSet();
var gt = world.Search(v, K).Select(e => e.Item1).ToHashSet();
var result = compactWorld.Search(v, K).Select(e => e.Item1).ToHashSet();
foreach (var r in result)
if (gt.Contains(r))
if (gtNP.Contains(r))
foreach (var r in gt)
if (gtNP.Contains(r))
byte[] smallWorldDump;
using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
smallWorldDump = ms.ToArray();
var p = smallWorldDump.Length * 100.0f / dump.Length;
Console.WriteLine($"Full dump size: {dump.Length} bytes");
Console.WriteLine($"Compact dump size: {smallWorldDump.Length} bytes. Decrease: {100 - p}%");
Console.WriteLine($"HITS: {hits}");
Console.WriteLine($"MISSES: {miss}");
Console.WriteLine($"MIN NP TIME: {timewatchesNP.Min()} ms");
Console.WriteLine($"AVG NP TIME: {timewatchesNP.Average()} ms");
Console.WriteLine($"MAX NP TIME: {timewatchesNP.Max()} ms");
Console.WriteLine($"MIN HNSW TIME: {timewatchesHNSW.Min()} ms");
Console.WriteLine($"AVG HNSW TIME: {timewatchesHNSW.Average()} ms");
Console.WriteLine($"MAX HNSW TIME: {timewatchesHNSW.Max()} ms");
Console.WriteLine($"MIN HNSWCompact TIME: {timewatchesHNSWCompact.Min()} ms");
Console.WriteLine($"AVG HNSWCompact TIME: {timewatchesHNSWCompact.Average()} ms");
Console.WriteLine($"MAX HNSWCompact TIME: {timewatchesHNSWCompact.Max()} ms");
Console.WriteLine($"MIN HNSW Accuracity: {totalHitsHNSW.Min() * 100 / K}%");
Console.WriteLine($"AVG HNSW Accuracity: {totalHitsHNSW.Average() * 100 / K}%");
Console.WriteLine($"MAX HNSW Accuracity: {totalHitsHNSW.Max() * 100 / K}%");
Console.WriteLine($"MIN HNSWCompact Accuracity: {totalHitsHNSWCompact.Min() * 100 / K}%");
Console.WriteLine($"AVG HNSWCompact Accuracity: {totalHitsHNSWCompact.Average() * 100 / K}%");
Console.WriteLine($"MAX HNSWCompact Accuracity: {totalHitsHNSWCompact.Max() * 100 / K}%");
static void FilterTest()

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
using HNSWDemo.Utils;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using ZeroLevel.HNSW;
namespace HNSWDemo.Tests
public class AccuracityTest
: ITest
private static int K = 200;
private static int count = 3000;
private static int testCount = 500;
private static int dimensionality = 128;
public void Run()
var totalHits = new List<int>();
var timewatchesNP = new List<float>();
var timewatchesHNSW = new List<float>();
var samples = VectorUtils.RandomVectors(dimensionality, count);
var sw = new Stopwatch();
var test = new VectorsDirectCompare(samples, CosineDistance.NonOptimized);
var world = new SmallWorld<float[]>(NSWOptions<float[]>.Create(8, 12, 100, 100, CosineDistance.NonOptimized));
var ids = world.AddItems(samples.ToArray());
Console.WriteLine($"Insert {ids.Length} items: {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds} ms");
Console.WriteLine("Start test");
var test_vectors = VectorUtils.RandomVectors(dimensionality, testCount);
foreach (var v in test_vectors)
var gt = test.KNearest(v, K).ToDictionary(p => p.Item1, p => p.Item2);
var result = world.Search(v, K);
var hits = 0;
foreach (var r in result)
if (gt.ContainsKey(r.Item1))
Console.WriteLine($"MIN Accuracity: {totalHits.Min() * 100 / K}%");
Console.WriteLine($"AVG Accuracity: {totalHits.Average() * 100 / K}%");
Console.WriteLine($"MAX Accuracity: {totalHits.Max() * 100 / K}%");
Console.WriteLine($"MIN HNSW TIME: {timewatchesHNSW.Min()} ms");
Console.WriteLine($"AVG HNSW TIME: {timewatchesHNSW.Average()} ms");
Console.WriteLine($"MAX HNSW TIME: {timewatchesHNSW.Max()} ms");
Console.WriteLine($"MIN NP TIME: {timewatchesNP.Min()} ms");
Console.WriteLine($"AVG NP TIME: {timewatchesNP.Average()} ms");
Console.WriteLine($"MAX NP TIME: {timewatchesNP.Max()} ms");

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
using System;
using ZeroLevel.HNSW;
using ZeroLevel.HNSW.Services;
namespace HNSWDemo.Tests
public class AutoClusteringTest
: ITest
private static int Count = 3000;
private static int Dimensionality = 128;
public void Run()
var vectors = VectorUtils.RandomVectors(Dimensionality, Count);
var world = SmallWorld.CreateWorld<float[]>(NSWOptions<float[]>.Create(8, 16, 200, 200, Metrics.L2Euclidean));
var clusters = AutomaticGraphClusterer.DetectClusters(world);
Console.WriteLine($"Found {clusters.Count} clusters");
for (int i = 0; i < clusters.Count; i++)
Console.WriteLine($"Cluster {i + 1} countains {clusters[i].Count} items");

@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using ZeroLevel.HNSW;
namespace HNSWDemo.Tests
public class HistogramTest
: ITest
private static int Count = 3000;
private static int Dimensionality = 128;
private static int Width = 3000;
private static int Height = 3000;
public void Run()
var vectors = VectorUtils.RandomVectors(Dimensionality, Count);
var world = SmallWorld.CreateWorld<float[]>(NSWOptions<float[]>.Create(8, 16, 200, 200, Metrics.L2Euclidean));
var distance = new Func<int, int, float>((id1, id2) => Metrics.L2Euclidean(world.GetVector(id1), world.GetVector(id2)));
var weights = world.GetLinks().SelectMany(pair => pair.Value.Select(id => distance(pair.Key, id)));
var histogram = new Histogram(HistogramMode.SQRT, weights);
int threshold = histogram.OTSU();
var min = histogram.Bounds[threshold - 1];
var max = histogram.Bounds[threshold];
var R = (max + min) / 2;
DrawHistogram(histogram, @"D:\hist.jpg");
static void DrawHistogram(Histogram histogram, string filename)
var wb = Width / histogram.Values.Length;
var k = ((float)Height) / (float)histogram.Values.Max();
var maxes = histogram.GetMaximums().ToDictionary(m => m.Index, m => m);
int threshold = histogram.OTSU();
using (var bmp = new Bitmap(Width, Height))
using (var g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp))
for (int i = 0; i < histogram.Values.Length; i++)
var height = (int)(histogram.Values[i] * k);
if (maxes.ContainsKey(i))
g.DrawRectangle(Pens.Red, i * wb, bmp.Height - height, wb, height);
g.DrawRectangle(Pens.Red, i * wb + 1, bmp.Height - height, wb - 1, height);
g.DrawRectangle(Pens.Blue, i * wb, bmp.Height - height, wb, height);
if (i == threshold)
g.DrawLine(Pens.Green, i * wb + wb / 2, 0, i * wb + wb / 2, bmp.Height);

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
namespace HNSWDemo.Tests
public interface ITest
void Run();

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using ZeroLevel.HNSW;
namespace HNSWDemo.Tests
public class InsertTimeExplosionTest
: ITest
private static int Count = 10000;
private static int IterationCount = 100;
private static int Dimensionality = 128;
public void Run()
var sw = new Stopwatch();
var world = new SmallWorld<float[]>(NSWOptions<float[]>.Create(6, 12, 100, 100, CosineDistance.NonOptimized));
for (int i = 0; i < IterationCount; i++)
var samples = VectorUtils.RandomVectors(Dimensionality, Count);
var ids = world.AddItems(samples.ToArray());
Console.WriteLine($"ITERATION: [{i.ToString("D4")}] COUNT: [{ids.Length}] ELAPSED [{sw.ElapsedMilliseconds} ms]");

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using ZeroLevel.HNSW;
using ZeroLevel.HNSW.Services;
namespace HNSWDemo.Tests
public class QuantizatorTest
: ITest
private static int Count = 500000;
private static int Dimensionality = 128;
public void Run()
var samples = VectorUtils.RandomVectors(Dimensionality, Count);
var min = samples.SelectMany(s => s).Min();
var max = samples.SelectMany(s => s).Max();
var q = new Quantizator(min, max);
var q_samples = samples.Select(s => q.QuantizeToLong(s)).ToArray();
// comparing
var list = new List<float>();
for (int i = 0; i < samples.Count - 1; i++)
var v1 = samples[i];
var v2 = samples[i + 1];
var dist = CosineDistance.NonOptimized(v1, v2);
var qv1 = q_samples[i];
var qv2 = q_samples[i + 1];
var qdist = CosineDistance.NonOptimized(qv1, qv2);
list.Add(Math.Abs(dist - qdist));
Console.WriteLine($"Min diff: {list.Min()}");
Console.WriteLine($"Avg diff: {list.Average()}");
Console.WriteLine($"Max diff: {list.Max()}");

@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
using HNSWDemo.Utils;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using ZeroLevel.HNSW;
using ZeroLevel.HNSW.Services;
namespace HNSWDemo.Tests
public class QuantizeAccuracityTest
: ITest
private static int Count = 5000;
private static int Dimensionality = 128;
private static int K = 200;
private static int TestCount =500;
public void Run()
var totalHits = new List<int>();
var timewatchesNP = new List<float>();
var timewatchesHNSW = new List<float>();
var q = new Quantizator(-1f, 1f);
var s = VectorUtils.RandomVectors(Dimensionality, Count);
var samples = s.Select(v => q.QuantizeToLong(v)).ToList();
var sw = new Stopwatch();
var test = new VectorsDirectCompare(s, CosineDistance.NonOptimized);
var world = new SmallWorld<long[]>(NSWOptions<long[]>.Create(6, 8, 100, 100, CosineDistance.NonOptimized));
var ids = world.AddItems(samples.ToArray());
Console.WriteLine($"Insert {ids.Length} items: {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds} ms");
Console.WriteLine("Start test");
var tv = VectorUtils.RandomVectors(Dimensionality, TestCount);
var test_vectors = tv.Select(v => q.QuantizeToLong(v)).ToList();
for (int i = 0; i < tv.Count; i++)
var gt = test.KNearest(tv[i], K).ToDictionary(p => p.Item1, p => p.Item2);
var result = world.Search(test_vectors[i], K);
var hits = 0;
foreach (var r in result)
if (gt.ContainsKey(r.Item1))
Console.WriteLine($"MIN Accuracity: {totalHits.Min() * 100 / K}%");
Console.WriteLine($"AVG Accuracity: {totalHits.Average() * 100 / K}%");
Console.WriteLine($"MAX Accuracity: {totalHits.Max() * 100 / K}%");
Console.WriteLine($"MIN HNSW TIME: {timewatchesHNSW.Min()} ms");
Console.WriteLine($"AVG HNSW TIME: {timewatchesHNSW.Average()} ms");
Console.WriteLine($"MAX HNSW TIME: {timewatchesHNSW.Max()} ms");
Console.WriteLine($"MIN NP TIME: {timewatchesNP.Min()} ms");
Console.WriteLine($"AVG NP TIME: {timewatchesNP.Average()} ms");
Console.WriteLine($"MAX NP TIME: {timewatchesNP.Max()} ms");

@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using ZeroLevel.HNSW;
using ZeroLevel.HNSW.Services;
namespace HNSWDemo.Tests
public class QuantizeHistogramTest
: ITest
private static int Count = 3000;
private static int Dimensionality = 128;
private static int Width = 3000;
private static int Height = 3000;
public void Run()
var vectors = VectorUtils.RandomVectors(Dimensionality, Count);
var q = new Quantizator(-1f, 1f);
var world = SmallWorld.CreateWorld<long[]>(NSWOptions<long[]>.Create(8, 16, 200, 200, CosineDistance.NonOptimized));
world.AddItems(vectors.Select(v => q.QuantizeToLong(v)).ToList());
var distance = new Func<int, int, float>((id1, id2) => CosineDistance.NonOptimized(world.GetVector(id1), world.GetVector(id2)));
var weights = world.GetLinks().SelectMany(pair => pair.Value.Select(id => distance(pair.Key, id)));
var histogram = new Histogram(HistogramMode.SQRT, weights);
int threshold = histogram.OTSU();
var min = histogram.Bounds[threshold - 1];
var max = histogram.Bounds[threshold];
var R = (max + min) / 2;
DrawHistogram(histogram, @"D:\hist.jpg");
static void DrawHistogram(Histogram histogram, string filename)
var wb = Width / histogram.Values.Length;
var k = ((float)Height) / (float)histogram.Values.Max();
var maxes = histogram.GetMaximums().ToDictionary(m => m.Index, m => m);
int threshold = histogram.OTSU();
using (var bmp = new Bitmap(Width, Height))
using (var g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp))
for (int i = 0; i < histogram.Values.Length; i++)
var height = (int)(histogram.Values[i] * k);
if (maxes.ContainsKey(i))
g.DrawRectangle(Pens.Red, i * wb, bmp.Height - height, wb, height);
g.DrawRectangle(Pens.Red, i * wb + 1, bmp.Height - height, wb - 1, height);
g.DrawRectangle(Pens.Blue, i * wb, bmp.Height - height, wb, height);
if (i == threshold)
g.DrawLine(Pens.Green, i * wb + wb / 2, 0, i * wb + wb / 2, bmp.Height);

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using ZeroLevel.HNSW;
using ZeroLevel.HNSW.Services;
namespace HNSWDemo.Tests
public class QuantizeInsertTimeExplosionTest
: ITest
private static int Count = 10000;
private static int IterationCount = 100;
private static int Dimensionality = 128;
public void Run()
var sw = new Stopwatch();
var world = new SmallWorld<long[]>(NSWOptions<long[]>.Create(6, 12, 100, 100, CosineDistance.NonOptimized));
var q = new Quantizator(-1f, 1f);
for (int i = 0; i < IterationCount; i++)
var samples = VectorUtils.RandomVectors(Dimensionality, Count);
var ids = world.AddItems(samples.Select(v => q.QuantizeToLong(v)).ToArray());
Console.WriteLine($"ITERATION: [{i.ToString("D4")}] COUNT: [{ids.Length}] ELAPSED [{sw.ElapsedMilliseconds} ms]");

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using ZeroLevel.HNSW;
namespace HNSWDemo.Tests
public class SaveRestoreTest
: ITest
private static int Count = 1000;
private static int Dimensionality = 128;
public void Run()
var samples = VectorUtils.RandomVectors(Dimensionality, Count);
var world = new SmallWorld<float[]>(NSWOptions<float[]>.Create(6, 15, 200, 200, CosineDistance.ForUnits));
var sw = new Stopwatch();
var ids = world.AddItems(samples.ToArray());
Console.WriteLine($"Insert {ids.Length} items on {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds} ms");
Console.WriteLine("Start test");
byte[] dump;
using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
dump = ms.ToArray();
Console.WriteLine($"Full dump size: {dump.Length} bytes");
byte[] testDump;
var restoredWorld = new SmallWorld<float[]>(NSWOptions<float[]>.Create(6, 15, 200, 200, CosineDistance.ForUnits));
using (var ms = new MemoryStream(dump))
using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
testDump = ms.ToArray();
if (testDump.Length != dump.Length)
Console.WriteLine($"Incorrect restored size. Got {testDump.Length}. Expected: {dump.Length}");

@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using ZeroLevel.HNSW;
namespace HNSWDemo.Utils
public class QLVectorsDirectCompare
private const int HALF_LONG_BITS = 32;
private readonly IList<long[]> _vectors;
private readonly Func<long[], long[], float> _distance;
public QLVectorsDirectCompare(List<long[]> vectors, Func<long[], long[], float> distance)
_vectors = vectors;
_distance = distance;
public IEnumerable<(int, float)> KNearest(long[] v, int k)
var weights = new Dictionary<int, float>();
for (int i = 0; i < _vectors.Count; i++)
var d = _distance(v, _vectors[i]);
weights[i] = d;
return weights.OrderBy(p => p.Value).Take(k).Select(p => (p.Key, p.Value));
public List<HashSet<int>> DetectClusters()
var links = new SortedList<long, float>();
for (int i = 0; i < _vectors.Count; i++)
for (int j = i + 1; j < _vectors.Count; j++)
long k = (((long)(i)) << HALF_LONG_BITS) + j;
links.Add(k, _distance(_vectors[i], _vectors[j]));
// 1. Find R - bound between intra-cluster distances and out-of-cluster distances
var histogram = new Histogram(HistogramMode.SQRT, links.Values);
int threshold = histogram.OTSU();
var min = histogram.Bounds[threshold - 1];
var max = histogram.Bounds[threshold];
var R = (max + min) / 2;
// 2. Get links with distances less than R
var resultLinks = new SortedList<long, float>();
foreach (var pair in links)
if (pair.Value < R)
resultLinks.Add(pair.Key, pair.Value);
// 3. Extract clusters
List<HashSet<int>> clusters = new List<HashSet<int>>();
foreach (var pair in resultLinks)
var k = pair.Key;
var id1 = (int)(k >> HALF_LONG_BITS);
var id2 = (int)(k - (((long)id1) << HALF_LONG_BITS));
bool found = false;
foreach (var c in clusters)
if (c.Contains(id1))
found = true;
else if (c.Contains(id2))
found = true;
if (found == false)
var c = new HashSet<int>();
return clusters;

@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using ZeroLevel.HNSW;
namespace HNSWDemo.Utils
public class QVectorsDirectCompare
private const int HALF_LONG_BITS = 32;
private readonly IList<byte[]> _vectors;
private readonly Func<byte[], byte[], float> _distance;
public QVectorsDirectCompare(List<byte[]> vectors, Func<byte[], byte[], float> distance)
_vectors = vectors;
_distance = distance;
public IEnumerable<(int, float)> KNearest(byte[] v, int k)
var weights = new Dictionary<int, float>();
for (int i = 0; i < _vectors.Count; i++)
var d = _distance(v, _vectors[i]);
weights[i] = d;
return weights.OrderBy(p => p.Value).Take(k).Select(p => (p.Key, p.Value));
public List<HashSet<int>> DetectClusters()
var links = new SortedList<long, float>();
for (int i = 0; i < _vectors.Count; i++)
for (int j = i + 1; j < _vectors.Count; j++)
long k = (((long)i) << HALF_LONG_BITS) + j;
links.Add(k, _distance(_vectors[i], _vectors[j]));
// 1. Find R - bound between intra-cluster distances and out-of-cluster distances
var histogram = new Histogram(HistogramMode.SQRT, links.Values);
int threshold = histogram.OTSU();
var min = histogram.Bounds[threshold - 1];
var max = histogram.Bounds[threshold];
var R = (max + min) / 2;
// 2. Get links with distances less than R
var resultLinks = new SortedList<long, float>();
foreach (var pair in links)
if (pair.Value < R)
resultLinks.Add(pair.Key, pair.Value);
// 3. Extract clusters
List<HashSet<int>> clusters = new List<HashSet<int>>();
foreach (var pair in resultLinks)
var k = pair.Key;
var id1 = (int)(k >> HALF_LONG_BITS);
var id2 = (int)(k - (((long)id1) << HALF_LONG_BITS));
bool found = false;
foreach (var c in clusters)
if (c.Contains(id1))
found = true;
else if (c.Contains(id2))
found = true;
if (found == false)
var c = new HashSet<int>();
return clusters;

@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using ZeroLevel.HNSW;
namespace HNSWDemo.Utils
public class VectorsDirectCompare
private const int HALF_LONG_BITS = 32;
private readonly IList<float[]> _vectors;
private readonly Func<float[], float[], float> _distance;
public VectorsDirectCompare(List<float[]> vectors, Func<float[], float[], float> distance)
_vectors = vectors;
_distance = distance;
public IEnumerable<(int, float)> KNearest(float[] v, int k)
var weights = new Dictionary<int, float>();
for (int i = 0; i < _vectors.Count; i++)
var d = _distance(v, _vectors[i]);
weights[i] = d;
return weights.OrderBy(p => p.Value).Take(k).Select(p => (p.Key, p.Value));
public List<HashSet<int>> DetectClusters()
var links = new SortedList<long, float>();
for (int i = 0; i < _vectors.Count; i++)
for (int j = i + 1; j < _vectors.Count; j++)
long k = (((long)(i)) << HALF_LONG_BITS) + j;
links.Add(k, _distance(_vectors[i], _vectors[j]));
// 1. Find R - bound between intra-cluster distances and out-of-cluster distances
var histogram = new Histogram(HistogramMode.SQRT, links.Values);
int threshold = histogram.OTSU();
var min = histogram.Bounds[threshold - 1];
var max = histogram.Bounds[threshold];
var R = (max + min) / 2;
// 2. Get links with distances less than R
var resultLinks = new SortedList<long, float>();
foreach (var pair in links)
if (pair.Value < R)
resultLinks.Add(pair.Key, pair.Value);
// 3. Extract clusters
List<HashSet<int>> clusters = new List<HashSet<int>>();
foreach (var pair in resultLinks)
var k = pair.Key;
var id1 = (int)(k >> HALF_LONG_BITS);
var id2 = (int)(k - (((long)id1) << HALF_LONG_BITS));
bool found = false;
foreach (var c in clusters)
if (c.Contains(id1))
found = true;
else if (c.Contains(id2))
found = true;
if (found == false)
var c = new HashSet<int>();
return clusters;

@ -16,6 +16,12 @@ namespace ZeroLevel.HNSW
/// Max search buffer for inserting
/// </summary>
public readonly int EFConstruction;
public static NSWOptions<float[]> Create(int v1, int v2, int v3, int v4, Func<float[], float[], float> l2Euclidean, object selectionHeuristic)
throw new NotImplementedException();
/// <summary>
/// Distance function beetween vectors
/// </summary>

@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace ZeroLevel.HNSW.Services
@ -6,11 +8,20 @@ namespace ZeroLevel.HNSW.Services
private const int HALF_LONG_BITS = 32;
/*public static List<HashSet<int>> DetectClusters<T>(SmallWorld<T> world)
private class Link
var links = world.GetNSWLinks();
public int Id1;
public int Id2;
public float Distance;
public static List<HashSet<int>> DetectClusters<T>(SmallWorld<T> world)
var distance = world.DistanceFunction;
var links = world.GetLinks().SelectMany(pair => pair.Value.Select(id => new Link { Id1 = pair.Key, Id2 = id, Distance = distance(pair.Key, id) })).ToList();
// 1. Find R - bound between intra-cluster distances and out-of-cluster distances
var histogram = new Histogram(HistogramMode.SQRT, links.Values);
var histogram = new Histogram(HistogramMode.SQRT, links.Select(l => l.Distance));
int threshold = histogram.OTSU();
var min = histogram.Bounds[threshold - 1];
var max = histogram.Bounds[threshold];
@ -18,23 +29,21 @@ namespace ZeroLevel.HNSW.Services
// 2. Get links with distances less than R
var resultLinks = new SortedList<long, float>();
foreach (var pair in links)
var resultLinks = new List<Link>();
foreach (var l in links)
if (pair.Value < R)
if (l.Distance < R)
resultLinks.Add(pair.Key, pair.Value);
// 3. Extract clusters
List<HashSet<int>> clusters = new List<HashSet<int>>();
foreach (var pair in resultLinks)
foreach (var l in resultLinks)
var k = pair.Key;
var id1 = (int)(k >> HALF_LONG_BITS);
var id2 = (int)(k - (((long)id1) << HALF_LONG_BITS));
var id1 = l.Id1;
var id2 = l.Id2;
bool found = false;
foreach (var c in clusters)
@ -60,6 +69,6 @@ namespace ZeroLevel.HNSW.Services
return clusters;

@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using ZeroLevel.HNSW.Services;
using ZeroLevel.Services.Pools;
using ZeroLevel.Services.Serialization;
namespace ZeroLevel.HNSW
@ -16,20 +15,28 @@ namespace ZeroLevel.HNSW
private readonly NSWOptions<TItem> _options;
private readonly VectorSet<TItem> _vectors;
private readonly LinksSet _links;
//internal SortedList<long, float> Links => _links.Links;
public readonly int M;
private readonly Dictionary<int, float> connections;
internal IDictionary<int, HashSet<int>> Links => _links.Links;
/// <summary>
/// There are links е the layer
/// </summary>
internal bool HasLinks => (_links.Count > 0);
private int GetM(bool nswLayer)
return nswLayer ? 2 * _options.M : _options.M;
internal IEnumerable<int> this[int vector_index] => _links.FindNeighbors(vector_index);
/// <summary>
/// HNSW layer
/// <remarks>
/// Article: Section 4.1:
/// "Selection of the Mmax0 (the maximum number of connections that an element can have in the zero layer) also
/// has a strong influence on the search performance, especially in case of high quality(high recall) search.
/// Simulations show that setting Mmax0 to M(this corresponds to kNN graphs on each layer if the neighbors
/// selection heuristic is not used) leads to a very strong performance penalty at high recall.
/// Simulations also suggest that 2∙M is a good choice for Mmax0;
/// setting the parameter higher leads to performance degradation and excessive memory usage."
/// </remarks>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="options">HNSW graph options</param>
/// <param name="vectors">General vector set</param>
@ -37,7 +44,9 @@ namespace ZeroLevel.HNSW
_options = options;
_vectors = vectors;
_links = new LinksSet(GetM(nswLayer), (id1, id2) => options.Distance(_vectors[id1], _vectors[id2]));
M = nswLayer ? 2 * _options.M : _options.M;
_links = new LinksSet(M);
connections = new Dictionary<int, float>(M + 1);
internal int FindEntryPointAtLayer(Func<int, float> targetCosts)
@ -58,13 +67,89 @@ namespace ZeroLevel.HNSW
return minId;
internal void AddBidirectionallConnections(int q, int p)
internal void Push(int q, int ep, MinHeap W, Func<int, float> distance)
if (HasLinks == false)
AddBidirectionallConnections(q, q);
// W ← SEARCH - LAYER(q, ep, efConstruction, lc)
foreach (var i in KNearestAtLayer(ep, distance, _options.EFConstruction))
int count = 0;
while (count < M && W.Count > 0)
var nearest = W.Pop();
var nearest_nearest = GetNeighbors(nearest.Item1).ToArray();
if (nearest_nearest.Length < M)
if (AddBidirectionallConnections(q, nearest.Item1))
connections.Add(nearest.Item1, nearest.Item2);
if ((M - count) < 2)
// remove link q - max_q
var max = connections.OrderBy(pair => pair.Value).First();
RemoveBidirectionallConnections(q, max.Key);
// get nearest_nearest candidate
var mn_id = -1;
var mn_d = float.MinValue;
for (int i = 0; i < nearest_nearest.Length; i++)
var d = _options.Distance(_vectors[nearest.Item1], _vectors[nearest_nearest[i]]);
if (q != nearest_nearest[i] && connections.ContainsKey(nearest_nearest[i]) == false)
if (mn_id == -1 || d > mn_d)
mn_d = d;
mn_id = nearest_nearest[i];
// remove link neareset - nearest_nearest
RemoveBidirectionallConnections(nearest.Item1, mn_id);
// add link q - neareset
if (AddBidirectionallConnections(q, nearest.Item1))
connections.Add(nearest.Item1, nearest.Item2);
// add link q - max_nearest_nearest
if (AddBidirectionallConnections(q, mn_id))
connections.Add(mn_id, mn_d);
internal void RemoveBidirectionallConnections(int q, int p)
_links.RemoveIndex(q, p);
internal bool AddBidirectionallConnections(int q, int p)
if (q == p)
if (EntryPoint >= 0)
_links.Add(q, EntryPoint);
return _links.Add(q, EntryPoint);
@ -73,14 +158,13 @@ namespace ZeroLevel.HNSW
_links.Add(q, p);
return _links.Add(q, p);
return false;
private int EntryPoint = -1;
internal void Trim(int id) => _links.Trim(id);
#region Implementation of
/// <summary>
/// Algorithm 2
@ -349,7 +433,7 @@ namespace ZeroLevel.HNSW
private IEnumerable<int> GetNeighbors(int id) => _links.FindNeighbors(id);
internal IEnumerable<int> GetNeighbors(int id) => _links.FindNeighbors(id);
public void Serialize(IBinaryWriter writer)

@ -6,161 +6,15 @@ using ZeroLevel.Services.Serialization;
namespace ZeroLevel.HNSW
internal struct Link
: IEquatable<Link>
public int Id;
public float Distance;
public override int GetHashCode()
return Id.GetHashCode();
public override bool Equals(object obj)
if (obj is Link)
return this.Equals((Link)obj);
return false;
public bool Equals(Link other)
return this.Id == other.Id;
public class LinksSetWithCachee
private ConcurrentDictionary<int, HashSet<Link>> _set = new ConcurrentDictionary<int, HashSet<Link>>();
internal int Count => _set.Count;
private readonly int _M;
private readonly Func<int, int, float> _distance;
public LinksSetWithCachee(int M, Func<int, int, float> distance)
_distance = distance;
_M = M;
internal IEnumerable<int> FindNeighbors(int id)
if (_set.ContainsKey(id))
return _set[id].Select(l=>l.Id);
return Enumerable.Empty<int>();
internal void RemoveIndex(int id1, int id2)
var link1 = new Link { Id = id1 };
var link2 = new Link { Id = id2 };
internal bool Add(int id1, int id2, float distance)
if (!_set.ContainsKey(id1))
_set[id1] = new HashSet<Link>();
if (!_set.ContainsKey(id2))
_set[id2] = new HashSet<Link>();
var r1 = _set[id1].Add(new Link { Id = id2, Distance = distance });
var r2 = _set[id2].Add(new Link { Id = id1, Distance = distance });
TrimSet(id2, _set[id2]);
return r1 || r2;
internal void Trim(int id) => TrimSet(id, _set[id]);
private void TrimSet(int id, HashSet<Link> set)
if (set.Count > _M)
var removeCount = set.Count - _M;
var removeLinks = set.OrderByDescending(n => n.Distance).Take(removeCount).ToArray();
foreach (var l in removeLinks)
public void Dispose()
_set = null;
private const int HALF_LONG_BITS = 32;
public void Serialize(IBinaryWriter writer)
writer.WriteBoolean(false); // true - set with weights
writer.WriteInt32(_set.Sum(pair => pair.Value.Count));
foreach (var record in _set)
var id = record.Key;
foreach (var r in record.Value)
var key = (((long)(id)) << HALF_LONG_BITS) + r;
public void Deserialize(IBinaryReader reader)
if (reader.ReadBoolean() == false)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Incompatible data format. The set does not contain weights.");
_set = null;
var count = reader.ReadInt32();
_set = new ConcurrentDictionary<int, HashSet<int>>();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
var key = reader.ReadLong();
var id1 = (int)(key >> HALF_LONG_BITS);
var id2 = (int)(key - (((long)id1) << HALF_LONG_BITS));
if (!_set.ContainsKey(id1))
_set[id1] = new HashSet<int>();
public class LinksSet
private ConcurrentDictionary<int, HashSet<int>> _set = new ConcurrentDictionary<int, HashSet<int>>();
internal IDictionary<int, HashSet<int>> Links => _set;
internal int Count => _set.Count;
private readonly int _M;
private readonly Func<int, int, float> _distance;
public LinksSet(int M, Func<int, int, float> distance)
public LinksSet(int M)
_distance = distance;
_M = M;
@ -207,27 +61,9 @@ namespace ZeroLevel.HNSW
var r1 = _set[id1].Add(id2);
var r2 = _set[id2].Add(id1);
TrimSet(id1, _set[id1]);
TrimSet(id2, _set[id2]);
return r1 || r2;
internal void Trim(int id) => TrimSet(id, _set[id]);
private void TrimSet(int id, HashSet<int> set)
if (set.Count > _M)
var removeCount = set.Count - _M;
var removeLinks = set.OrderByDescending(n => _distance(id, n)).Take(removeCount).ToArray();
foreach (var l in removeLinks)
public void Dispose()

@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading;
using ZeroLevel.Services.Serialization;
namespace ZeroLevel.HNSW
internal sealed class VectorSet<T>
: IBinarySerializable
: IEnumerable<T>, IBinarySerializable
private List<T> _set = new List<T>();
private SpinLock _lock = new SpinLock();
@ -73,5 +74,15 @@ namespace ZeroLevel.HNSW
public IEnumerator<T> GetEnumerator()
return _set.GetEnumerator();
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
return _set.GetEnumerator();

@ -18,12 +18,19 @@ namespace ZeroLevel.HNSW
private readonly ProbabilityLayerNumberGenerator _layerLevelGenerator;
private ReaderWriterLockSlim _lockGraph = new ReaderWriterLockSlim();
public readonly Func<int, int, float> DistanceFunction;
public TItem GetVector(int id) => _vectors[id];
public IDictionary<int, HashSet<int>> GetLinks() => _layers[0].Links;
public SmallWorld(NSWOptions<TItem> options)
_options = options;
_vectors = new VectorSet<TItem>();
_layers = new Layer<TItem>[_options.LayersCount];
_layerLevelGenerator = new ProbabilityLayerNumberGenerator(_options.LayersCount, _options.M);
DistanceFunction = new Func<int, int, float>((id1, id2) => _options.Distance(_vectors[id1], _vectors[id2]));
for (int i = 0; i < _options.LayersCount; i++)
_layers[i] = new Layer<TItem>(_options, _vectors, i == 0);
@ -151,42 +158,14 @@ namespace ZeroLevel.HNSW
// connecting new node to the small world
for (int lc = Math.Min(L, l); lc >= 0; --lc)
if (_layers[lc].HasLinks == false)
_layers[lc].AddBidirectionallConnections(q, q);
_layers[lc].Push(q, ep, W, distance);
// ep ← W
if (W.TryPeek(out id, out value))
// W ← SEARCH - LAYER(q, ep, efConstruction, lc)
foreach (var i in _layers[lc].KNearestAtLayer(ep, distance, _options.EFConstruction))
// ep ← W
if (W.TryPeek(out id, out value))
ep = id;
epDist = value;
// neighbors ← SELECT-NEIGHBORS(q, W, M, lc) // alg. 3 or alg. 4
var neighbors = SelectBestForConnecting(lc, W);
// add bidirectionall connectionts from neighbors to q at layer lc
// for each e ∈ neighbors // shrink connections if needed
foreach (var e in neighbors)
// eConn ← neighbourhood(e) at layer lc
_layers[lc].AddBidirectionallConnections(q, e.Item1);
// if distance from newNode to newNeighbour is better than to bestPeer => update bestPeer
if (e.Item2 < epDist)
ep = e.Item1;
epDist = e.Item2;
ep = id;
epDist = value;
// if l > L
if (l > L)
@ -198,30 +177,37 @@ namespace ZeroLevel.HNSW
/// <summary>
/// Get maximum allowed connections for the given level.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Article: Section 4.1:
/// "Selection of the Mmax0 (the maximum number of connections that an element can have in the zero layer) also
/// has a strong influence on the search performance, especially in case of high quality(high recall) search.
/// Simulations show that setting Mmax0 to M(this corresponds to kNN graphs on each layer if the neighbors
/// selection heuristic is not used) leads to a very strong performance penalty at high recall.
/// Simulations also suggest that 2∙M is a good choice for Mmax0;
/// setting the parameter higher leads to performance degradation and excessive memory usage."
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="layer">The level of the layer.</param>
/// <returns>The maximum number of connections.</returns>
private int GetM(int layer)
return layer == 0 ? 2 * _options.M : _options.M;
private IEnumerable<(int, float)> SelectBestForConnecting(int layer, MinHeap candidates)
public void TestWorld()
int count = GetM(layer);
while (count >= 0 && candidates.Count > 0)
yield return candidates.Pop();
for (var v = 0; v < _vectors.Count; v++)
var nearest = _layers[0][v].ToArray();
if (nearest.Length > _layers[0].M)
Console.WriteLine($"V{v}. Count of links ({nearest.Length}) more than max ({_layers[0].M})");
// coverage test
var ep = 0;
var visited = new HashSet<int>();
var next = new Stack<int>();
while (next.Count > 0)
ep = next.Pop();
foreach (var n in _layers[0].GetNeighbors(ep))
if (visited.Contains(n) == false)
if (visited.Count != _vectors.Count)
Console.Write($"Vectors count ({_vectors.Count}) less than BFS visited nodes count ({visited.Count})");
/// <summary>
@ -385,8 +371,5 @@ namespace ZeroLevel.HNSW
/*public Histogram GetHistogram(HistogramMode mode = HistogramMode.SQRT)
=> _layers[0].GetHistogram(mode);*/

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
using System;
using System.Numerics;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace ZeroLevel.HNSW

@ -6,6 +6,19 @@ namespace ZeroLevel.HNSW
public static class VectorUtils
public static List<float[]> RandomVectors(int vectorSize, int vectorsCount)
var vectors = new List<float[]>();
for (int i = 0; i < vectorsCount; i++)
var vector = new float[vectorSize];
return vectors;
public static float Magnitude(IList<float> vector)
float magnitude = 0.0f;


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